Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Thirty-Nine End! Start (Finale)

Time passed, a few days later.

The Large Magellanic Cloud has become one of the forbidden areas of the entire mechanical civilization, and no mechanical warriors will enter the Large Magellanic Cloud again.

The spy-type mechanical warriors evacuated from it felt relieved, as if they had just been reborn, but they did not choose to escape from the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy as far as possible.

On the contrary, it actually waited and observed at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

He didn't care about the existence of the fourth-level civilization Gay civilization.

It seems that they are all waiting for the destruction of Gay civilization!

The Destruction of the Large Magellanic Cloud!


In front of the Longpai base hovering on the edge of the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud, space fluctuates.

The leader of the martial arts faction, Li Tianya, leaps through space, and takes the shape of a human... Appears at the junction of the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud.

He looked around indifferently.

His body is as huge as a starship. After the nearby mechanical warriors scanned it from the radar, they didn't know the leader of the S-class faction, Li Tianya.

S-level faction leaders have the best resources, technology, energy... They have access to the peak technology of the mechanical world.

Moreover, on his chest, there seemed to be a white dwarf glowing red, and behind him was a huge broad sword. But you must know that the fighters who master the ultimate weapons of ion cannon, antimatter, and dark energy, those technological weapons that destroy the world, naturally have a lot of power in the body, and he represents the ultimate deterrent force of the fighters.

It would be a mistake to think that the leader of Li Tianya used cold weapons.

After all, Li Tianya was born in the second era of the mechanical world. After passing through the cold weapon era, he has a soft spot for knight costumes, which is understandable.

But who would have thought that the ultimate technology module of the mechanical world is hidden under the exterior body of the cold weapon era...


It's obviously a metal body, but exhaustion is revealed in the voice.

The leader of Li Tianya pressed the palm of his right hand towards the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy, as if some kind of switch was activated. In an instant, a terrifying scene happened. A vortex rolled up from the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy. Suddenly, the vortex in the Large Magellanic Cloud Galaxy became smaller and smaller, and a roar came from inside.

A ray shot out from the vortex, it was the high-energy gamma ray that Fang had encountered before.

At this moment, it is obvious that Gay civilization is fighting back.

But the scorching temperature of high-energy gamma rays can melt Fang Che's body and fall on the body of the leader of Li Tianya.

Li Tianya remained motionless.

"court death!"

Just like the last light in the universe, the light of the entire Large Magellanic Cloud disappeared, and the Large Magellanic Cloud disappeared in an instant.

[Dimension Strike is over! Please note that the coordinates have been updated!]

On the interstellar map of the mechanical world, the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy has disappeared.

And this is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow, because only one trick photo was left in place.

Pictured is the irregular nebula pattern of the Large Magellanic Cloud!

Straightforwardly turning the Large Magellanic Cloud into a photo.

"Your mission to the Large Magellanic Cloud has ended. The Mechanical World mission system will give you an assessment, and you will still receive rewards."

The leader of Li Tianya took the photo with one hand and threw it away. Who would have thought that this photo was a nebula one-tenth the size of the Milky Way...

His voice edged to the ears of the evacuated spy fighters in the barley of the people around,

And those mechanical warriors who didn't have time to evacuate will forever become a point in the photo, or a point that can't be seen.

The universe is too big.

There are still unknown how many universes are hidden.

The resources of a galaxy are not worth mentioning to the leader of Li Tianya or the mechanical civilization.

no doubt!

The leader of Li Tianya taught Fang Che a lesson in the most direct way of fighting.


Although I don't know what level of civilized life the leader of Li Tianya is, he can indeed be seen in the three-dimensional dimension.


At this time.

Li Tianya walked towards Fang Che's base.

At this moment, Fang Che felt a lot of pressure.

"The leader of Li Tianya!"

"Fifth-level academician Fang Che!"

Li Tianya looked at him, "In just one year, you have mastered the space folding technology beyond the Kongpai, and mastered the two-dimensional weapon! I just scanned your body and found the spiritual consciousness coordinates of the Lingpai and the Starpai!"

Fang Che's body was like a child in front of Li Tianya, Li Tianya seemed to feel something, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid.

