There is no text message!

Monopulse radar does not respond!

Is this the strength of the mechanical warrior of the spy department?

Fang Che looked at the mechanical warrior with the phantom icon on his left arm, like a cloud icon.

The opponent should have a stealth module! This kind of similar technology.

Therefore, its own monopulse radar module did not detect the opponent.

A third-level spy means that the opponent is a silicon-based life of a third-level civilization.

But unexpectedly, j01 is also a silicon-based life form of a third-level civilization.

You know, he thinks j01 is a level two civilization level strength.

And there is no doubt that Fang Che is the strength of the middle stage of the first level civilization-!

"It's the phantom spy fighter!"

"That's right, the nebula icon is the symbol of Level 5 - Magic School."

"Unexpectedly, Xingyue City was also infiltrated!"

"Little mouse! Don't try to leave here."

"Don't even think about leaving! Go to hell!"

"Leave it!"

"Defense system, is there another bug?"

"who knows!"

The mechanical fighters of the surrounding combat faction all scanned the exposed spy fighters of the third level.

I am afraid that these third-level spies are constantly receiving scanning information.

But with Fang Che's technology, it can't be scanned at all, and there is no red dot of this third-level spy on the radar!

The third-level spy fighter was visibly panicked.

But he is far away in itself, protruding from the manipulator.

"The application of espionage is not bad!" j01 said: "First cause a riot, attract the target's attention, and then steal the target's database! It's just that you are too hasty! It seems that you don't have the calm quality of espionage!"

"Zhizhi~! It seems that you also have an understanding of espionage. However, I didn't expect him to be a genuine third-level academician of science, but—this target is really strange, a first-level civilized body... Without your protection, my mission has been successful!"

j01 didn't reply and kept silent.

But it’s an admission in disguise!

Perhaps this is the real reason why I was able to recruit j01!

It was caused by his third-class academician status.

"What a third-level Dou Academy scholar!"

"Protect the academician!"

"Damn the cockroaches of the Illusion School, the Fighting School didn't settle with you last time.

"Is a new war coming?"

"Probably not! Now the phantom faction is attacking a galaxy, this should be a spy lurking in Xingyue City!"

"Besides, according to the agreement of the top ten S-class factions, large-scale wars are not allowed on the home planet."

"This Xingyue City doesn't know how many spy silicon-based life forms are lurking!"

Everyone in Fang Che is stupid.

Watch the reaction of the silicon-based life forms of the martial arts faction around you.

Academicians of science did not expect to have such an effect.

He even suspects now, shouting a sentence to kill him, this guy may not even be left with scum.

After all, every silicon-based life is a soldier!

Even if it is a silicon-based life form of an engineering body, if it thinks that the engineering type is not strong, it will kill itself.

This kind only represents performance! Performance is performance, and combat power is combat power!

Galaxy Wars!

Sure enough, there are all of them.

Fang Che had already expected it, but hearing it from the mouths of other mechanical warriors, it was another feeling.

Countless thermal weapons aimed at the past, and some directly transformed their hands into gun barrels.

But it can be seen that the mechanical warriors passing by are all bodies with a second-level civilization technology.

There are also a few third-level civilizations sporadically!

"Step aside!"


At this time——

A flying mechanical warrior more than ten meters high stepped out and directly turned his hands into some kind of weapon, and suddenly a sound of gathering energy came out from the barrel.

But at the same time.

The third-level spy fighter jumped into the air, jumped back and forth on the building between a few jumps, and disappeared in front of dozens of mechanical fighters in the blink of an eye.

"Want to run! Just go if you say go?"

Several silicon-based life forms of the third-level civilization shouted angrily: "You protect the academicians!"

However, j01 didn't give them a chance at all.

The speed is even faster than just now, sprinting in the air, and the speed increases.

Fang Che calculated the past.

【Target speed 1300 km/h!】

...asking for flowers...


Soon the supercomputer figured out how fast j01 was moving.

ten times!

Is ten times his. Technology modules, power boosts, etc., can make the speed so fast.

Looking at the disappearing j01, Fang Che was not worried.

It is obvious that j01 is a silicon-based life mechanical warrior with an agile performance transformation plan.

Sure enough, it was very fast.

"Your team kills a level-three civilization-level mechanical warrior and gains 1100 experience!"

Other than that, there are no hints!

After all, it wasn't him who killed him, so he could only gain a little experience.

This experience, to be honest, has been a lot, you must know that he has not done anything.


When j01 reappeared, he was carrying the body of the escaped third-level spy fighter of the phantom faction.

The wound on the corpse was flat, and the body was divided into two.

Obviously it was j01's long knife.

Assault type! Assault type mechanical warrior, this kind of mechanical warrior rushing to the front line can be said to be not only strong, but also fast, and of course the defense must be enough!

It's really hard to imagine, the process of body transformation of j01.


You can't see the hidden technologies of the other party.

All the silicon-based beings present were shocked to see j01 approach gracefully.

Generally speaking, every mechanical warrior will change one of his forms into a humanoid body!

Of course, there are mechanical warriors whose dual forms choose other forms...

But most silicon-based life has a humanoid body!

So they are not the perfect body of Zhen j01, not the human form, but their speed to quickly deal with a third-level spy!

It can be seen that the technology of the body of j01...

"Leader, sorry, we didn't find anything!"

At this time, Dongdong and the doctor and nurse came up. Although the doctor and nurse could not speak without the language module, they seemed to mean the same thing.

Fang Che shook his head, "It's normal that we can't find the technological modules of the third-level civilization."

He will not blame Dongdong and the doctors and nurses for this.

He's not that leader of Nine!.

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