Therefore, there are still quite a lot of nonsense in the palace of Qian Wang.

On this day, Su Jin took Zhen'er for a walk in the garden. Coincidentally, he heard three women laughing and talking about this matter. This kind of exaggerated and malicious slander is simply unheard of.

Wangchun was so angry that if Su Jin's eyes had not stopped, he would have rushed to scold him.

In other words, rumors have spread all over the place these days, and none of the girls, big and small, in Jingheyuan quarreled with Prince Qian's mansion, all of them were like an active volcano, which might erupt at any time.

Su Jin was quite confused.

The imperial grandfather said that in front of her, and then passed on King Qian to the palace, and when King Qian returned to the mansion, he called Mrs. Tian to the main courtyard. Afterwards, Mrs. Tian was pale, She went back to her yard with red and swollen eyes.

Su Jin can be sure that the emperor's grandfather has already taken care of this matter.

But, what is going on here? It made her a little confused.

Is Princess Qian so fierce? She dared to obey the words of the emperor's grandfather conveyed by King Qian?

Although Su Jin didn't get along with Princess Qian and never liked her, she had to admit that Princess Qian was a daughter-in-law brought up by a noble family, and she was very good at housekeeping.

In other words, if she really took care of this matter, these dog slaves would never dare to be unscrupulous and open-mouthed, at least, they would not dare to chatter so blatantly in the garden.

It can be seen that Princess Qian doesn't seem to care.

This is really interesting, Su Jin curled her lips and smiled playfully.

She has always been aware of this matter, because she knows that when her man comes back, he will definitely support her and make decisions for her, so she doesn't bother to care about the rumors outside.

Now that the imperial grandfather has made a move, there is no need for her to worry.

So, unlike Wangchun and others, Su Jin stood there, listening to the talking and laughing discussion of the three women very calmly, and laughed loudly from time to time.

The three women didn't notice Su Jin's mother and son, master and servant, until Xiao Zhen'er giggled loudly, and they were startled back to their senses.

Turning around and seeing Su Jin standing there with several masters and servants, everyone was scared out of their wits and their faces changed drastically.

"Ding, Princess Dingjun."

The three of them were terrified, their calves trembling.

There is no one who doesn't like to talk behind this kind of talk, but the master is the master after all, who would dare to speak in front of the master? The following crimes are quite serious for the slaves, enough for them to drink a pot.

Besides, Princess Dingjun has never been a good person, she is tough and brutal. Didn't you see that the nuns in Wang Hao's yard have suffered countless losses at her hands?

And what's more terrible is that King Dingjun will be back soon!

"Plop!" With a sound, a woman knelt down towards Su Jin, raised her hand and "slap!" and slapped herself hard, begging for mercy with a mournful face: "Princess Princess, please spare my life! The old slave mouth Cheap, old slave talking cheap! I beg the princess of the county to spare her life!"

After saying "Papa Papa!", he slapped himself on the face several times in succession, both left and right, and his cheeks on both sides became red and swollen soon.

When the other two saw it, they were so frightened that they quickly knelt down, slapping themselves and begging for mercy.

The princess of the county, spare her life? Su Jin couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth, spare me? God is so forgiving! I mean, is she that scary? So much so that people open their mouths and say "forgive me"?

She doesn't seem to have killed any servants of the Qian Palace, has she?

These people are really crazy, so crazy that people are speechless.

"Stop it all!" Su Jin said coldly: "I haven't done anything to you yet, and you keep saying you're going to spare your life, isn't that putting a hat on my head? It's just that you have sinister intentions, and you still want to Let me spare you? Huh?"

The three trembled and begged repeatedly.

"No, no, this old slave doesn't mean that, I beg the princess of the county to forgive, forgive this old slave!"

"The old slave is mean, please let the princess of the county let the old slave go, never dare again!"

Wang Chun took a sip: "You bastards who gossip all day long, how happy are you when you spread rumors and make troubles? Now you have the face to ask the princess for forgiveness? Bah! Be the princess of the county. What is it? Is it easy to bully? I will commit the crime next time, just wait!"

The third lady was really scared and panicked now, kowtowing again and again.

Su Jin has already ordered someone to take Zhen'er away to play a little far away, it's better not to let his children see this kind of scene.

As for these three people, disgust flashed in Su Jin's eyes, and she didn't want to forgive them lightly.

They ran into the door by themselves, the rumors were like knives, and the words were vicious. They have lived in this Qianwang's mansion for most of their lives, don't they understand such a simple truth?

If you do, then bear the consequences yourself.

"Send these three people to the princess of the main courtyard!" Su Jin turned and left.

Princess Qian is the hostess of the palace, so it is best to leave this kind of matter to her.

The three women were so frightened that they cried and cried miserably, they stopped slapping their faces, and kowtowed repeatedly to beg for mercy.

Su Jin's treatment of them can be regarded as a private treatment, and it will be over if it passes. But when the matter came to Princess Qian, it was not private.

Can Princess Qian spare them?

Wang Chun sneered, "Will the three ladies get up and follow me, or ask someone to help them?"

The three women froze, begging for mercy with mournful faces.

Wang Chun became impatient: "What? Are you really going to be entangled? If that's the case, just kneel down here! I'll ask the maid in the princess' courtyard to come and help you!"

How dare the three of them? Helping each other to stand up, they stumbled and followed behind Wangchun.

Wangchun ostentatiously passed by and led them around the mansion.

Many people on the road watched and whispered, asking what's going on?

Naturally, Wangchun told everyone without hesitation: The master of spreading rumors has been caught!

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, and your face changes.

There are not many rumors that have not been said, and these three people are unlucky enough. The concubine just said that she would be held accountable, but in the end she was shot in the mouth.

Princess Qian barely died of anger.

Didn't she order everyone to keep their mouths shut? How can anyone dare to commit a crime? Isn't this courting death?

Immediately, the three of them were beaten and sent to Zhuangzi.

Everyone's face changed with fright, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

This is a heavy responsibility. Is it really a heavy responsibility?

For a while, the rumors decreased a lot, at least, no one dared to discuss it blatantly.

There are also many people who think that the three are unlucky themselves, if they were not unlucky and caught by the princess, they would not have made this happen.

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