Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1050 Detoxification

Without even thinking about it, she appeared in a blink of an eye, pressed the mechanism on her wrist, and several thin needles with strong poison shot out.

The moment the dagger pierced the man, he felt something was wrong. He was startled and was about to retreat when he suddenly felt a strong danger coming from behind. His intuition was astonishing. As if the body could be twisted and deformed at will, the backward trend immediately changed direction and leaned to the left, and fell on the bed.

Even so, a thin needle still pierced his lower back.

Feeling a slight tingling sensation, the man was startled, turned his head and stared in Su Jin's direction, his eyes met, and Su Jin was shocked by the cold gaze of the other party!

Su Jin's last thought before losing consciousness was: Why hasn't this man died of poison yet!

Yoyo woke up, Su Jin was in a cave, she was a little dumbfounded.

It took two seconds for my empty head to gradually return to my thoughts. last night.

At this thought, Su Jin was so startled that blood rushed to his forehead, and his eyes turned black.

Last night, an assassin entered the small courtyard, and the guards were fighting hard with the assassin in the courtyard. In her room, she believed that a poisonous needle must have shot that person, but why is she still here? where is this

Looking down at himself, he found that his hands and feet were not tied with ropes. Su Jin was overjoyed and ran towards the entrance of the cave without thinking.

When I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I was dumbfounded: outside the entrance of the cave was a vertical cliff, and I was dizzy at a glance!

This cave turned out to be on a high cliff!

Su Jin was full of despair, and smiled wryly, no wonder she wasn't tied up, it turned out that it wasn't necessary at all.

That's it, she can't get out at all.

Su Jin had no choice but to go back to the cave, and sat down obediently against the cave wall again.

What should I do?

She took a deep breath, and could only wait for the person who arrested her to come back and play it by ear. Qin Lang and Zhen'er unconsciously thought of Qin Lang and Zhen'er in her mind, and her thoughts suddenly surged wildly, and her eyes turned red all of a sudden.

She thought she could be very calm and calm, but at this moment, there was only confusion and panic left. She was afraid, and she had no idea in her heart.

What if, what if she never sees Qin Lang and her son again? What would they do without her?

Su Jin bit her trembling lips, and gently closed her eyes.

There were footsteps of different shades coming from the depths of the cave. Su Jin opened his eyes, and saw a man in black, with his forehead tied and his hair draped, staring at him.

The man was tall and thin, a little thin, and unexpectedly young, eighteen or nineteen at most. His face was very pale, but unexpectedly handsome, black clothes, white face, handsome without waves, the stark contrast gave people a strange sense of flirtatious.

Those eyes were cold, as if they were shining with a cold light, exactly the same as last night.

It's him!

Su Jin's pupils deepened.

The man glared at Su Jin, stopped not far from her diagonally, sat down slowly against the cave wall, crossed his long legs casually, and stared at Su Jin up and down.

Su Jin froze, and found that the gaze he was staring at him was purely sizing up, without any other meaning, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, slowed down his stiff body, and let him scrutinize him quietly.

"Are you really the princess of the county?"

Su Jin raised his eyes in surprise: "Yes."

The man said "Oh!", "It's not like that."

Su Jin: "Oh? What's not like it?"

"It's not like anywhere," the man said, "How can a noble woman like the princess of the county be so despicable?" He suddenly smiled, full of enchantment: "I don't have such courage!"

He is an assassin, the kind who kills without blinking an eye, not to mention the pampered female relatives of the nobles, but ordinary women from small families, shouldn't they be trembling and terrified at this time? He saw a little fear in the eyes of the woman opposite, but it was far from frightened.

This made him a little unhappy, and his brows frowned.

Su Jin couldn't help distinguishing: "Where is the difference between poison and what is despicable? But it depends on what it is used for. However,"

She was so curious that she couldn't help but glanced at the man: "How are you okay? You should be poisoned."

She knows the toxicity of the poison she made herself best, but in the situation last night, when she pressed the mechanism, what she shot out was definitely not an anesthetic that would cause anesthesia, but a deadly poison.

The man sneered and said mockingly: "Your poison is really powerful. I didn't expect that there are poisons that can hurt me in this world. Help me get rid of the poison quickly, and I will spare your life!"

Su Jin was very surprised, she never thought that there are people in the world who are not afraid of her poison. This man must have done countless trainings in this area. He had taken too many poisons since he was a child, and his body constantly produced antibodies. Therefore, he survived after being poisoned by her.

And it's not surprising why he took himself captive: for detoxification!

Su Jin broke into a cold sweat silently and said to herself, luckily, otherwise she would have died by now.

"Are you really going to spare my life?"

The man said impatiently: "Life for life, what's the matter? Don't worry, I only make one shot. If I failed last night, I won't shoot you again."

As he spoke, he gave her another look: "You are really different from other princesses. I haven't killed a princess before. I thought it was a very simple thing, but I didn't expect it to fail! Of course, other princesses No one has had such a bad time like you!"

Su Jin felt hurt internally when he heard his regretful tone, and it was even more depressing to hear his sympathy in the latter sentence.

She really wanted to say, other concubines were not as miserable as I was, but they were captured by an assassin.

"Okay, I trust you, let me go after you detoxify me." Anyway, she is not qualified to bargain with the opposite party at this moment.

There was a vigilant aura about this man, and Su Jin believed that even if he was still poisoned at this moment, he had no chance of winning against him.

Apart from taking a gamble and betting that he will keep his word, she has no other way to go.

Su Jin stood up slowly, and said, "The poison you have is actually a deadly poison with no antidote. I don't know how you got it off, so I have to diagnose it for you, and then I know how to treat it for you." You detox."

The man glanced at her and nodded.

Su Jin walked to his side, knelt down to take his pulse, and when he took it, the fingers on his wrist pulse stiffened slightly, and raised his eyes to glance at the man quickly, with complicated eyes.

It is a miracle that this person is still alive without dying! The accumulation of toxins in the body is serious, and none of the viscera is in good condition!

In other words, how can it be so easy to continuously improve the body's resistance to toxicity by taking poison?

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