Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1004 Choose by yourself

General Lu subconsciously glanced at Qin Lang, probably also thought of this, and his mood became even worse. It was as if his soul had been extracted from his whole body, and the normally majestic general seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

At this moment, Su Jin felt that they were a little pitiful.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Jin glanced at them and said: "Actually, I still have a new drug, which was newly developed by my apprentices. I have just made some of it. I haven't tried it yet. I'm not sure whether it's safe or not. If If you are lucky, it will have a great effect on the treatment, but if something happens, the only thing you can do is die, there is no luck!"

Mrs. Lu's face changed "Ah!", and the hope that had just been ignited was extinguished in less than half in an instant, and she broke out in a cold sweat with fright.

Qin Lang's heart trembled, he grabbed Su Jin's arm and said in a low voice, "Ah Jin, don't talk nonsense!"

A silly daughter-in-law would be stupid at such a time, not just ordinary stupid! Can you talk nonsense like this?

Su Jin looked at Qin Lang and gave him a slight wink to make him calm down, and said solemnly: "I have said everything that needs to be said. In short, you can think about it yourself. Now you can go in and have a look at Mr. Lu, but you have to change the clean one first." Clothes, don’t touch him when you go in, don’t get too close, and don’t stay too long. The three imperial physicians are also very clear about his condition, you can ask the imperial physicians.”

"Thank you Princess Princess!" General Lu nodded to the two of them, ordered his servants to bring clean coats, changed them in the wing room of the courtyard, and went into the house.

Seeing her son dying on the bed with eyes closed, Mrs. Lu immediately couldn't help crying bitterly and subconsciously wanted to rush over. General Lu quickly grabbed her and shouted in a low voice, "What are you going to do? Don't touch your son! "

Mrs. Lu was taken aback, and cried even more sadly.

General Lu frowned tightly, his expression so gloomy that it was frightening.

He has been fighting for so many years, and he has seen too many dead and wounded. Seeing his son like this, his heart immediately turned cold.

No wonder!

No wonder Princess Dingjun dared to say such a thing, she must have seen that his son was probably hopeless

General Lu called Imperial Physicians Lu and Qi aside and questioned them in a cold voice.

The two imperial physicians originally thought that there would be no need for them to have direct contact with General Lu and his wife if Princess Dingjun came forward, but they still couldn't escape.

Facing the gloomy and depressed General Lu, both of them felt chills on the back of their necks.

As they bite the bullet and start talking, the more they talk, the more chilly they feel. I almost cried!

Unexpectedly, General Lu would leave without saying a word after listening to them, and he didn't scold them. The two of them looked at me and I looked at you, and they both felt like they had escaped.

Going out of the room, General Lu asked Su Jin: "Princess Princess, if you use your medicine, will life and death be between five and five?"

Mrs. Lu's complexion changed drastically: "Master!"

General Lu stared at her coldly, stopping everything she wanted to say, and continued to look at Su Jin: "Princess Dingjun."

Su Jin coughed and said seriously: "General Lu, you have misunderstood. Even if you use a new medicine, life and death will not be between five and five. If you use it correctly, it will have a greater effect on the treatment, but if it is not right."

Su Jin gave him a self-experienced look.

She asked Coltsfoot and Lin Xiaoyu to try out penicillin.

It took a lot of effort to successfully refine some. Although she hasn't tried it yet, she has seen it and the color is very good.

Lu Zhanfu is lucky!

The premise is that he is not allergic, and the penicillin is really no problem to use.

At this moment, there is no sophisticated instrument for testing. Based on experience and a pair of naked eyes, Su Jin can't guarantee that his judgment is 100% accurate.

Mrs. Lu's face became more frightened and anxious, "Master, no, no! You can't try it! You can't! Fu'er will be fine, and he will survive!"

Mrs. Lu was terrified when she heard Su Jin's words. Even if life and death were between five and five, it was a very, very scary thing to her, let alone less than five or five.

This, isn't this nonsense?

In short, she would never dare to try.

General Lu was upset: "Shut up!"

General Lu felt bitter, Princess Dingjun gave him a huge problem. How would he choose?

Su Jin glanced at him: "General Lu, the sooner this decision is made, the better."

Mrs. Lu was so frightened that she was about to cry again: "Princess Princess!"

Isn't this rushing people to die? As a mother, she was terrified just by hearing it.

General Lu's eyelids twitched violently, and he stared at Mrs. Lu coldly: "Don't cry, isn't it annoying enough!"

Qin Lang glanced at Su Jin quietly, silly daughter-in-law, talking stupid again

General Lu slammed his fist on the coffee table, cracking a big gap in the good mahogany coffee table. He looked at Su Jin, "Princess Dingjun, use medicine!"

"Master, don't!" Mrs. Lu cried out in pain, her eyes darkened.

"Shut up! What do you know!" General Lu snapped angrily, and ordered his servants to forcibly pull Mrs. Lu down.

"No, I don't agree! I don't agree! Princess Jun, don't, don't!" Madam Lu burst into tears.

General Lu roared angrily: "Why are you all standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and drag Madam down!"

What's the use of crying here?

"Wait!" Su Jin stepped forward and said to Mrs. Lu: "Mrs. Lu, General Lu's choice is the best choice. Mr. Lu's condition is very bad. His physical fitness is not very good. If this continues, There is at least an 80% chance that he won’t make it through.”

Su Jin no longer dared to look at Qin Lang's gloomy eyes, but she couldn't help but watch such a person die in front of her without making any efforts.

Besides, Qin Lang wanted to work with General Lu.

Mrs. Lu's eyes went dark, she cried bitterly and passed out.

All the maids and women screamed in panic and rushed to help her to rest.

"Princess Princess, please!" General Lu cupped his hands at Su Jingong, his eyes were cold: "Life and death are fate, Princess Princess just let go, no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with Princess Princess!"

Qin Lang felt a little relieved, thinking that this person is more or less decent.

"Ah Jin," Qin Lang patted Su Jin's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "Don't be nervous!"

"Well, then I'll go first!" Su Jin nodded and entered the room.

Soon Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Shuang left in a hurry and went back to get the medicine.

The two felt distressed in their hearts. The new medicine was finally made. After hearing the master said that it has such a miraculous usage, they were so excited. They were thinking of trying the medicine in a few days, and the result was good. It's time to use it.

Moreover, it is still used on this young master.

If he's good, it's fine, if not.

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