Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1036 Mystery

Prince Wu's concubine and Princess Mujun are different from Tian's. Tian's is in the same group as Zhao Ming'an and Princess Qian. She doesn't want to provoke them, otherwise there will definitely be troubles in the future.

Prince Qian's Mansion and Fu's family quickly concluded this marriage, leaving countless people in the capital dumbfounded.

Everyone thought of the day when they were guests at Duke Min's mansion. It was said that Princess Dingjun had a conflict with Miss Fu's family in the plum garden, and Miss Fu's family wrestled and bled.

Just after this incident happened, Prince Qian's Mansion and Fu's family made a marriage agreement, so there is something tricky about it! I always feel that there is actually a connection between the two things.

But even if there is a connection, it should be connected with King Dingjun. How could he become the son of King Qian?

Everyone broke their heads and couldn't figure it out.

Only Mrs. Zheng's family and Mrs. Zheng know that the father of the child in Fu Mingzhu's womb is the son of Prince Qian?

This is really unexpected!

The emperor's grandson, who is usually personable and noble, would do such a shameless thing.

He is going for the Fu family! Such unscrupulousness is too low. I'm afraid the Palace of Qian Wang will be lively again

In a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is over and the first month is out.

In February, the river had just thawed, and the cold wind in the air receded from the biting chill and became a bit milder. Although spring has not really come yet, it is not far away.

On the seventh day of February, General Lu issued an order to go south to take over the Jiangnan military camp and serve as the governor of the Jiangnan military camp, causing an uproar in the court.

General Lu was clearly prepared. Two days after the imperial decree was issued, he took his family members south of the city to take office, and he and his colleagues didn't even have a practical banquet.

It was obvious that he didn't want to be involved with some people anymore.

General Lu took many of his confidants to leave together, and several officers in the patrol battalion also went with him, leaving many positions vacant in the patrol battalion.

The eyes of the three princes were turning green, ready to move, and they all wanted to stuff their own people inside.

King Qian is close to the water, and he feels that he has a greater chance of success than his brothers, so he can't wait to call Qin Lang to discuss it.

In the past few days, Qin Lang has been busy with excuses and did not go to see him. When Qin Lang finally finished his work and went to see him, the matter in the patrol camp had already been settled.

The gaps that should be filled have been filled.

King Qian was so angry that his face was deformed!

This son is simply abominable. He knows why he is looking for him but plays with him. Does he really think that his wings are stiff and he can't control him?

Facing King Qian who was so angry that he was about to smoke, Qin Lang was speechless.

All important positions in the patrol battalion had to be approved by the emperor. He really thought that now that he became the top leader of the patrol battalion, he could cover the sky with one hand?

It's not impossible for him to let King Qian put people in. The emperor would turn a blind eye and probably wouldn't refuse, but his impression in the emperor's mind would definitely be greatly reduced.

This is something Qin Lang would never want to see.

King Qian's attack was almost over, and Qin Lang said slowly: "Father, isn't it enough to have me in the patrol camp? There are too many people but it is eye-catching. Wu Wang's mansion and Ning Wang's mansion didn't take advantage of the slightest advantage this time!"

King Qian was startled, thought for a while, and it was true.

No matter what, Qin Lang is his son. Qin Lang is now in charge of the entire patrol battalion, and he alone is worth a hundred others, which is enough.

King Wu and King Ning were far worse than him, so he should be happy.

What made him feel even more gratified was that Qin Lang was explaining to him! This has never been done before.

In the past, Qin Lang would never take the initiative to explain anything to him.

This shows that their father-son relationship is slowly getting better.

King Qian finally felt a little relieved, so he stopped worrying about Qin Lang.

On February 26th, Fu Mingzhu passed the door.

Although the prince's son's side concubine is a concubine, she is not the concubine of an ordinary family. In addition, the Fu family is very powerful, so this wedding was held quite grandly.

King Qian's mansion was full of excitement all day long with red hangings and colorful banquets.

As the concubine of Prince Qian, Tian was so busy that she didn't even have time to drink water. She arranged everything in an orderly manner and received countless compliments.

After this incident, the Tian family became well-known in Beijing. Everyone said that the first concubine of Qian Wang Shizi was really a good wife, and a high-ranking wife should marry such a wife, and keep the family home harmonious and prosperous.

They are also the daughters-in-law of Prince Qian's Mansion. When talking about Tian's family, Su Jin is indispensable. A jealous temperament will not work!", "If you are so jealous, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to be the housewife or mistress. Otherwise, the family will be in chaos. For this woman, virtuousness comes first, and everyone else It doesn't matter!"

Wangchun and the others were indignant, they knew how good their own county concubine was, and those people spoke too harshly.

Is it wrong for the prince and concubine to have a good relationship as husband and wife? What is the logic.

Su Jin has always been not afraid of what people say, on the contrary, she has no theory with a smile, as long as Qin Lang treats her well, that's enough, for the rest, take care of her.

Let's say that the day after Fu Mingzhu's visit to the mansion, because she is the eldest son's side concubine, she also has to offer tea to the elders in the family.

In the morning, everyone gathered in the main courtyard of Princess Qian, waiting for the new couple to see the ceremony.

Fu Mingzhu was wearing a pink dress embroidered with begonias and butterflies, with a bun in her arms, and slightly lowered her head to support Yuxiang's hand. When she walked in with Zhao Mingan, I don't know if it was Su Jin's illusion. Fu Mingzhu seemed to raise her eyes to look alone Qin Lang took a look.

She doesn't care about others, she only looks at Qin Lang.

This made Su Jin feel a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Qin Lang.

Qin Lang didn't understand why, he only thought that she was disturbed when she saw Fu Mingzhu, so she leaned over and whispered: "Be patient, let's go later."

Seeing his forbearance and impatience, obviously he was more unhappy to see Fu Mingzhu than she was, Su Jin felt relieved at last, nodded with a smile and whispered "um".

King Qian and Princess Qian were very satisfied with Fu Mingzhu, especially Princess Qian, who smiled lovingly at Fu Mingzhu. When Fu Mingzhu knelt down to pour tea, Princess Qian rewarded her with a vase of red gold and emerald green steps. Inlaid with many red and sapphires, it is extremely gorgeous.

Su Jin clearly saw Tian's eyes flicker, and the gentle and peaceful smile on his face was almost unstoppable.

King Qian was rewarded with gifts after drinking tea, and he said with a smile: "From now on, we will be a family. You are all sensible and polite children, and live a good life in the future!"

Fu Mingzhu responded softly.

Concubine Bai sat aside with a smile to watch the excitement, she was not qualified to let Fu Mingzhu serve tea.

If you have met your elders, you are your peers.

Fu Mingzhu is a side concubine, Su Jin and Qin Lang called her "little sister-in-law", took a sip of the tea she handed over, and gave her a decent gift.

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