Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 83: Scientific Talent (Fourth Watch, Ask For Everything)

Maglev flight?

This is the only reason Fang Che can think of j01 flying.

Otherwise, there is no power to fly.

And j01's long sword floating in the air, it seems that she has a lot of power systems related to magnetic levitation.

Have to say, if in the wild.

It is very likely that he will attack j01 and dismantle him!

Fang Che thought bloodthirstyly.

You must know that maglev is worth about one million energy coins.

But at the same time.

Fang Che spread out his silver wings, and under the incitement, he grabbed Dongdong and the doctor and nurse, and flew into the sky.

This tall building is about 10,000 meters high.

Perhaps because of the large size of some machines, each floor is several hundred meters high, so there are actually not many floors.

[It has been calculated that your current position is 5,300 meters away!]

When flying to this height, j01 led Fang Che down to the middle floor, on a platform, "Follow me."

A platform is built outwards in the middle of the 21st floor. It turns out that this platform has such a function.

Fang Che landed on the platform in the middle of the floor and walked in.

j01 seemed to be familiar with this place, and said lightly: "Don't wander around, some scientists have bad tempers.

Fang Che expressed his understanding. Which scientist has no temper, because they are all immersed in their own academic world.

Fang Che looked at the silicon-based beings walking around on this floor.

Most of them are small bodies, or mechanical warriors of about 1 to 5 meters.

These are the scientists of the Fighting faction?

Fang Che thought of an uncertain guess.

A scientist believes that for silicon-based life, the meaning is extraordinary!

Especially the science and technology of combat thermal weapons, the discipline of material science, etc.

The research and development achievements of scientists in these disciplines will benefit every mechanical warrior.

But there is no doubt that every scientist here is more important than any city to the Fighting Faction. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Xingyue City is so well protected, and it is defined as a military base city!

It's just whether those scientists on earth can join the club.


Someone in the world chat channel has already given the answer.

"Is it difficult to enter the fighting faction that Fang Che entered?"

"Of course it's difficult! IFi-level life form is a requirement, but now I don't even know what a III-level life form is!"

"If only I could get in."

"Upstairs you are thinking about farts."

Unexpectedly, after a few hours, I was still being discussed.

Fang Che didn't expect it.

But what he saw was the following messages.

"Actually, if you want to go in, there is another possibility! That is, you are scientists!"

"the scientist?"

"That's right! I saw with my own eyes a doctor of materials science being invited to an A-level faction."

"True or false!"

"Of course it's true, it happened to me at the time."

"Let's put it this way! If you treat this as a game——do you know the rewards for copying technology? Those who copy the earth's technology are the key to triggering the faction!"

"You put it that way, not many people are invited into the faction."

However, it is completely unexpected to everyone.

At this time, a message was sent out like a depth bomb.

"I am a nuclear scientist on Earth, and what you said is correct. I am currently researching nuclear fusion technology for a D-level faction called the leader of the Water Bird, the Science Department of the Earth Meteor faction!"


Don't think that nuclear fusion technology has come to an end, from sub-technology, oil atom nuclear fission, etc...

"But with our scientific knowledge on Earth, if we want to keep up with the development progress of the mechanical world, we still need to learn..."

But Fang Che fell into deep thought when he saw this message.

D-level factions? s, a, b, c, d, e!

This is the rank of the faction.

There is no doubt that the S-tier faction is the best.

For example, Fang Che's Fighting Faction possesses an ultimate technology.

"Technology mastery affects faction level."

Fang Che shook his head, the faction that even requires earth scientists to study nuclear technology, I don’t know how bad it is at the D level...


However, just when Fang Che was using two things at once, at this moment.

【Your quantum network is closed!】

The world chat channel on the light screen panel suddenly went dark.

"Don't be afraid! The Science Department is related to the fate of factions and the mechanical world, so you will be blocked if you officially enter the Quantum Network of the Science Department!"

j01 seemed to know, and comforted him.


Fang Che heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the words.

I didn't expect my light screen panel to be a quantum network, but everyone on the earth said that quantum transportation is a scam and it cannot become a reality.

But the mechanical world has turned quantum transportation into reality.

This explains the things that appeared out of thin air when I was transforming.

It's just that such a technology must be extremely complicated!

And there is no doubt that this is an ultimate technology in the mechanical world...

Fang Che was surprised to think that the mechanical world is too complicated.

I really don’t know what kind of black technology those ultimate technologies in the free trading market are!

213 However, the problem facing Fang Che now is a

Can you be a scientist yourself?

j01 brought him here to test his scientific talent.

But Fang Che doesn't know what kind of product he is!

If someone asked him how to make gunpowder?

He may know.

But talking about physics with him is undoubtedly like a bible.

Although the sign-in reward system does indeed reward scientific talent.

You have to understand a truth.

Talent is talent, knowledge is knowledge!

Talent just means learning knowledge quickly! Or just thinking more than others......

That's all!

at this time.

On the corridor leading to each room, another female silicon-based life floated over.

The only difference from j01 is that this silicon-based life form appears directly in the form of a metal humanoid body, without the silicone skin of bionic technology.

j01, he is a new species from the egg base! Sure enough, there is technology beyond the era of first-level civilization!"

"Yes, third-level academician of science, I also think he has the talent to become a scientist!"

Everyone in Fang Che was stunned.

I do not know how!

He suspected that he was about to be tricked......

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