Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1034 Reaching an Agreement

Zhao Ming'an immediately said: "Master Fu, don't worry, I will definitely give the Fu family an explanation. I will marry Mingzhu as the son's side concubine. When I return home today, I will make it clear with my father, mother and concubine that Mingzhu will definitely not be wronged."

The Fu family secretly exchanged glances, expressing their satisfaction with Zhao Ming'an's such a righteous behavior.

It's just that many people are a little bit cheap. Otherwise, how can we say that we always want what we don't get, and don't cherish it when we get it?

For example, the Fu family feels this way at the moment.

Zhao Ming'an agreed so readily and straightforwardly that they somewhat despised him in their hearts.

Thinking about the identity and power of the Fu family, this contempt is even more serious - Zhao Mingan just fancy the power of the Fu family, so he intentionally seduces the daughter of the Fu family, it is really hateful!

If it weren't for the fact that things had come to this point, the daughter of the Fu family would never have taken advantage of him.

Even if things have been like this, he can never imagine that the Fu family will support him desperately in the future, that is just a dream. The Fu family has to have their own considerations. If he can help him up, then it's fine, otherwise, the Fu family will have to reconsider.

Suddenly, Mr. Fu readjusted his strategy.

Mrs. Fu sighed: "Our Mingzhu is also a noble girl, how does the prince plan to marry? Be a side concubine. I have wronged her!"

The Fu brothers looked at Zhao Ming'an together with cold eyes.

Zhao Mingan couldn't refute this, and felt even more guilty. He can be tough, but he still expects the Fu family to help him in the future, how can he be tough?

Under Mrs. Fu's sighs, under the calm guidance of Mr. Fu, and under the pressure of the aggressive eyes of the two brothers of the Fu family, Zhao Ming'an retreated again and again, in a panic, and finally he was so confused that he almost answered without hesitation. All the conditions offered by the Fu family were complied with.

Fortunately, the Fu family knew how to measure things, and they didn't mention the obviously impossible requirements, such as carrying eight large sedan chairs through the main gate, and the bride wearing a red wedding dress, etc. Otherwise, Zhao Ming'an might have agreed to all of them in this state.

Only then did Mrs. Fu change into a joyful look, with a look of emotion, which made Zhao Ming'an feel lightly complacent.

As long as the Fu family is willing to stand by his side, he will be fine.

Mr. Fu watched secretly, shaking his head and sighing in his heart. With such a heart, he doesn't know what will happen in the future. What will happen to the future of the Fu family?

"There is something that I should tell you clearly," Master Fu shook his head with a sad expression, and looked at Mrs. Fu: "Madam, tell me."

Mrs. Fu was startled, her gaze slightly dodged and she persisted.

In the end, she couldn't hold on to Master Fu, so she had to bite the bullet and tell about Fu Mingzhu's miscarriage.

Mrs. Fu hated Su Jin deeply, and believed that if Su Jin hadn't obstructed her and kept her pet and jealous, her daughter would have gotten her wish long ago.

I want what I can't get, even if Zhao Ming'an is the eldest son, even in Madam Fu's eyes, Qin Lang, who is more capable, is more desirable to her.

What's more, that's the person my daughter likes?

Therefore, Mrs. Fu will not be polite when talking about this matter, she can splash dirty water on Su Jin as hard as she can.

From her point of view, Fu Mingzhu could have been fine, if Su Jin hadn't played a role in it, nothing would have happened at all.

Zhao Mingan was stunned, his heart turned cold. This blow was too big for him!

He was happily waiting to become a father, but Mrs. Fu told him that the child was gone. Fu Mingzhu had a miscarriage.

Moreover, it is still related to Su Jin.

Su brocade

Su Jin and Qin Lang, are these two people born to be against him? One Qin Lang is not enough, one more Su Jin! They were born to disgust him, right?

Zhao Mingan clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and his cheek muscles twitched violently, threatening to explode.

If he wasn't at Fu's house right now, he would definitely explode!

"The Su family has always been domineering and domineering. I don't know how many times I have disobeyed my mother and concubine in the mansion. The mother concubine doesn't care about her, but she is getting more and more courageous! Unexpectedly"

Zhao Ming'an said coldly: "I've made a note of this grudge. Don't worry, Mrs. Fu and Mrs. Fu, I will definitely not let her go, and I will definitely seek justice for Mingzhu and the child in her womb!"

Zhao Ming'an didn't have a single word of doubt about Mrs. Fu's words.

He fully believed that Su Jin could do such a thing.

Or in his heart, Su Jin is this kind of person.

How can a quiet and weak boudoir girl like Mingzhu be Su Jin's opponent? Su Jin is courageous, dark-hearted, and also knows medical skills. She wants to plot against Mingzhu and get away easily.

Besides, the incident happened in the plum garden of Duke Min's mansion—heh, who didn't know that Su Jin not only saved the old lady of Duke Min Min, but also the son of Duke Min Min? There is also Qin Lang, even after returning to Beijing, he hardly communicates with Duke Min, but after all, he has been in Wushui City for two years, and his friendship is obvious. Now this alienated appearance is just for show.

Just like this, Su Jin still can't do whatever he wants in Duke Min's mansion? She was angry that the Fu family originally wanted to marry Mingzhu to Qin Lang, and it was normal for them to have evil thoughts when they saw Mingzhu being alone.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to know that Mingzhu was pregnant, maybe she just wanted to make her fall and make a fool of herself, but this fall lost his child.

He will never let go of the hatred of killing his son!

Madam Fu was satisfied, she wiped her tears and said some words of gratitude and provocation, Master Fu interrupted her calmly, and sang red-facedly: "As long as you know this matter in your heart, if there is no evidence, don't do it again in the future." I mentioned it! Alas, it’s because you have a short relationship with that child, so you can’t blame anyone. Besides, Prince Qian’s mansion is still inseparable from King Dingjun. The son and him should respect each other as brothers and sisters, and it’s useless to have a falling out with outsiders. Your son Occupying the position of the orthodox son-in-law, there is nothing to be afraid of him, if you don’t do it, you won’t go wrong.”

Master Fu's words can be said to be very well-intentioned and very kind, but Zhao Mingan felt uncomfortable hearing them.

This is equivalent to saying that he is not as good as Qin Lang.

Well, although this is the truth, it is still very embarrassing to say this in front of my face from my old man.

He was also not good at arguing with his father-in-law, so he had to reluctantly agree.

Mr. Fu secretly watched his words and expressions, and seeing his awkward and forbearing expression, he knew that he did not listen to his own words, and he couldn't help being agitated.

But it's too early to say anything now, let's wait and see, he won't draw a conclusion so quickly.

Because he had to prepare for Fu Mingzhu's marriage, Zhao Mingan sat for a while and got up to leave.

Fu Mingzhu's incident got into trouble. Although Mrs. Zheng and Su Jin said they would not speak out, who can guarantee it? So, get over the door early.

As soon as Zhao Ming'an left, Mr. Fu gave Mrs. Fu a dark and dissatisfied look: "Look at the good daughter you taught!"

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