Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1080 Falling into the Water

When there are too many people, accidents are easy to happen. Today is just such a situation, there are too many people.

Su Jin smiled wryly, and had to admit that she was influenced by Fu Mingzhu's words, and she always thought of this subconsciously.

Thinking of Fu Mingzhu, she subconsciously turned her head and looked towards the building. Seeing Fu Mingzhu's half-smile look, Su Jin felt even more depressed.

The bastard!

Soon, the dragon boat race began, and the sound of gongs, drums and laughter on the shore was so intense that it almost shook the sky.

Qin Lang and other emperors and grandsons each led a dragon boat, and when the loud gong fell, the eight dragon boats rushed forward like arrows off the string amidst the fierce drumming and deafening cheers and cheers.

The distance of a kilometer can be reached in a blink of an eye.

Not surprisingly, Prince Wu's son and Qin Lang won the first and second places respectively, qualifying for the finals.

There was thunderous cheers below, Prince Wu, Qin Lang and others got off the boat and went to the holy driver to kowtow to receive the reward. Upstairs in Mingyue, everyone smiled and congratulated Princess Wu, Princess Wu, Princess Qian, and Su Jin.

Complimentary words one after another.

That's all for Prince Wu's Mansion, there are those who are not at odds with Princess Qian on weekdays, and deliberately ran to Princess Qian to praise and praise Princess Qian how capable and how good Princess Qian is. Blessing, Princess Qian was so angry that the handkerchief in her hand was almost pinched into a ball, and she still had a dignified smile on her face.

Some people went too far, while smiling and praising Qin Lang to Princess Qian, they even brought Su Jin with them. Su Jin was tired of hearing this, so she simply excused herself and got up and left.

After several teams had competed, it was finally the final round. Whether it was below or upstairs in Mingyue Tower, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic in vain.

The top two prize winners in this year's final were an invulnerable golden silk soft armor and a dagger that cut iron like mud.

According to the usual practice, the two pieces of lottery bestowed by the emperor belong to the first and second leaders on the dragon boat, and everyone else will get an extra reward, but not these two pieces, but two hundred taels of silver and two altars each. Realgar wine brewed in the palace.

Among the eight leaders, none of them were tempted by these two things.

Qin Lang is no exception.

He really wanted the invulnerable golden silk soft armor, which was a tribute from a certain country in Nanyang. It was soft and dense, and it hardly added any extra weight when worn next to the body. He really wanted that thing to give to his wife.

If his wife had a golden silk soft armor on her body, he would feel much more at ease.

King Wu's son looked at the golden silk soft armor with hot eyes, and smiled at Qin Lang: "Fifth cousin, we each rely on our own abilities!"

Qin Lang nodded at him.

Soon, the race started, and as the dragon boat broke through the waves as fast as an arrow off the string, you chased each other, accompanied by intense drumbeats and cheers, everyone became nervous and excited, talking excitedly , staring unblinkingly.

Su Jin was also a little nervous, staring at the dragon boat that Qin Lang was in for a moment, praying secretly in his heart. She doesn't really care whether Qin Lang will win the first place, as long as she can finish the competition safely and smoothly.

Before the competition, she had no chance to meet Qin Lang alone. She was waiting, and when he finished the competition, she would go to see him immediately and told him to be more careful today.

Although Fu Mingzhu was talking about it, it didn't look like she was lying.

Su Jin never expected that the dragon boat that Qin Lang was on had an accident, and somehow the dragon boat capsized! Everyone on the dragon boat fell into Taiye Lake!

Everyone screamed in unison.

"Oh, my God!"

"What's going on! How could it be like this!"

"Oops, oops!"

"Come on, come on, hurry up and save people!"

Su Jin's heart beat violently, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Fu Mingzhu in the crowd.

Fu Mingzhu was also looking at her, raised her slender eyebrows, and smiled deeply at her. That smile was like a cold poisonous snake, and Su Jin felt a chill in her heart. She turned around and ran towards Mingyue Tower.

The dragon boat where Huang Sun was on capsized, and nearly twenty people on board fell into the water. This accident was not a small one, and the whole team was in chaos in an instant. How could it be compared?

The people on the nearby dragon boat quickly jumped into the lake to save Qin Lang.

The water in the center of Taiye Lake is very deep. If something unexpected happened, no one dared to guess how angry the emperor would be.

Accompanied by Qin Jiu, Qin Shi, and Gu Yunzheng, Su Jin soon came to the shore, looking nervously at the place where the accident happened in the lake, and anxiously waiting for the result.

"Princess Jun, don't worry, the prince will be fine." Qin Jiu and Qin Shi comforted in a low voice.

Gu Yunzheng also said: "That's right, Master, Master's water quality is very good, the wind and waves in Taiye Lake are calm, and there are so many people helping each other, Master must be fine!"

Su Jin forced a smile and nodded in response, but she still didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

Qin Lang's water skills are excellent, she naturally knows this.

When they were still in the village of Fangyin County, the two of them went into the mountains. There were lakes and pools in the mountains, so she knew how good his water skills were.

However, this is not a water problem. There are so many people with mixed hands, who knows if anyone will lay hands on him in the lake.

If it was on the shore, Qin Lang would not be afraid of anyone, even the bright and dark, but in the water, it is hard to say

"The king is all right! The king is all right!"

In the middle of the lake, an eunuch screamed at the top of his voice, and other people heard the sound and screamed, and the sound reached the shore, and Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief.

Qin Lang was quickly sent to the shore, and Su Jin hurried forward.

"The king of the county!"

"I'm fine, don't panic." Qin Lang was wearing someone's robe, his hair was dripping, his handsome face was sharp, he patted Su Jin's thin lips lightly and smiled.

"Go and change quickly." Su Jin nodded and accompanied him.

A young eunuch beside Emperor Yuanfeng rushed over and asked King Ding how he was?

Qin Lang fell into the water, so naturally he couldn't continue the game. Moreover, his left arm was also injured, and his right leg was also scratched. The little eunuch laughed and said: "The emperor has a decree, if the king of Dingjun is injured, he can go Rest, remember to attend the banquet later."

The implication is that this dragon boat race should not be compared.

Qin Lang secretly thought it was a pity, he still wanted to win the golden silk soft armor, obviously it was impossible, he nodded respectfully and said: "Yes, thank you grandpa for your compassion."

The little eunuch went back to reply with a smile. Su Jin supported Qin Lang, and went to the nearby Mingxuan Palace, which had already been packed for the temporary rest of the royal family members.

She was personally by Qin Lang's side, and she immediately felt relieved.

In this palace, one is not afraid of swords and swords, but the most fearful of conspiracy and tricks that kill people without blood. Especially once it gets involved with female sex, it will be over.

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