Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 57: Another Invitation

Dark Energy: (Technology Blockade)

Hyperspace: (Technology Blockade)



Fang Che glanced at the technology ranked on the first page of the trading mall.

Does this represent the highest technology in the mechanical world!

What kind of power system is dark energy power?

It must be expensive, a technology that even money can't buy.

Moreover, in the free trade market, some technologies require military ranks.

Nanomaterials: Quantity, 10 million tons, requires the rank of sergeant, and sells 10,000 energy coins per ton.

Offered by Fighting Faction Trade.

Nanomaterials: Quantity, 10 million tons, requires the rank of sergeant, and sells 10,000 energy coins per ton.

Provided by Gupai Trading.


Nanomaterials: Quantity, one ton, requires the rank of sergeant, sold for 9900 energy coins per ton.

Courtesy of MechWarrior Stardust.


There are also business grabbers.

Selling one ton of nanomaterials for one hundred energy coins less than the martial arts faction...

At this moment.

With a beep, the nanomaterials page is automatically refreshed.

Nanomaterials: quantity, 500 grams, requires the rank of sergeant, and sells for 9.8 energy coins per gram.

Provided by Mecha Warrior Gold.


"This one is even worse!"

Fang Che said to himself, 9.8 energy coins are here.

It's a pity that there are no energy coins, otherwise you can buy some nanomaterials for research and development.

But Fang Che has thoroughly understood this free trade market.

From this, we can see the difference between large households and individuals. Factions put tens of millions of tons on the market at a time.

Individuals sell it sporadically, and sell it a little cheaper than the market price.

One of the functions of the military rank also appeared at this time, the military rank in the trading market can unlock more materials to buy.

And using the faction's platform to trade, the taxes are touching.

However, if you join a faction and use your own faction's trading platform, it is almost the normal purchase price.

After all, it is impossible for others to build a platform that can enable transaction transmission for free for outsiders to use.

After thoroughly understanding the free trading market, Fang Che closed the shopping mall panel of the egg base.

Moreover, another function of the egg base is revealed, where you can spend energy coins to repair it!

For grasslands, this function should be very useful.

After all, they can disassemble iron, steel, alloy metal materials and other modules to sell here to earn energy coins.

"Dongdong, go outside the door and disassemble some alloy materials, sell them yourself, and repair yourself."

Fang Che finished.

Without any hesitation, he took out three green soul fires.

Devour it in one gulp.

There is no calculation error in the supercomputing module.

It is also impossible to miscalculate.

Three green soul fires entered Fang Che's own flame in his head.

Fang Che instantly felt as if the Lingtai was clear and bright, as if he had an epiphany among immortals.

What a strange feeling.

At the same time, his eyes suddenly turned green.

The perfect-grade alloy eyelids opened, and there was a strange light in the green eyes.

[You have evolved into a tertiary silicon-based lifeform. 】

Just like the first evolution, a prompt appears in the built-in light screen panel.

[You unlock the super body! 】

【Your reaction speed is improved! 】

[You unlock the transformation of the super-sized body! 】

[You get another form opportunity! 】

[You get a chance to choose a skill! 】

[You have unlocked the faction! 】

[Your life is sublimated for the first time! 】

life? life value?

Another form?

These two are new things that appeared in the second evolution.

Fang Che opens his property panel.

The life value has changed to - 200!

What does it mean.

The reaction reached 635/1 seconds,...

The only big difference from last time was that the attribute changed by one more life value.


The digital data attribute of the health value represents the life of the tinder, whether it means death if it drops to 0.


The soul fire in his head seemed to grow bigger.

However, at this moment.

The female voice at the hatching base suddenly sounded again.

The AI-like light and shadow female machine woman appeared again.

"According to the test information, you are a level III silicon-based life, and you are eligible to join the faction Fighting Sect."


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