Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1182 Thunderbolt from the Blue Sky

What King Qian said was right, everything was to blame on that bitch Tian.

Think smart!

In the end, the hole she dug buried herself!

Seeing that Princess Qian was silent, King Qian hesitated a little, reached out and held her hand, "Princess, An'er is also the son of this king, the eldest son of this king, this king values ​​him as much as you do, you have to trust me. It’s just a stopgap measure.”

Concubine Qian wiped away her tears, feeling dazed in her heart: "My lord, is it true what you said?"

King Qian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her loosen up, and nodded quickly: "That's natural. Is this king a fool? Qin Lang grew up outside and has no feelings for this king. This king can see clearly , Can't the princess see clearly? How could this king entrust the royal palace and everything in the future to him?"

This is indeed true. Princess Qian felt a little comforted in her heart.

However, thinking of her son, her heart ached again. Princess Qian burst into tears again, choked up and said: "This matter, this matter is too cruel to An'er, how should I tell him?"

King Qian patted her hand and sighed: "You should tell him about this matter. You are his mother and concubine, so he will be more comfortable in front of you."

Princess Qian just shed tears and cried aloud.

If Su Jin heard these words, he would secretly roll his eyes at King Qian, and contemptuously complain in his heart.

To put it bluntly, King Qian was just cowardly, not daring to face Zhao Mingan in person.

He's always been that way.

Whenever something happens, he will be cowardly, wishing to shrink his head, just want to push the matter to others.

When others have solved it, he will stand up and say a few beautiful words in a stern and imposing manner, perfect!

King Qian persuaded Princess Qian again, and told her to call Zhao Ming'an immediately to talk about this matter. In the afternoon, he would announce the abolition of Zhao Ming'an's position as the son of the eldest son, and report to his father.

Time is running out, Princess Qian please act as soon as possible. Also, be sure to appease Zhao Mingan's emotions, and don't let him do anything he shouldn't do on the spur of the moment.

Princess Qian sighed heavily, and reluctantly nodded.

After King Qian left, Princess Qian was out of her mind for a while, and ordered Mother Qing to invite Zhao Ming'an.

Zhao Ming'an hasn't been in a good mood recently. Even when rumors about Su Jin's murder were flying everywhere, his mood didn't change much. Because Qin Lang is the thorn in his heart.

You don't even need to think about it, you can imagine how much attention and pride Qin Lang will have when he returns to Beijing, and then I don't know how many people will compare him with Qin Lang, and the final conclusion is that he is not as good as Qin Lang .

He will be compared to trash by Qin Lang.

Under this premise, no matter how unlucky Su Jin was and how bad his reputation was, it would not give him much comfort.

When the concubine called him, he came.

It's just that the expression is not very good-looking.

This decadent expression implying impatience and irritability fell in the eyes of Princess Qian, and Princess Qian's heart felt like a knife when she thought of what she was about to say to him.

Concubine Qian couldn't bear to speak for a long time, but Zhao Mingan became a little impatient. He glanced at Concubine Qian and asked, "Concubine Mother called me over, but what's the matter?"

Otherwise, what are you doing with a hesitant look? Can you still hide it from him?

Princess Qian sighed and clenched the handkerchief tightly.

Well, always have to say.

After all, she is his mother and concubine, and she can comfort him at least, if it is said directly from the mouth of the prince, wouldn't he be even more unbearable?

"An'er, no matter what the concubine mother says, don't worry or be impulsive. Your father and concubine have already assured the concubine mother that no matter what you do now, it is just a stopgap measure. The future will last forever, and we have to look forward. "

Zhao Ming looked at Princess Qian steadily, and suddenly said: "Is the father going to depose me as the son of the world?"

Princess Qian's complexion changed drastically, and she looked at him with wide eyes, full of panic and astonishment.

He, he, how did he—

"Hehe!" Princess Qian's reaction already explained everything, Zhao Mingan's heart was surprisingly calm, and he even had a feeling that this day had finally come and the dust had finally settled.

How amazing!

"I knew it," Zhao Ming'an shook his head with a light smile, "My father can say hello to mother and concubine first, instead of directly giving orders like this, it is considered as the most benevolent."

"An'er!" Princess Qian couldn't help wiping her tears and began to cry bitterly. Her son's reaction, his death-like expression, made her feel more painful than yelling and violent reaction.

"Don't be sad, An'er, don't be sad! It's only temporary, it's only temporary! We just need to know about this matter, don't be sad, don't think about it, one day."

Concubine Qian burst into tears, speaking incoherently, wishing to put all the pain on herself, not to hurt her son, not to make her son so sad.

Zhao Ming'an's heart was surprisingly calm, like an ancient well without waves, and his mind was also surprisingly calm. He seemed to be empty for a moment, without thinking about anything, without any emotions.

He didn't hear what his concubine mother said, the only thing he heard was her choked up crying, which made him feel a little irritated for no reason.

What's the use of crying?

"Mother Concubine, don't cry, this will happen sooner or later, I have already expected it." Zhao Mingan glanced at her and sneered.

Princess Qian was startled, and cried even more sadly.

"This matter is not over," Princess Qian murmured, "An'er, you have to trust your mother, even if you don't believe your father, you still have to trust your mother. It won't stop here, it won't, this The days to come are still long, and still long."

Zhao Ming'an didn't speak, got up and said: "There's nothing else, I'm leaving first. Now that the mother and concubine have said so, don't cry, you see, you keep telling me not to be sad, but you are so sad yourself! "

Princess Qian was taken aback.

Before she could recover, Zhao Mingan had already left.

Zhao Ming'an's body was stiff, the wind was blowing under his feet, he walked faster and faster, and left the main courtyard.

He suddenly stood still, raised his head, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This sunlight is very dazzling, and it makes people feel uncontrollably irritable.

A restless factor suddenly appeared in the heart that was originally as calm as an ancient well without waves, and gradually spread, like a silently rising river.

Zhao Mingan hummed lightly, and strode back to his yard.

Walking into the study, shut the door rudely with a "Boom!", "Get out of here!"

The attendants who followed were so frightened that they hurriedly stopped, guarding outside nervously.

There was no one else in the study, it was his private space.

All kinds of emotions that were deliberately, deliberately, or unintentionally suppressed instantly poured down like a mountain torrent, drowning all his reason in an instant.

Zhao Ming'an let out a muffled and deep roar, like a wounded and howling beast, he kicked over the chair, grabbed the things on the desk and threw them on the ground crazily, smashing one after another like crazy, cursing while smashing. .

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