As an emperor, who likes to have too close contact with his courtiers?

What happened to grandson? The grandson is no longer a courtier?

As expected, Emperor Yuanfeng frowned slightly, a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes, he waved his hand: "Okay, just follow along, my old bones can still move!"

Zhao Ming'an wanted to try to show off, but Qin Lang "inadvertently" bumped him somewhere under his ribs, and the soreness hit him, he almost grinned, and was too frightened to move.

When he regained his strength, Liang Shun'an had already helped Emperor Yuanfeng get off the carriage.

Zhao Ming'an couldn't help but glared at Qin Lang angrily, with a warning in his eyes.

The emperor's grandfather is making a private visit in a micro-service, abandoning the identity of the emperor. He is his grandfather, and he is his own grandson. Is it wrong to honor his grandfather?

This is such a good opportunity to get close. It's really disgusting that this bastard Qin Lang dares to play tricks.

After getting out of the carriage and looking around, Emperor Yuanfeng's eyes lit up.

This phase of the project is mainly the living area of ​​the faculty and some of the adjacent experimental areas. Several main teaching buildings and activity venues are located in the middle of the entire medical school and are currently under construction.

Even though it was only the living area and the experimental area in front of him, Emperor Yuanfeng was already very satisfied.

The ground is covered with large blocks of floor tiles, which are flat, clean and square. Many tree pits have been dug on both sides of the straight main road. They are still empty now, but it is conceivable that in the future, all trees will be planted, all trees will grow up, and dense What a refreshing beauty it will be under the scorching summer sun.

Liu Shilang and Xu Rongyue from the Ministry of Industry are in charge of the entire project, and they dare not engage in any kind of welcome parade, but naturally they are all waiting here at this moment, which is the basic principle of hospitality.

Except for Liu Shilang who seemed calmer when he met Emperor Yuanfeng a few times before, the others were very reserved.

Because Emperor Yuanfeng was visiting in private, the few people did not kneel and kowtow when they stepped forward, but only respectfully greeted him.

Emperor Yuanfeng glanced at them, especially Xu Rongyue and his wife with some curiosity, raised his hand and smiled and said, "Don't be polite, you guys built this place well, you put your heart into it!"

Xu Rongyue and the others were both excited and excited, while Xie En stammered, his face beaming. Even Xu Rongyue, who was always calm and calm, was a little excited at this moment.

This is not someone else, but the emperor, the monarch of Daqing, the son of heaven who is above ten thousand people and worshiped by his subjects.

She never thought that one day she would meet the Emperor Longyan.

Even if it is a private visit on a micro-service, it is enough for future generations to be proud of for decades.

Seeing Emperor Yuanfeng's satisfied expression, Su Jin and Qin Lang smiled at each other and felt relieved.

Su Jin felt a little more complacent in her heart. The medical school had cost her countless painstaking efforts and money. It was not easy to build it according to her ideal plan, and it was not in vain.

Zhao Ming'an hurriedly laughed and said: "After all, this place is a bit rough, and there are many shortcomings. Grandfather, you have unique vision and profound knowledge. If there is anything that needs to be improved, please don't hesitate to teach us. This is also our blessing! "

Everyone: "."

Xu Rongyue subconsciously looked at Su Jin quietly, with some doubts in her eyes: who is this person? What does he mean?

Su Jin smiled at her, winked and shook his head slightly, signaling her not to worry.

Not to mention Xu Rongyue, she was about to die of anger, Zhao Mingan should be ashamed, who is "us" to him? The medical school was her painstaking effort, her family Alang helped, Xu Rongyue and the others helped, but what does it matter to him, Zhao Ming'an?

Before today, he didn't even know where the gate of the medical school opened, did he?

What are you talking about?

He came here on purpose to be disgusting, right?

Qin Lang gently shook Su Jin's hand, comforting him silently.

Su Jin hooked his lips into a shallow smile, and the feeling of aggrieved and depressed in his chest was slightly relieved.

Some people may think that she is making a fuss out of a molehill, and that she simply does not want Zhao Mingan to compete for favor.

Not so.

Medical school is her painstaking effort, her ideal, and it can even be said that it is the most important career and spiritual support in her life, which is equivalent to her child to a certain extent.

How could she not feel aggrieved when her own child was brought up carefully, but was taken away by others unceremoniously, and she didn't treat him sincerely at all, but only for the benefit and for her own selfishness?

The corners of Liang Shunan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, this prince Qian, what should I ask him to say?

Emperor Yuanfeng naturally wouldn't show his grandson's face in front of others, so he nodded and said "Yes".

He smiled happily and said to go forward to have a look around, Su Jin smiled and said: "Master Liu, you are most familiar with this place, and please Master Liu to introduce you to the old man."

Liu Shilang couldn't help being overjoyed, he felt his body lighten up a bit, and nodded with excitement, "Yes, yes, princess, don't worry, I will definitely introduce you to the old man."

Su Jin was actually more willing to let Xu Rongyue introduce her, but then she thought that Sister Xu was not a member of the court, and it was of no use if the emperor looked at her differently. On the contrary, she doesn't understand official affairs, if she casually said something taboo and caused trouble, she might as well give this favor to Liu Shilang, I believe Liu Shilang will be grateful.

As everyone walked along, Liu Shilang introduced Emperor Yuanfeng along the way.

At first he stuttered a little because of nervousness, and even walked on the same limbs, making others want to laugh but not daring to laugh, and it was quite hard for him to hold back.

But the emperor was in a very good mood today, and the atmosphere was just right. Gradually, Liu Shilang calmed down and spoke very quickly.

The ground is flat and the roads are wide. Except for the greenery, the whole environment is clean and tidy.

The accommodation area for teaching staff is also divided into several parts.

The best is the neat 42 sets of six horizontal and seven vertical small courtyards with exactly the same shape and the same pattern of inner buildings.

This is for doctors with the best medical skills and good morals. One room per person, there is a main room with three openings and two entrances, two wing rooms in the east and west, a kitchen, and a small patio.

Ordinary teaching assistants live in rows of houses, with single rooms and a small number of courtyards, which can be accommodated by a family with family members, but it is not a family with one courtyard, but a courtyard with three families.

The handymen also have single rooms, not in the same room as the teaching assistants, and have a separate courtyard surrounded by walls. This is because many handymen have tools for their own work, and it is unsightly to pile them up outside. It is easy to lose, it is better to get a big yard and build a shed for them to store.

In order to facilitate everyone's life, a large two-story canteen was built. The standard staff canteen configuration, the two-story hall is enough for hundreds of people to eat together at the same time.

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