Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 71 Friendship? (Four More! Please Subscribe, Thank You)

It turned out to be like this.

With the passing of thoughts.

Fang Che's body seems to be reorganizing directly, from a humanoid body to a Tyrannosaurus rex appearance!

The tail on his left hand moved ~ behind him.

The head on the shoulder of his right hand—

Covering his humanoid head like a helmet.

The fire of the soul was immediately under the dinosaur form, as if it had a double layer of protection.

In just a few seconds, Fang Che successfully changed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex appearance.


sharp claws.

The three claws look like the pointed finger guards that the queen mother wears on her fingers in the TV dramas of the Qing Dynasty!

The whole appearance of Fang Che looks as grumpy as a metal bone crusher!

There are even two silver sharp dragon horns on top of its head.

The long metal tail dragged on the ground.

The silver metal body is covered with explosive reactive armor pieces!

Mouth full of sharp super-tungsten carbide teeth, as if it can crush any object.

There are no restrictions.

Fang Che can switch between the two forms at will!

Let's say it's deformed!

Bang Bang Bang ~!

With the sound of metal crashing, Fang Che turned back into a human form again.

Habitually open the light screen panel.

At this moment.

Only then did Fang Che realize that his left hand had become a tapered one-meter-long Tyrannosaurus rex tail.

Can only rely on the right hand.

However, the left hand can still simply click on the light screen panel.

Just, a little not used to it.

"well enough!"

Fang Che comforted himself: "Set a small goal, earn 100,000 energy coins, go to the trading market to buy a cold weapon module, and my left finger will naturally appear."

Fang Che tried to change back and forth.

The Tyrannosaurus rex body is more explosive than the human form.

This kind of explosive power is not the explosive power given by the power system.

Instead, bone technology!

Just like the exoskeleton technology on the earth, people with exoskeletons can easily hold objects that are several times heavier than themselves, and can run fast!

Different reasons for the structure of the body make the outbreak and agility different.

Of course, the most obvious difference is that the wings of the bird-type body allow them to glide and flap their wings in the air!

The leopard-shaped body on the ground, the small head, and the six-line abdomen are all reasons for its agility.

and wait...

And these are the effects of different organisms.


Fang Che did not underestimate the attribute changes brought about by the body.

at this time.

After determining the second form.

Fang Che's attribute changes have appeared.

The attributes of Bi Dongdong's wolf-shaped body have changed even more.

If the Tyrannosaurus rex body is distinguished by strength, agility, and defense!

Then there is no doubt that the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior is a combination of strength, agility and defense!

【Name】: Fang Cheiii grade silicon-based life


[Energy]: II-level battery x6 (6000/6000)

【Faction】: Fighting faction

【Title】: None


【Life Point】: 200


【Maximum speed of action】: 25km/1h (under dual power: 40km/h)

【Response speed】: 700/1 second


[Equipment]: monopulse radar module, leader module, leader module, complete strength module, incomplete agile module, turret tower base, machine gun (1), supercomputing module, ammunition accumulation technology, airborne photoelectric sighting system, blasting reactive armor (132 pieces), liquid cooling radiator, flame storm, turret module, shield module

[Skills]: Elementary maintenance technology, elementary dismantling, five tigers breaking doors, wormhole teleportation, anti-shock, sound waves, overclocking strike, military boxing, weapon control system

Almost double the power of growth!

Strength increased from 90 to 150;

Movement speed increased by 10km/h;

The reaction becomes 700/1 second;

Defense changed from 55 to 62!

It can be said that his ordinary punch now is like the force of a train hitting someone.

And this is the horror of 150 points of power!

The impact on the body is undoubtedly huge.

at this time.

What Fang Che thought was, what would happen if metal wing components were installed on the Tyrannosaurus rex body?

Can you fly with wings?

It really is a remodeling idea that can become a reality.

Fang Che opened the research and development progress.

I see, the transformation of the metal medal is now 1 percent

The origin of this metal wing is pterosaur.

...asking for flowers......

In this way, he can obtain the form of land and air integration.

However, this feeling is more like the appearance of the western dragon!

Although Fang Che is a native of the Dragon Country, the appearance of Dongfang Dragon, transformed into a metal body, is not scientific at all!

After all, Dongfanglong's flight has no way to use scientific eyes to judge how it can fly.

And the body is too long!

Dongfang Long had no choice but to give up.

But Western dragons, dragon wings and wings, are a little more scientific.

don't say it!

Tyrannosaurus rex body plus pterosaur wings really look like.

"Metal 100% must try."

Fang Che secretly recorded this plan in the supercomputing module.

so so-

After Metal Wing reaches 100% progress, the supercomputer can remind him with a text message!


However at this time.

Fang Che remembered his reward.

The friendship of the tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior family?

This kind of reward can be said to be false.

And it seems that everyone, the first person who transforms the body of the ethnic group has won the friendship reward of the corresponding ethnic group in the mechanical world!

"Am I a tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior?"

Fang Che was curious, but he was very clear in his heart.

He would not regard this world tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior as his clansman.

Even if he becomes a silicon-based life.

But in essence, he is more human-oriented, and the billions of earthlings who have become silicon-based life forms are his companions!

At least for now.

But in online games, it is still the earth, and friendship is synonymous with friends.

Friendship buying and selling things are sometimes cheap for friendship reasons.

Will also get help from others because of friendship!

Could it be—

Suddenly Fang Che thought of this type of module as his leader.

Leader Modules and Leader Modules!

If I recruit Tyrannosaurus rex-type mechanical warriors as my subordinates, will the possibility of recruiting increase because of friendship.

Totally possible!

It's not impossible.

Or will he be able to get the help of Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors because of friendship?

Fang Che only thought of these possibilities.

But if that's the case, then this prize for family friendship

It's not a waste reward!

ps: Please support, thank you. Four more.

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