Zhao Ming'an sneered: "No wonder Zhen'er is so competitive."

Qin Lang said coldly: "Being competitive is better than being bullied and silent."

Zhao Ming'an's face suddenly changed, and he stared at Qin Lang coldly.

The eyes of the two brothers met, and a series of sparks collided.

King Qian frowned: "Okay, don't argue! Children are ignorant, and it's not uncommon for them to fight and fight when they are together. This king is just reminding you. In short, you should be careful, don't be called Zhen It’s fine if the son grows crooked. If you don’t know how to teach, then send more to the princess and let the princess help teach it.”

Qin Lang: "Don't bother the princess, we will teach ourselves."

Princess Qian smiled and didn't say anything.

King Qian nodded, "Let's eat!"

He didn't realize that he was subconsciously afraid of Qin Lang. Whenever Qin Lang argued with him, he would have a headache, wishing to end the dispute immediately.

He didn't want to argue anymore, Qin Lang naturally didn't bother to argue with him, and the dinner was finally spent safely.

After returning to Jinghe Hospital, Su Jin couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "It's really obvious that it has weight but not weight! The princess will not talk about it. After all, Zhen'er is not her grandson, and the father will blame Zhen'er."

There is a difference between concubines and concubines. Concubines are inherently nobler than concubines. This is the rule of this world. Su Jin has nothing to say.

But, is it possible to make some sense?

After all, Zhen'er is also the grandson of King Qian, right? It's not wrong that Qin Lang didn't lose the face of the Qian Palace, right? He's only two years old, right? How could hitting a four-year-old be naughty and need discipline?

Shouldn't the grandfather of a normal family feel sorry for his younger grandson when he hears this kind of thing?

But at King Qian's place, it's the other way around!

He said that Zhen'er should be disciplined without asking indiscriminately, and Su Jin felt sorry for her son.

Qin Lang sneered, took her into his arms and kissed her: "We don't care about irrelevant people no matter what they say, it's enough for our Zhen'er to have you and my love and protection!"

Su Jin's heart warmed up, and he nodded and smiled lightly: "Well, you're right! It's enough for Zhen'er to have us feel sorry for him. I don't think that kid is a fuel-efficient lamp. Who wants to bully him? easy!"

I don't know what interesting things happened to the little guy, Qin Lang laughed again, "Yeah, don't underestimate this kid, he's smart. I'll teach him martial arts when he's three years old."

Su Jin hurriedly said: "The child's bones have not yet developed well at the age of three. It's a bit early to practice martial arts, but you can strengthen your body with appropriate amount of exercise, exercise your body's flexibility and reaction speed."

Qin Lang nodded without hesitation: "Okay, listen to Ah Jin!"

In this regard, the daughter-in-law is the professional, and she can't go wrong with anything.

Discussing the future of the child, the two of them felt better again, and they didn't care about that bad thing anymore.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, King Qian suddenly sent someone to knock on the gate of the courtyard. The woman who was watching the night found out her identity and quickly opened it to let people in. She hurriedly called Su Jin and Qin Lang.

It turned out that Concubine Bai's fetus was gassy for some reason, and she had a stomachache, so someone reported it to King Qian. King Qian was so anxious that he hurried over and called someone to let Su Jin pass quickly.

Qin Lang was full of anger, his face was gloomy and scary, the woman who came to call someone was yelling anxiously at first, but when she saw King Ding's cold face, she was startled, shrank her neck, and lowered her voice subconsciously. Get low and become respectful.

Calling Qin Jiu, Qin Lang told her to go to the outer courtyard immediately to find Zhang Tong, and ordered Zhang Tong to take a letter from the chief of Dingjun Wang's personal guards to take a few people to Dou Taiji's home and bring Dou Taidoi here, saying that Concubine Bai had a baby gas.

After getting dressed, he took the cloak trimmed with fox fur and put it on Su Jin, and led her to the courtyard of the concubine Bai.

Concubine Bai's suppressed and painful groans sounded particularly penetrating in the middle of the night under the faint candlelight.

In the outer room, King Qian walked up and down anxiously, looking up from time to time, cursing in a low voice.

As soon as Qin Lang brought Su Jin in, King Qian immediately scolded: "Why are you so slow? Quick! Go and show Bai Shi! Su Shi, you must keep Bai Shi safe!"

Su Jin glanced at King Qian and frowned slightly, not bothering to talk back to him at this time. She is not a fairy, so she must keep Bai's safe? Why "must"?

Su Jin entered the bedroom and stepped forward to take the pulse of Concubine Bai. Concubine Bai screamed louder and more terribly.

The anxious King Qian frowned outside: "Su Shi, can you do it?"

Su Jin withdrew her hand, turned her head and said: "Father, don't worry, the side concubine's pulse is stable at this moment, and she is very energetic. It is reasonable to say that nothing will happen."

What can happen if you have the strength to shout so loudly?

As soon as Su Jin got started, she knew that Concubine Bai was faking it. She wanted to see, she was reluctant to use the child in her stomach as a bargaining chip to harm her!

King Qian: "According to reason, what do you mean?"

Su Jin: "It means please don't worry, Father, Imperial Physician Dou will come soon. Imperial Physician Dou is very clear about the situation of side concubine Bai, and he has his own way when he comes."

King Qian was furious: "Trouble the Imperial Doctor Dou in the middle of the night, what's the use of you!"

"Father, Ah Jin is my wife, not a doctor who treats others. Is the imperial order bestowed by the emperor just a joke?"

King Qian was angry, "But when is this? Human life is at stake, but you still care about this, Qin Lang, are you too cold-blooded?"

"Human life is at stake?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows in surprise: "If it is really so serious, there must have been clues, and Imperial Doctor Dou will definitely remind. If there were no clues, it would be an emergency. Is it the side concubine? The servants are not serving you well!"

When Cuiyan heard this, she cried and begged: "My lord, I am wronged, the slaves have been taking care of the side concubine with all their heart, there is nothing wrong with it! Princess, you can't wrong the slaves like this!"

Qin Lang kicked Cuiyan out without even thinking about lifting his foot. Cuiyan screamed in pain and landed heavily, curled up with a white face and hugged his lower abdomen in pain, trembling and moaning non-stop, unable to get up.

"I don't know the heights of the lowly servant girl, recognize your identity, what do you think you are? You can also talk about the princess of the county? Next time, you don't have to live!" Qin Lang stared at Cuiyan, indifferent as ice.

"You!" King Qian gasped for breath, of course he could tell that Qin Lang was scolding Cuiyan on the surface, but in fact he was scolding Concubine Bai. This rebel!

Subconsciously, he felt a chill in his heart, a little creepy.

This Nizi has always been disobedient, there is nothing he can't do, in case Concubine Bai side one day has a mistake - King Qian dare not think about it.

Cuiyan's scream of pain and the sound of falling heavily also spread to the inside, and Qin Lang's cold voice with icy scum was clearer, hitting Concubine Bai side by word.

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