Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1129 The Journey to Fengchan

They are, are they. Are they out of their league? To be rewarded by the emperor is something that I dare not even think about in my whole life!

Even if he is a merchant, his status will become extraordinary in an instant, and he will become taller!

Lu Xiaoyi went back to Fancheng and didn't know about it, but Gu Yunzheng knew about it, and was also happy for her sister and husband, so she ran to the door to congratulate her.

Su Jin also made a special trip to Mingyue Tower.

Not wanting to diagnose that Xu Rongyue was pregnant for more than a month, the joy was even more joyful, and everyone was happy for them and congratulated them one after another.

Shopkeeper Xu and Boss Song are not young anymore. If someone else was as old as them, they would have children as young as ten years old.

Song Qing was especially happy, smiling like a fool. Seeing Xu Rongyue walking, she stepped forward in panic to support her, as if Xu Rongyue had become something fragile in an instant, and no one else could touch her.

As soon as Su Jin was happy and returned to the palace, he went to his and Qin Lang's private treasury to rummage through boxes and cabinets, and picked out a dozen horses of high-quality cloth, several pieces of soft leather, and seven or eight pieces of gold and jade decorations that symbolized many children and good fortune. , and asked someone to pick several pots of well-maintained and precious flowers and trees from the flower room of the palace, and copied a few therapeutic prescriptions by himself, and asked someone to send them to Xu Rongyue.

Then I found many red and sapphires that had not been inlaid before, and planned to inlay gold collars and longevity locks for the children in a few months.

In short, Su Jin wished to search through the entire storeroom, and if there was anything suitable, Wang Chun would get it out and write it down, so that he could give it away when the child was born.

Everyone who had been with Su Jin before Wangchun and others knew how good the relationship between Xu Rongyue, Gu Yunzheng, and Lu Xiaoyi was with Su Jin. They were all happy for Xu Rongyue when she was pregnant. Secretly surprised.

Although the shopkeeper Xu manages the Mingyue Building for the princess of the county and earns a lot of money for the princess of the county, but she is not helping for nothing, and the annual dividends will definitely not be less. The princess of the county is too kind to her.

It just so happened that Cui Jinglan came to visit Su Jin on the day she went to the warehouse.

When she came, Su Jin had just finished tossing, so he asked her to sit in the living room and wait while he went to wash his hands and wipe his face.

Cui Jinglan couldn't help asking with a smile, and Yinzhu answered truthfully.

The smile on Cui Jinglan's face suddenly froze slightly, and she felt very uncomfortable.

She didn't want to admit it, but that was jealousy.

Obviously she is Su Jin's cousin, or the kind of direct relative, and her parents are also kind to Su Jin, but how did Su Jin treat her?

Holding on to such a small mistake, no matter how she behaved, she never looked at her directly again.

Although now she has finally been able to step into Jingheyuan's territory through hard work, but that's all.

When she was in Jingheyuan, there would always be people staring at her, and she would never be away from her for a moment.

Su Jin didn't regard her as one of his own at all.

Not to mention any help or benefits for her.

So what is Shopkeeper Xu? It's just a low-class merchant woman, but Su Jin treats her like a sister.

Cui Jinglan's heart beat uncontrollably when Yin Zhu casually said the long list of gifts with a smile.

Unfortunately, she doesn't even have the right to lose her temper, nor does she dare.

After Su Jin came over, he smiled and chatted with her about everyday things, and she found that she didn't even dare to express her dissatisfaction.

In a blink of an eye, it finally came to the first day of September.

The night before, the imperial street leading from the gate of the palace to the south gate was under martial law. A large number of soldiers armed with weapons stood densely on both sides of the wide and straight imperial street, with solemn expressions and sharp ice blades.

Just after dawn, the emperor's royal driver set off from the palace, together with several accompanying concubines.

Qin Lang and other princes and grandchildren all rode horses to accompany the royal driver.

The wives of the royal family, the great-grandchildren of the royal family and other chariots followed behind the concubines, followed by the clan, nobles, and ministers, plus guards, guards of honor, accompanying palace ladies and eunuchs, and carriages that pulled people and luggage, stretching across the vast expanse. ten miles.

What kind of excitement was this? Su Jin didn't have time to watch it, Zhen'er was overjoyed, she was too busy coaxing him to make a fuss before it was too late.

The little guy has a little memory, and he is at the age when people hate dogs, and he is used to being naughty on weekdays. Where has he seen such a battle? Ever since I got into the carriage and saw this battle, I was so excited that I couldn't stop!

Because the team is huge, and there are a lot of rules and etiquette, the speed of marching is naturally very, very slow. The little guy probably feels a little bored, and keeps opening the curtain to look out. Seeing this, Su Jin and Wang Chun hurriedly coaxed him come over.

If it was the way it was in the past, Su Jin's pets would be favored and pained, and if he was disobedient, he would slap him on the butt and reprimand him.

But now he is accompanying him, and he dare not make a move, nor dare to reprimand him, what if the little ancestor starts to cry?

It's not so easy for such a small little ancestor to coax him when he really cries.

Although it is far away from Yujia, it will definitely not disturb the emperor.

However, just after the trip, there was crying in the team, which is very unlucky. The emperor must be unhappy. If someone took the opportunity to add insult to injury, the displeasure in the emperor's heart would only double and not decrease.

It was the first time that Su Jin faced this little ancestor and felt devastated.

After finally arriving at Tongzhou Wharf, everyone boarded the corresponding big boat one by one according to the specifications and prior arrangements, and Su Jin was completely relieved.

The mother and son and the maids and guards who accompanied them boarded a luxurious ship fifteen to six meters long and three floors high.

All the female relatives of Prince Qian's Mansion and Prince Wu's Mansion were on this ship.

The two princesses lived on the highest floor, and Su Jin and other daughter-in-laws lived on the second floor with their children. The second deck was very spacious, and Zhen'er and several cousins ​​were all running around, not to mention how happy they were.

At this moment, I finally don't have to hold back.

As for Prince Ning's Mansion, he didn't make it this time, so he obediently stayed in the capital.

Although they tried their best to fight for it and exhausted all available methods, the emperor seemed to be determined to let the world clearly see that he had given up on this son, and he never agreed.

Even after King Ning asked the emperor to allow Zhao Mingqi to accompany him, he was rejected, saying that he wanted Zhao Mingqi to stay in Beijing to fulfill his filial piety.

As soon as the news that Prince Ning's Mansion confirmed that he would not be accompanying him, countless people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, including Su Jin and Qin Lang.

Finally, such a good opportunity was given to deal with them severely. Originally, it was obvious that they could bring down the entire Prince Ning’s Mansion, but in the end, they only defeated Zhao Mingxiao. The Prince Ning’s Mansion was still there, just being lowered, that’s enough. I'm aggrieved and depressed.

It would be disappointing to watch them accompany and drive with obvious signs of recovery.

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