Ever since he returned to Prince Qian's Mansion, he has had a lot of bad luck, as if everything was out of control.

However, Qin Lang made meritorious service time and time again, becoming more and more beautiful!

And that Mrs. Su, who was originally considered to be a lonely orphan girl in the market, was useless, but she did not expect that she was also the daughter of the Hou family who grew up in the capital, let alone possessed exquisite medical skills that were not as good as the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital. Being in the limelight and making good friends has gained great support for Qin Lang.

This was not enough, even their son, that little thing who was only two years old, unexpectedly fell into the eyes of the imperial grandfather, making him love him so much.

The imperial grandfather never even hugged their grandsons when they were young, but at such an important New Year's Eve banquet yesterday, he actually hugged Qin Lang's son and gave him such a precious emerald finger ring!

Zhao Ming'an has always been proud and conceited. Even if Qin Lang showed a strong character and strength and made great achievements at the beginning, he didn't take it seriously.

Because he is very confident, Qin Lang is his stepping stone.

The higher Qin Lang climbed, the easier it was for him to go to the high place.

But gradually he discovered that it seems... that's not the case anymore! This stepping stone climbed up overnight, so high that he could only look up, and he couldn't climb it.

In addition, today, the side concubine Bai is actually happy again! The surprise on his father's face and the unstoppable hearty laughter set Zhao Ming'an on fire.

If he didn't still have two points of reason, he would have ridiculed at that time.

This is really not going well! It's so frustrating!

He is too useless as the son of the world.

No wonder there are always people who sneer at him and say things that irritate him, no wonder people, what they say is the truth!

King Wu's son has been secretly observing his expression, not missing the strong anger in his eyes. He patted him on the shoulder heavily, and Prince Wu said in a deep voice, "Third cousin, have you conceded defeat? Don't tell me to look down on you!"

Zhao Mingan pushed his hand away, and said coldly: "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you!"

Qin Lang is not a good thing, is he a good thing? Raccoons of the same feather!

Prince Wu smiled: "It has nothing to do with me, but I just don't like him. He is too crazy! He doesn't know how to restrain himself at all! Since he returned to Beijing, in less than a year, their husband and wife provoked How many things have happened? Heh, what is he? If it wasn't for the kindness of the second emperor's uncle, and the kindness of the third cousin, he would never want to return to the Qian Palace in this life, and don't even want to occupy the current high position. But what did he repay? Yes The second emperor's uncle is unfilial, and he doesn't have the slightest gratitude to you as an elder brother. He is a white-eyed wolf! Third cousin, you have to be careful, if this goes on, it's hard to say what he will do. "

Zhao Mingan's heart trembled, and a layer of cold sweat gradually formed on his hands, his body trembled uncontrollably, feeling chilly.

What Zhao Mingxiu said is true, Qin Lang is a white-eyed wolf! He absolutely doesn't understand what gratitude is, let alone use it for himself.

There is only one heir in Prince Qian's Mansion, who knows if he will have any thoughts that he should not think about?

For a person like him, it's not surprising that he would have thoughts that he shouldn't have.


Prince Wu raised his lips happily, "Third cousin, we are the same people, we compete fairly, that's okay. But, can you be willing to give birth to a child, a white-eyed wolf, if it's cheaper?"

Zhao Mingan sneered.

Of course he is not reconciled! But what does this have to do with Zhao Mingxiu?

"Third cousin, we have a common enemy now, brother is waiting for you, as long as you ask, brother can help at any time!"

Zhao Mingan didn't even look at him again.

Zhao Mingxiu didn't care, smiled, got up and left.

Zhao Mingan stared at the empty front with cold eyes.

Of course he knew that Zhao Mingxiu had bad intentions, of course he knew that Wuwangfu and Ningwangfu wanted to kill Qin Lang more than anyone else, and he also knew that it would be a big loss for Qianwangfu to lose Qin Lang.

However, even if Qin Lang is here, what good is it for him?

He used to think that the benefits of the Qian Palace were his benefits, but now it seems that it is not.

There are still differences.

With Qin Lang around, he will be compared to nothing by him!

Under Qin Lang's light, no one can see his merits anymore, and everyone will only laugh at him openly and secretly.

That being the case, why keep this person?

Without Qin Lang, he can still hold up a piece of the Qian Palace!

On the day of the second day of junior high school, news spread that the side concubine Bai of Qian Wangfu was pregnant.

While congratulating everyone, they couldn't help feeling that something like luck is really mysterious and unspeakable.

Look at Prince Qian's Mansion. In the past, they lived in the cracks between Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ning's Mansion. There was no merit. Now their family is the most famous.

Let them take up all the benefits.

Even King Qian's side concubine got good news when she was old.

Is Prince Qian's Mansion going to stand up?

There are also a group of female relatives who are envious of Concubine Bai, and they are old and old. They don't know whether to praise King Qian or her.

Originally, after Zhao Mingqi was disabled, everyone thought she was very pitiful. The only son is disabled, and she will be like that in the future, what hope is there?

Unexpectedly, she turned around and became pregnant.

If he gave birth to a son, he would be King Qian's old son, and he would definitely favor him even more than the former Zhao Mingqi.

Even if it is a daughter, she must be favored—men, they love Lao Lai Zi very much, because Lao Lai Zi proves that their swords are not old.

Concubine Bai has just turned around.

Princess Riqian sent her housekeeper to the Imperial Hospital this day, and invited Imperial Physician Dou, a sage in gynecology, to ask Imperial Concubine Bai to diagnose her and get a pulse. From now on, Concubine Bai will hand over Concubine Bai's birth to Imperial Physician Dou. .

Doctor Dou brought his apprentices to Concubine Bai's yard, and carefully checked Concubine Bai's pulse, and explained all the things that need to be paid attention to in daily life.

Concubine Bai thanked her with a smile, and gave her a top-notch reward, thanking her gently.

Cui Liu, the little girl serving by Concubine Bai's side, couldn't help muttering: "Actually, our concubine and concubine feel very sorry for bothering the imperial doctor Dou during the first month, but Princess Dingjun is unwilling to do anything for our concubine and concubine anyway." Let’s talk about it after the first month of consultation, the side concubine is worried about the baby in her stomach, so I have to trouble you, Doctor Dou.”

"Shut up!" Concubine Bai hurriedly glared at Cui Liu and stopped her: "Don't talk nonsense! In the first month, Princess Dingjun socializes a lot, so where is she free? This is not allowed to be said again in the future!"

Imperial Physician Dou pretended not to hear anything, and only smiled politely: "The old man is here to see the nobles, how can there be any concern about whether the first month is not the first month? The side concubine is really too polite!"

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