"I'm afraid you don't know this coordinate of spiritual consciousness! Let me erase it for you."

"The leader of Li Tianya?" Fang Che heard the words, the coordinates of spiritual consciousness, what is that?

Is it related to the spiritual ultimate technology of mechanical civilization?

"The ultimate spiritual technology! The mechanical warrior who has mastered the ultimate spiritual technology leaves behind the coordinates of spiritual consciousness, just like our spatial positioning!"

"Spatial positioning?"

Fang Che doubts?

Have you been positioned by the high-level mechanical warriors of the Spirit School or the Star School?

As an S-level faction, Li Tianya has dealt with other S-level factions that master spiritual technology naturally countless times, but the modules in his body are systems aimed at the ultimate power of spiritual technology.

Fang Che nodded thoughtfully.

follow closely.

【Warning! The sign-in system is being stripped...】

Fang Che was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the coordinates of spiritual consciousness that Li Tianya spoke of were the sign-in system!


The check-in system has helped him a lot.

I think he became a silicon-based life ignorantly at the beginning, and he got to where he is today thanks to the sign-in system.

For him, it helped a lot.

Now once it is stripped off, won't the sign-in system go away from him?

The edge of the galaxy.

Where it once bordered the Large Magellanic Cloud.

In front of a dragon faction base that is almost half the size of the earth.

Fang Che and Li Tianya, the leader of the militant faction, are standing together.

A D-rank faction leader!

A leader of an S-level faction can almost be said to be one day at a time, and there is no intersection.

"Let me carefully scan and analyze whose spiritual consciousness it is!"

Li Tianya comforted Fang Che(cbag).

"Every mechanical warrior of the Spirit Sect or the Star Sect has its own mark on their consciousness!"

The data of Li Tianya records the data of every mechanical warrior who masters the ultimate spiritual technology. This is the information recorded by an S-level faction for several epochs.

According to the database, Li Tianya can quickly screen out the consciousness of Fang Che.


Fang Che's sign-in system, the technology he has mastered, and the space folding technology he has, even the S-level faction Kongpai has not mastered


Li Tianya was astonished.

His huge database, does not have any data on Fang Che's spiritual consciousness marked on the soul tinder?

A new consciousness? Is it a mechanical warrior who has newly mastered the ultimate spiritual technology!

Or an alien civilization!

Li Tianya looked at Fang Che, it was not impossible to sneak into mechanical civilization by using spiritual awareness technology.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the words, Fang set it up.

I don't know who Li Tianya is talking to.

"Li Tianya, do you remember me?"

At this time, a voice came out of Fang Che's body.


Li Tianya is very familiar, "You have disappeared at the end of the Fourth Era!"

However, the voice in Fang Che's body reveals a hint of smile and complacency, "I haven't disappeared, but wandering in the five-dimensional space, I can't find my way out."

who is it?

"I am the spirit of the mother planet, creating your mother planet!"

"Spirit of Mother Planet!"

The voice in the body seemed to know his inner voice, and returned to the Tao.

Fang Che was completely dumbfounded.

The origin of the mechanical world can almost be said to be top secret.

At this moment, it was slowly spoken out by the voice in Fang Che's body on this occasion.

"Have you forgotten me? Have you forgotten your mother?"

"No! I haven't forgotten, the great existence that created us, the consciousness of the mechanical parent planet!"

Fang Che listened carefully, he became a best listener.

It turns out that the birth of silicon-based life in the mechanical world is because of the mechanical mother star, which gave birth to consciousness and created the first batch of silicon-based life.

It's hard to imagine a planet or celestial body giving birth to consciousness.

"Could it be that this is the source of the mechanical world's name of life planet!"


Fang Che seemed to understand something.

living planet.

Planets that can give birth to life, does it mean that their parent star may give birth to consciousness...

"When you disappeared while exploring the black hole of the second universe, we all thought you were dead." Li Tianya said in disbelief.

"No! I didn't! I entered the second universe and found a gap in the fifth-dimensional space. When I went to explore the fifth-dimensional space, I left the consciousness that I left in the second universe on this child named human. I never thought that I would never return to the fourth-dimensional or third-dimensional dimensions! Or I am not in the fifth-dimensional space, but lost in the gap of the dimension! I need time to come out."

