Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1048 Let it go

How can I live at night without even tidying up the yard?

Su Jin shook his head and smiled and said: "Let's make do tonight, tomorrow will be tidied up, it's all here, why bother to run back and forth? It's getting late, take Zhen'er back quickly! If you can't take care of Zhen'er, Then send him to Mingyue Tower, the boy likes sister Xu very much. Or, it would be better to send it to me!"

Of course, I can't be here with her now, the conditions are really too bad now.

Little Zhen'er didn't know that she was going to be separated from her mother for a while. The little guy was very interested in everything around him, blinking his eyes and looking around, running around on his calves, so panicked that the maid who was taking care of her hurriedly followed.

Qin Lang couldn't help but nodded: "Then I'll go back first, and I will send some things over tomorrow. I will keep an eye on the matter of Concubine Bai, and return your innocence as soon as possible. I am also a little strange, A Jin, what will you say in the end? Who did it? Who would do it if it's risky and doesn't do any good?"

Qin Lang was also a little confused.

It's not surprising that a woman is so scary when she becomes paranoid, and Qin Lang can't think of what crazy things she will do for a while. The back house is full of twists and turns, it's really hard for him to figure it out so quickly!

"I don't know who it is, but after you return home, you can pay more attention to Fu Mingzhu."

"Fu Mingzhu?" Qin Lang was taken aback for a moment: "Ah Jin, do you think it's her?"

In Qin Lang's view, this is too unbelievable, aren't these two people who can't fight each other? Why did Fu Mingzhu want to be so vicious and make trouble with Concubine Bai?

Su Jin didn't want to talk about it, but when he saw that he was puzzled and thoughtful, and then the more he thought, the more puzzled he became, so he couldn't help but explain: "Why? Look, haven't I been assigned to Zhuangzi? She was coming after me!"

"You?" Qin Lang was even more stunned for a moment, and then said in a completely incomprehensible tone: "So, she killed a human life in order to avenge you!"

Why does it sound so unbelievable!

"I'm not sure either. After all, there's no evidence. I'm just guessing. Forget it, don't think about it!" Seeing him, Su Jin couldn't help but laugh: "Go back quickly. In short, it's unreasonable for a woman to be paranoid. Don't you think so?" It’s okay to understand or not to understand!”

Qin Lang shook his head and sighed, "Although Ah Jin is guessing, I think it should be the truth. Fortunately, Ah Jin is not that kind of person!"

Su Jin smiled, of course she wasn't.

Qin Lang left with Zhen'er in his arms, and Zhen'er was still holding him as a father. Where did Zhen'er go to play with him? He went there happily, and waved his little hand to say goodbye to his mother. The crispy little milk voice was clear and endearing: " Mom, wait a minute, we'll be back!"

Su Jin responded with a gentle smile, this little devil, I don't know if Qin Lang can handle him tonight.

Besides, King Qian, out of resentment, ordered the housekeeper of the palace and his cronies to thoroughly investigate the miscarriage of Concubine Bai.

All the people who kept cats in the palace were brought along with them. Unfortunately, the accompanying maids pointed out that the evil big orange cat was not among them.

That is, the cat was gone.

This is something that can't be helped, the palace is so big, no matter how heavily guarded it is, it can't guard against a cat. Feral cats are not out of the question.

King Qian didn't believe that wild cats entered the house, how could there be such a coincidence?

If you can't find a cat, you can't find a person.

Under King Qian's anger, all the servants who raised the cat suffered disaster.

The servants who raised any small animals in the entire palace were so frightened that they quickly abandoned the pets as if they were burning their hands. Compared with their own lives, even the most beloved pets became unloved.

King Yao Ziqian found a reliable doctor to check it carefully, and it was indeed all right, and the two maids in the kitchen who boiled the medicine escaped the catastrophe without any danger.

Just when the housekeeper was about to investigate Bixiang, no one expected that Bixiang hanged herself.

By the time I found out, it was already too late, and I was already out of breath.

King Qian was furious, and even the housekeeper was scolded.

Bixiang is not a child born in the family, but just bought from Yazi from an outsider not long ago. She has almost no social connections in the palace.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no way to investigate further.

Concubine Bai lay in the arms of King Qian, crying so much that she almost lost her face.

She stubbornly believed that the culprit was Su Jin, because she didn't try her best to diagnose and treat herself, she was just perfunctory! If she just put her heart into it, she wouldn't make it like this.

That was her child, a child who would be born in a few months, but disappeared in such a vague way

King Qian was extremely angry, and his face was terribly gloomy. What Concubine Bai said was right, Bixiang's death indirectly proved Su Jin's innocence, but if Su Jin could care a little bit, the matter would not stop there!

Punishing her to live in Zhuangzi for two months is really cheap for her.

If it wasn't for Qin Lang, he would have dealt with her long ago!

With a flash in his eyes, King Qian suddenly had a thought in his mind, what if Su Jin "died of illness" on Zhuangzi, or what other accident happened?

Is everything resolved?

Without Su Jin, Qin Lang would not be so rebellious against himself!

Zhen'er is still young, so he must marry his step-wife. When the time comes, he will spot her and directly ask his father for a marriage. Even if he wants to refuse, he will not be able to refuse.

This time he must choose a virtuous and gentle daughter-in-law, as long as the daughter-in-law is obedient, she is not afraid that she will not be able to restrain Qin Lang.

No one is around him to instigate him, and he doesn't have to be mad at him every day.

As long as Su Jin dies, as long as Su Jin dies, the source of all troubles will disappear.

King Qian's gaze gradually became firm.

Qin Lang soon found out about the news of Bixiang's suicide, and lost his temper at King Qian. What kind of scumbags he sent to thoroughly investigate, even a maidservant couldn't be bothered! Knowing that the medicine bowl was broken in Bixiang's hands, Bixiang was so suspicious, she didn't pay attention to her!

King Qian reversed the normal state of being furious after being teased by Qin Lang with a few words, and said calmly: "It seems that Bixiang should know that she will inevitably die and commit suicide in fear of crime. It is indeed not Su's hands. If Mrs. Su returns to the mansion, Mrs. Su is not completely innocent, she is responsible, let's talk about it after staying in Zhuangzi for two months!"

"Let's forget about the father's intention? I will continue to watch, and I will not be reconciled if I don't find out the person behind the scenes!"

"It's so easy to cut off all the clues? If you're willing to watch, that's up to you! But Mrs. Su, you have to stay in Zhuangzi for two full months."

Qin Lang secretly ridiculed that King Qian was ruthless, he was looking forward to the child in Concubine Bai's womb so much, but Concubine Bai has been out of the limelight for the past few months, and if there is anything good in Prince Qian's mansion, go to Concubine Bai's yard first Sending off, King Qian even went there almost every day to sit and have a look at his old man who was not born.

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