Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1066 Disappointment

This is not enough, one step counts as ten steps, and how to use all the shoddy tricks used before in the future.

He even thought about how to collude with gangsters to steal and sell various materials on the construction site after the start of work.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the county king and the county princess are owed to start work.

As a result, Su Jin handed the price they reported directly to Liu Li, and Su Jin's cronies didn't even say a word to them.

Liu Li blushed with embarrassment when he saw the list.

These bastards, who had repeatedly told them to co-author before, had all forgotten, and they dared to treat Princess Dingjun as a fool.

What are you doing with this idiot? Substitute directly.

The two still refused to accept it, so they appealed to Liu Li and asked for "fairness". This angered Liu Li, so he ordered someone to investigate the two of them, severely punished them and dismissed them.

At this moment, the two regretted it so much that they couldn't ask for it.

I have to say that the effect of killing chickens and monkeys is very good. After that, I have more or less restrained my vigilance.

With Su Jin making such a move, Prince Ning's Mansion and Prince Wu's Mansion were immediately depressed.

One of the goals is to use up Su Jin and Qin Lang's wealth as much as possible through this big project, and the other is to try every means to stumbling them, digging pits and setting traps to make things difficult for them, but who knows that their staff has not thought of any specific The feasible method was carried out, and after inquiring about the rules of work over there, everyone discussed and discussed, but found that there was no loophole to exploit.

Originally, someone wanted to provoke Liu Li, but if Liu Li had two minds, it would be better than what they did.

Liu Li just pretended not to understand, and played sloppy eyes to fool them.

When he is stupid, he is also responsible for this job, why make trouble by himself? At that time, people won't even need to find a scapegoat, it's directly his fault. Why would he do such a thing of digging a hole for himself to jump into?

More importantly, are Dingjun Wang and Dingjun Wangfei vegetarian masters? Not to mention King Dingjun, who dares to provoke him, even Princess Dingjun, they have personally learned how powerful she is, and after weighing it, they also dare not provoke him.

Wuwangfu and Ningwangfu had no choice but to give up.

King Wu and King Ning each sighed, the second son, a soft-eared thing, has been useless and useless all his life, but he never expected to get such a promising son and daughter-in-law from outside when he was old, it was simply unreasonable.

It made them all want to check to see if they had any sons living outside.

Not to mention the two of them are depressed, even King Qian is also very depressed.

Originally, Qin Lang and Su Jin took the job, he was happy and contented, but also excitedly planned to help.

Don't look at Qin Lang's ability, that is also his ability in force. How long has he been back to Beijing? How could he understand the twists and turns in the courtroom of the officialdom in the capital?

So, don't look at his way of ignoring his old man in the past, but at this time, only you can help him.

King Qian confidently waited for Qin Lang to come to his door.

No, his self-confidence was once again abused by Qin Lang. Qin Lang had no intention of begging him at all, and he had already discussed the matter with the Ministry of Industry and arranged it properly.

When King Qian waited left and right and waited until he couldn't find him, and couldn't help sending someone to inquire, he realized that it was too late. King Qian was so aggrieved.

He couldn't help calling Qin Lang to teach him. The Qingshui yamen in the Ministry of Industry is pitiful. They don't see oil and water a few times a year. Now that they have taken such a big project, it's no wonder that they don't want to try their best to covet it. Woolen cloth. How could he and the Su family be the opponents of those old foxes? Even if the Su family earns a lot of money and is not short of money, wouldn't it be honorable to be treated as a fool to coax money?

Why don't you ask him, the father, for advice on such a big matter? How confused!

Qin Lang patiently listened to his gossip, and he understood everything at this moment. He sneered and said coolly: "Since my father has this kind of intention, why didn't you say it earlier? A Jin and I have repeatedly talked about it." After considering and discussing again and again, we have already made an agreement with the Ministry of Industry, but I have failed my father's good intentions."

In a word, it completely blocked the back road that Queen Qian wanted to play.

King Qian was annoyed and aggrieved: "Where is this going? This is a big project, and it won't be completed in a year or so, and there are still many things to do later! You don't have time to stare at it every day, and a woman from the Su family is even worse. Inconvenient, this way, I have a few people here, all capable and reliable, you take them to arrange arrangements, and you can keep track of the progress at any time in the future, so that people will not be deceived!"

The errand that Zhao Mingan led has been dismissed by Emperor Yuanfeng calmly, and he is now "studying behind closed doors and thinking about his mistakes" at home. Originally, King Qian really wanted Zhao Mingan to take care of this matter, so at least he would win over people's hearts , By the way, let the courtiers see his ability to handle affairs, but he hesitated for a long time and did not dare to mention it in front of Qin Lang.

Qin Lang was able to bear that tone and didn't ask Zhao Ming'an to settle the score, King Qian was already thankful, how dare he let Zhao Ming'an get involved in front of him, he still has this self-knowledge.

"No need, when I run out of manpower, I will naturally talk to my father, and I will ask my father not to refuse." Qin Lang rejected King Qian unceremoniously.

Not waiting for King Qian to explode, Qin Lang's eyes were like a torch, and he smiled and said: "I don't need it, maybe I need it, my father might as well send someone to the son, and teach the son how to be a better person."

"." He heard Zhao Ming'an mentioned, his tone was not kind, obviously he was still not reconciled to Zhao Ming'an's actions, King Qian couldn't bring it up anymore, and said coldly: "If that's the case, then it's up to you!"

Qin Lang told Su Jin about it afterwards, "Where can we use his people? It's just too deceiving!"

Su Jin said with a smile: "Fortunately, we have been prepared, otherwise we would be in a hurry at the moment. It's too messy to take care of everything. Even if we don't want to, I'm afraid we have to use his people."

Qin Lang smiled, "That's true!"

The whole project is divided into three phases, and the first phase will start soon, in full swing.

It is estimated that after three months, the first phase will be completed, followed by comprehensive decoration and layout, which will take up to 20 days.

While the project was under construction, on the other hand, Su Jin sent people to inquire and collect information about famous doctors from all over the country, and purchased as many medical books as possible. With the permission of Emperor Yuanfeng, he borrowed a large number of rare medical books from Tai Hospital Come out and hire someone to transcribe.

This kind of thing is the most troublesome. There is no shortage of manpower to copy books, but medical books are different from other books, and a wrong word can often lead to catastrophe.

Su Jin intends to check every copied book by himself, so that he can rest assured.

Thinking of the huge project in the future, Su Jin's head gets dizzy.


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