For a while, the ins and outs of everything were told through the mouth of this "spirit of the mother planet".


How can the dimensional gaps be so easy to come out? One to ten dimensions intersect with each other, and these intersections and connections will leave gaps. I want to find the way back home in these gaps, billions of spaces.

Easier said than done!

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"And this child is not only the coordinate for me to connect to this world, but also the key coordinate to return to our world. As his spirit grows stronger, I will have a clearer connection with the world you are in..."

At this moment, Li Tianya glanced at Fang Che meaningfully.

"You have to protect him!"

"Protect him!"

Li Tianya, the leader of the S-level faction's fighting faction, was stunned.

"That's right, I have given him fifty-five percent of the authority of the Tyrannosaurus rex leader module!"

"How could you do that!"

Li Tianya roared suddenly, you must know the mechanical warriors of the ancient times, the mechanical warriors of the first and second eras, and their beast-like bodies!

And he is powerful!

The choice is the Tyrannosaurus rex body to dominate the era of the second era, which established the rise of the fighting faction.

"No wonder I'm so fond of him!"

But at the moment.

Fang Che's voice sounded, "Child, I believe you already know the leader module. Your Tyrannosaurus Rex Legion and Fighter Legion are examples. With the leader authority of the corresponding machine, you can control the corresponding mechanical warrior!"

"Order Li Tianya, who owns the Tyrannosaurus rex body, to serve you!"

Fang Che was astonished.

He never had things turn out like this.

"The power of command is endless!"

"That's right, is Li Tianya loyal to your new master? He used to be your leader in the future!"

at this time.

Li Tianya was tangled in his heart for a while, and then suddenly!

Get down on one knee.

"Li Tianya pledges allegiance to the new Mechanic Emperor!"

In the end, I am loyal to Fang Che, Fang Che who has the authority of the leader module Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Li Tianya, who is the leader of an S-level faction, naturally knows very well that the ancient leader

Block secrets.

It is a module that can allow silicon-based life to surrender unconditionally.

"What's the matter."

Looking at Li Tianya who surrendered to him, Fang Che quickly asked about the consciousness of the mechanical mother planet.

"My child, each organism of silicon-based life will gather the certificate of leadership, which is the authority you said. When the authority ratio of a organism reaches more than 50%, you

You can unconditionally let the silicon-based life with the corresponding body surrender to you and pledge allegiance to you!

The consciousness of the mechanical mother star slowly began to reset.

Fang Che knew that these were the secrets of the mechanical world, so he listened carefully.

And these secrets were only circulated in the first and second eras.

All were hidden by the ancient species.

"I created silicon-based life at the beginning, gave life to metal, and finally made the leader module in order to prevent the children from betraying. Until now... and you are my life in this world

The only connection in the world, these secrets you will know sooner or later. "

"In order to let you wait for my return, Fang Che! I have given you the authority to connect to the quantum terminal network in the mechanical world! I have given you the authority to be the leader of the Tyrannosaurus rex and the fighter body!

Before I return, you will lead the mechanical world to better practice the ultimate technological spiritual technology, so that my connection with this world will become clearer. "

follow closely.

【Your quantum network has successfully connected to the mechanical world terminal quantum network!】

in an instant.

The technology tree of the mechanical world was revealed to Fang Che.

The mechanical world has just entered the five-dimensional dimension, and the understanding of the five-dimensional is actually the same as that of the previous human beings who just stepped into the universe.

It turns out that the sign-in system is the consciousness of the mechanical mother planet!

Fang Che suddenly realized that he used to connect to the terminal network of the mechanical world through the medium of the mechanical mother star consciousness, but now he can enter the terminal network with his own authority.

But the permissions of those other organisms.


The consciousness of the mechanical mother star did not want to hand it over to him.

However, Fang Che is very clear that the consciousness spirit of the mechanical mother star gave him these things, nothing more than giving him some sweet dates, so that he can better cultivate his spiritual power!

So that the consciousness of the mechanical mother star can return to the mechanical world in advance.

