Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1176 Suspect

However, if the Tian family wanted to kill the Cui family, there were plenty of opportunities, so why bother to do it at the Prince Jian's mansion? This doesn't make sense.

As for Princess Dingjun, it doesn't even make sense.

Princess Dingjun's words are absolutely correct, she doesn't need to kill a concubine of her uncle who has no conflict of interest with her. As for the previous conflict, to be honest, Princess Dingjun really didn't do anything to Cui.

It's really hard to say.

Princess Jianjun sighed: "I really didn't expect such a regrettable thing to happen. Alas, it's because our house did not entertain well, and this kind of accident happened. This concubine will definitely order someone to investigate thoroughly. I will give an explanation to the Qian Palace!"

Everyone understood in their hearts that the result of this thorough investigation must be that the Jian County Prince's Mansion must have a slave to act as a scapegoat, and make this matter a small one, and make it a trivial matter.

This is the best solution.

But how will this matter be spread outside, others are more inclined to believe that the Tian family is the murderer behind the scenes, or the Princess Dingjun is the murderer behind the scenes, this has nothing to do with the Jianjun Palace.

For these two suspicions, it is between half and half.

Both sisters-in-law are suspected.

Tian was very unwilling.

She planned this incident with great difficulty, in order to completely ruin Su Jin's reputation. Even if there is no evidence, Su Jin has a mean and vicious reputation, no matter whether it is the father or the grandfather, If you want to move the position of the son of the son, you must think more about it.

After all, the relationship between Qin Lang and Su Jin is so good, and Su Jin was sealed and gave birth to the eldest son. Once Qin Lang becomes the eldest son, or will be the crown prince in the future, Su Jin will be the crown prince or concubine.

Daqing will not need a concubine who is mean, vicious, and vengeful.

But Su Jin's mouth is really open-minded. After she said that, the original 90% possibility has now become half and half with herself.

How could Tian not feel annoyed?

Annoyances are annoyances, although the result is not satisfactory, it is still effective. It's hard for her to say anything now, and it would seem a little too deliberate.

Concubine Qian naturally wished that Su Jin would be involved in this matter, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only say a few polite words to Princess Jianjun, and let it go.

What was supposed to be a good banquet ended in such an embarrassing way.

Back at Prince Qian's mansion, Princess Qian looked at Su Jin even more unkindly, staring at her coldly and said: "Su Shi, tell me the truth, did you kill Aunt Cui? She offended you before and has never been with you." Deal with it, is it you?"

Su Jin smiled, "Wangfei seems to have said something wrong, right? Aunt Cui and I have long since settled our suspicions, doesn't the princess know? Aunt Cui will go to the scene and courtyard to sit and talk with me every now and then. No one in the whole house knows Why didn't we deal with it? Perhaps her existence threatened the status of some people. After all, she is my cousin, and now that the county king has made great achievements, her and I have also risen. Human eyes can't tell!"

"I just didn't expect that some people would be so stupid and want to go to Jianjun's mansion to fight. Don't they understand the simple truth that family ugliness should not be publicized? Could it be that they think that they can pour dirty water on me! If there is no real deal Whoever dares to speak nonsense outside, I will not let her go!"

Tian Shi was trembling with anger, and had to pretend to be calm as if he had nothing to do with him, and smiled at Su Jin.

Princess Qian was also startled by Su Jin.

Su Jin's warning didn't seem to have any effect. I don't know if it was the Tian family, or Princess Qian, maybe they did it together, maybe Zhao Ming'an.

In short, rumors quickly spread.

The uproar in the capital, spread in a serious manner, is not conducive to Su Jin.

Even the previous grievances between Su Jin and Cui Jinglan's family were revealed, in order to prove that Su Jin had the motive to kill Cui Jinglan.

As for why you chose to do it in Jianjun Palace? One thing was that Cui Jinglan offended her that day and made her ashamed, she was in a rage, and another thing was that the timing happened to be brought to her, no one saw it, and it was easier to pick it up in the Prince Jian's mansion—as she herself said eloquently in front of others That way, she has no motivation and no chance to do it.

Why don't you know that the more this is the case, the more she can pick it up with her hands?

Wang Chun, Qin Jiu, Qin Shi, etc. were going crazy, cursing those who spread rumors was shameless, they could say such outrageous things!

Su Jin sneered, her sister-in-law is really a blockbuster if she doesn't make a show. She has been gentle and gentle before and does nothing, but this time she does it all in one go. In this regard, she is much better than Fu Mingzhu.

But if she thinks that she can do anything to her just by relying on these gossip, she will underestimate herself too much.

She is waiting, waiting for Qin Lang to come back.

When Qin Lang comes back, she will fight back, and the effect will be doubled.

After careful calculation, there are still eleven or twelve days at most, Qin Lang should come back, right?

What Su Jin didn't expect was that the matter would be resolved before Qin Lang came back, and it was resolved in a way that she couldn't think of at all.

On this day, Su Jin routinely went to the palace to greet Emperor Yuanfeng, and together with Imperial Physician Dou gave him a routine examination and diagnosis, and adjusted his medicine and diet along the way.

There are many famous doctors from all over the country, but so far no one can pass the level of Doctor Dou and Su Jin, and no one has the opportunity to see Emperor Yuanfeng.

But people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and with so many famous doctors coming to Beijing, this is a very useful psychological comfort for Emperor Yuanfeng.

Although Emperor Yuanfeng's body was still thin and his complexion was still sallow, it was much better than before.

Because of this, he looked at Su Jin more and more kindly.

After taking his pulse that day, Emperor Yuanfeng suddenly asked what happened to the murder case in the Prince's Mansion of Jian County.

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment, then explained what he knew in detail.

Although Emperor Yuanfeng may not need her to tell - since he can ask himself, it means that he already knows. Even the gossip outside.

After hearing this, Emperor Yuanfeng frowned: "The rumors are raging outside, but you didn't make a single word of excuse. Why? How could Ming An's concubine have any conflict of interest with you? I don't believe you would do such useless things, Besides, it's still in Jian County Prince's Mansion, you're not so confused!"

Su Jin felt warm in her heart, she never thought that Emperor Yuanfeng would look at this matter like this, and would choose to believe in herself without hesitation.

I have to say that his vision of seeing people is really quite accurate.

Su Jin said: "The clearer is clear, the granddaughter-in-law doesn't think there is anything to justify about this matter. Besides, in front of so many people in the Prince's Mansion of Jian County that day, the granddaughter-in-law has already said clearly what should be said. It’s boring to say those words now.”

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