Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1009 New Year's Eve Banquet in the Palace

So, reputation is really troublesome.

Su Jin himself may not care, but he has to think for Qin Lang and his son.

Qin Lang now has a promising future and is making every step of the way, and she keenly feels that Qin Lang seems to have a mind to fight. In this case, reputation is even more important. At least, she can't make people think that Qin Lang's first wife is a A callous, ungrateful person.

Aunt Cui came whenever she liked, she knew in her heart that there was always someone looking at her with a good look, and she was not afraid that she would find something.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve. Early in the morning, Su Jin followed Princess Qian and Princess Tian into the palace to pay homage to the deceased queen and queen mother.

Qin Lang and King Qian entered the palace earlier to worship the ancestors of Daqing.

Dizzy and busy for most of the day, it was already past noon when I left the palace.

After returning to the mansion to rest for a while, I have to put on makeup and change clothes again, and there is a palace banquet to attend in the evening.

The evening palace banquet is held in Qinghe Hall not far from Qianqing Palace.

In addition to the members of the three palaces, many members of the clan also received the emperor's imperial decree to participate together.

They are all from their own family, and men and women have different seats, but they do not pretend to be separated. The dining tables are placed opposite to each other on both sides of the hall, and the top is the throne of Emperor Yuanfeng. Down are the men and women.

The empty space in the middle is reserved for singers and dancers to perform songs and dances.

The hall is decorated with resplendent and magnificent decorations. Under the embroidered curtains and on the luxurious carpets, there are countless fragrant potted flowers. The delicate and blooming flowers of various colors set off the wealth of the heavenly family in a splendid way.

Countless tallow candles with the thickness of an arm were lit throughout the hall, illuminating the entire hall brightly. Agarwood shavings and honey are added to the candle, and the faintly sweet scent fills the air, enveloping and captivating.

Xiao Zhen'er also came with Su Jin and Qin Lang, and now let Wang Chun sit at the table with a group of little emperors and grandchildren, next to Su Jin and other female relatives, so that everyone can take care of her.

The little guy had never been in such an environment before, he was so excited, he saw everything new and rare, his beautiful black eyes turned around, and his little mouth kept talking excitedly. From time to time, he struggled to grasp all kinds of things, making Wang Chun and Qin Jiu Qin Shi who were accompanying him burnt out.

Except for two children from other families at the same table who were under the age of one and couldn't move around in the nanny's arms, the others were almost the same age as Xiao Zhen'er, and the older one was only about four years old.

Originally, the children in other families were very well-behaved. Some of them were too scared to move when they saw this situation, while others were taught by extremely strict and harsh family rules since they were young. Intimidating, so behaved and did not dare to move.

However, when Xiao Zhen'er made a fuss, the children from other families couldn't sit still.

After all, they are all children, and children are naturally active, and they love to imitate and follow suit. When they see other children, they want to learn from them. Twittering is like a flock of sparrows gathering together.

Not to mention that the nannies and the maids who were accompanying them were all in a hurry, and the mothers around were also in a hurry.

However, this is in front of the imperial court, and it is New Year's Eve, so no one dares to move easily.

In the end, a dignified and dignified imperial concubine signaled the nannies and maids to take the children to a corner of the hall to coax them.

It is understandable that the children can't sit still, even if they leave the seat for a while, the emperor will not say anything, but if they want to stay here again, if they quarrel with the emperor, it will be a sin.

The nannies and maids hurriedly hugged their precious little masters and "hula" all retreated to a corner of the hall, comforting and coaxing their little masters softly.

Wang Chun and Qin Jiu looked at each other and smiled wryly. If they could make a fuss, no one would dare to say that their own number one would be the number one!

No, he didn't want to calm down at this moment. The others were obediently coaxed by the nanny in her arms, but he couldn't stay in Wangchun's arms at all. He kept struggling to get off the ground and stretched out his hand to grab The golden Ruyi inlaid with red and sapphires was shining on the long table beside it.

Children like shiny things, and they want them when they see them, but who dares to give them things in this hall?

Qin Jiu had no choice but to ask an aunt in charge with a smile, and brought back a yellow bergamot fruit, coaxing the little master to hold it in his hand and play with it.

The bergamot fruit has a unique shape, and its golden color is particularly eye-catching. With this, Xiao Zhener will not be entangled with Jin Ruyi.

In the eyes of children, there is only whether it looks good or not, whether they like it or not, and it doesn't matter whether it is worth money or not.

Xiao Zhen'er struggled to get off the ground "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Be good", "Don't move around" and so on, so they put him on the carpet to play.

Xiao Zhen'er sat on the carpet and was very happy rolling around with bergamot as a ball. The other children also screamed to go to the ground when they saw it.

Seeing this, the other nannies also put the baby down.

A group of noble little masters started to snatch Huang Chengcheng's bergamot fruit, chattering and twittering, and it seemed that they were about to make a fuss again.

At this time, if someone howled and cried, it would be terrible, and everyone was so frightened that they hurriedly brought all kinds of fruits for them to play. Don't grab it!

On New Year's Eve, the emphasis is on good luck and good luck, which permeates all aspects. For example, the imperial meal has "Five Blessings", "Flowers Bloom Wealth", "Sanyang Kaitai", and singing and dancing have "Taiping Ode" and "Ode to Peace". Auspicious and harmonious", the clothes of the masters, maids and eunuchs are embroidered with auspicious and good meaning patterns, and the same is true on carpets, curtains and curtains.

The potted flowers and bonsai are also peony, magnolia, crabapple, narcissus, kumquat, green bamboo, pines and so on that express good meaning.

The prepared melons and fruits are naturally the same. Apples, citrons, jujubes, oranges, grapefruits, pomegranates, bergamot, etc., the little masters quickly had one of them, bright in color and huge in size, everyone was satisfied now, and happily played with the big fruits , don't fight and don't want to cry.

All the nannies and maids breathed a sigh of relief: the little ancestors have stopped!

I don't want to, the little guys are really full of energy and energy, the nannies and maids took a breath, and the little guys wobbled away without paying attention.

The culprit was of course Xiao Zhen'er, who was indulged like a wild monkey by his parents on weekdays.

The singers and dancers are wearing colorful neon dresses, wearing beautiful garlands and dancing to the music in front of the emperor and all the distinguished members of the royal family. At some point, Xiao Zhener swaggered into the palace holding the Buddha's hand. go in.

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