What's more, where the dimension gap is so easy to come out.

Perhaps in the next second, the consciousness of the mechanical mother planet will find its way home.

But maybe millions of years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, and even eternal life are lost in the dimensional gap, it is possible.

In the multiverse, is it like finding a needle in a haystack to find the universe where the mechanical world is located?

too difficult.

Fang Che stood there in silence for a long time.

The cause of everything is now clear to him.

He is just the mechanical emperor before the consciousness of the mechanical mother planet returns, with one person under ten thousand.

Not the master of the mechanical world in the true sense!

When the consciousness of the mechanical mother planet returns, he will even take back his rights.

"Then I don't practice spiritual technology! If you disconnect me, you will never be able to return to the mechanical world."

Fang Che changed his mind.

The mechanical mother protoss could indeed hear Fang Che's inner voice, "No! You can't do this, I created your eternal life."

Fang Che didn't reply.

In the future, when the mechanical mother star returns, it will be enough for him to resolve the connection between his body and the mechanical mother star.

and make his choice.

But he is now!

Already the master of the entire mechanical world, Tian!

Just for an instant.

The network of the mechanical world conveys the information that Fang Che has mastered the quantum terminal to every silicon-based life, and becomes the new mechanical king of the mechanical world.

The leaders of the S-level factions declared their allegiance to Fang Che one after another!

First universe!

Or the second universe!

At this moment, countless silicon-based life forms knelt on one knee, in the void, on the planet, and even the silicon-based life forms in battle, all pledged their allegiance to Fang Che.

as if!

Fang Che is already the sole master of the mechanical world.

But obviously, the small minds of the leaders of the major factions are not what they appear to be.

However, none of this matters anymore.

Mechanical warriors with tyrannosaurus rex bodies and fighter jet bodies occupy almost half of the mechanical world.

After all, the fighter airframe is an extremely popular airframe in the current era.

And by virtue of the authority divided by the spirit of the mechanical mother planet, he has obtained the loyalty of the silicon-based life that owns these bodies.

He is not alone!

Among the top ten S-class factions, five of the leaders of the ancient species have Tyrannosaurus rex bodies.

Not to mention the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the leader of some ancient species.

They will all be affected by the leader authority of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

And the top ten S-level factions respectively master the top ten ultimate technologies in the mechanical world.


Ion Storm!

Nuclear technology!



Huge building!

time control!


Mental strength!

Dark matter!

The top ten factions of science and technology each have their strengths. At the same time, why nuclear technology is listed in it is naturally because the origin of the universe is inseparable from nuclear technology

"Universe! The mechanical civilization has really come."

Fang Che looked at the universe.

He has a hotter heart than any faction leader, than the spirit of the mechanical mother planet.

Fang Che is full of vigor like a newborn life.

Brought it to the entire mechanical civilization!

It's like being reborn.

Under his leadership, mechanical civilization will embark on the road of one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, four-dimensional, five-dimensional, six-dimensional, seven-dimensional, eight-dimensional, nine-dimensional, and ten-dimensional spaces.

Belong to the legendary road of Fang Che!

Undoubtedly, this road is more magnificent!

Countless universes will hear his name!

Countless universes will despair in the face of mechanical disasters...


PS: The book is over. Relieved, I don't like eunuchs and always want to finish the book. I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, and I am often troubled. Although the ending is always clear,

I just don't have the heart to write it.

The main book started hastily, but that seems to be the case with all my novels. Isn't this the case in this era? There can be leisure to write an outline.

Maybe I'll rewrite it later! But it's definitely different.

Who knows the future. There are too many regrets, but there is no way, the moment everything is typed out from the computer, it is the final word.

If you don’t have an outline, you can come up with it now and write it. I also want to consider every word to make everything perfect, but this is the fast age!

I hope everyone is satisfied with this ending. There are many endings, many of which have not been written. From the day when I updated very slowly, few people watched it and it was not enough to live, so I chose one of them

end of day.

I always want to give an explanation to the readers of this novel, and I don’t know how many times I have finished the book like this, and how many times there will be in the future!


The new book will be released in a few days, if you are interested, you can check it out.

Goodbye. .

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