Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Eighteen The Blue Flame

The sun hangs in the sky.

Look carefully and you will find out!

on the radar.

The bigger the red dot, the bigger the enemy's body!

The smaller the red dot, the smaller the enemy's body.


There are many densely packed dots.

On the surface of the luxuriant grassland, there are many small mechanical warriors hidden.

Gradually... Mechanical warriors made of steel body materials appeared in the depths of the grassland!

Compared with the periphery of the grassland.

Deep in the grassland is the world of steel-body mechanical warriors.

It seems that there is a rule in the dark.

The steel body will not hunt and kill the iron body at will?

But Fang Che felt that this was his own illusion.

After all, the mechanical warrior with an iron body doesn't have any modules or materials that interest him!

Even the flame in his head, devouring the white flame has little effect.

Even, Fang Che couldn't arouse any interest in dealing with mechanical warriors with iron bodies.

As long as he doesn't come to provoke him, Fang Che won't do anything to the mechanical warrior with the iron body.

What's more!

Although beast-shaped mechanical warriors cannot speak human words, they will automatically avoid enemies they cannot deal with.


Fang Che glanced around.

Within 500 meters, it is clear at a glance where there are large and medium-sized aircraft!

In an instant, Fang Che locked onto a red dot that looked huge.

Why choose big?

After more than ten days, Fang Che discovered that large and medium-sized airframes explode more materials than small airframes, and it is easier to produce special modules.

For example, ants, with less experience and less materials, are not worth the trouble...

while thinking.

Fang Che walked in that direction.

The red dot is getting closer!

On the radar, the red dot was also slowly moving.

Fang Che raised the long knife, "Go! Dongdong!"

Dongdong nodded understandingly, it can also deal with mechanical warriors with steel bodies by itself.

Not far from the red dot, Fang Che still stopped.

Habitually choose to observe, he has always been very careful.

"Leopard body?"

Fang Che saw the appearance of the body more than ten meters away at a glance, and immediately recognized it.

About three meters in size, it is much larger than the carbon-based life leopard on the earth, and the golden leopard pattern is mixed with some black.

Fang Che raised his hand to Dongdong...

Dongdong understood immediately, and ran in another direction.

Suddenly, he and Dongdong attacked from two directions!

This basic tactic took only half a day, and Dongdong learned it through two cooperations. Fang Che was also surprised by Dongdong's learning ability.

But it only proves that the mechanical life in the mechanical world is no less than human intelligence.

However, with Dongdong's help, the hunting of mechanical warriors was much faster.


Dongdong let out a roar.

As soon as the sound came out, the mechanical warrior of the leopard body immediately discovered Dongdong's existence and looked over vigilantly.

Dongdong's speed of 30km/1h is twice the power of Fang Che!

In the blink of an eye!

But Fang Che is not slow either. With the incomplete agile module, the speed has increased by 5km/1h, reaching 20.

He who was lurking immediately launched a sneak attack from behind!

At the moment when Dongdong and the leopard-shaped mechanical warrior were biting.


The long knife fell down and slashed at the leopard's hind legs.

Come on down!

Landing in a blink of an eye, the leopard-shaped mechanical warrior dragged his body and ran to the left without any reluctance to fight.

Although the leopard-shaped body is indeed fast, it lacks legs after all!

Dongdong didn't even run with all his strength, so he chased after him, and bit off the head of the leopard-shaped mechanical warrior!

[Your team kills a sergeant-level leopard mechanical warrior! 】

[You get 70 experience points! 】

[You get 1% of the leopard mechanical module! 】

[You get 300 grams of common grade steel material! 】

[You get 10 grams of zinc metal! 】

[You get a broken agile module! 】

another metal?

Another broken agile module.

After Fang Che saw the prompt, he took out the zinc metal from the automatic storage backpack.

From a close look, it looks light gray, but it is indeed a kind of metal.

The incomplete agile module, unfortunately, is not complete, he has already equipped one.

But it can be used for Dongdong!

Fang Che was not disappointed. He hunted down this leopard-shaped mechanical warrior, and he got another kind of metal that he had dreamed of.

I just don't know whether the research and development into gold is suitable for the body!

Fang Che looks forward to launching new research and development.

[Zinc alloy research and development progress is 10%! 】

It seems that the steel mechanical warriors are all pursuing body transformation.

They're all collecting metal, and that's nothing in their long years.

Fang Che walked towards the body of the leopard mechanical warrior.

It was not seriously damaged, and swallowed the flames in its head in one gulp.

Suddenly, Fang Che's mind cleared up a lot, and his eyes turned blue in an instant.

Never see a speck of white light again!

[Prompt you to evolve into a level II silicon-based life form! 】

Just when this change.

Suddenly, a prompt appeared in Fang Che's light screen panel.

A level II silicon-based life form?

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