Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1198 Please see a doctor

What my daughter-in-law reminded him before was true. Although he was not a doctor, he secretly took a few careful glances at the emperor, and he could feel that the emperor's mental state was quite different from before.

He didn't dare to do anything for fear that an accident would offend him.

"Fortunately, the imperial grandfather is very concerned about me." Qin Lang still decided not to talk about the concubine Xian.

Whatever rhetoric comes out of the palace is what it is, he doesn't need to add drama.

"Okay, okay!" King Qian was obviously very satisfied with this answer, his face was flushed with a smile, and his energy rose a lot.

"This king knows that you are a filial person. Your imperial grandfather has always treated you very well, and now you have made great achievements. Do your job well and don't be proud."

"Yes, father."

Qin Lang looked like he was being educated, and the whole family talked hypocritically for a while, then Qin Lang and Su Jin left.

King Qian said that there will be a family banquet in the evening, and Qin Lang nodded in response.

Ordinarily, Qin Lang had just returned from Nanfan, and he needed to finish a lot of things, but the emperor asked him to go home and rest, so he simply didn't bother to go to the Yamen, and stayed at home to rest just as he wished.

Anyway, he was not the only one who went to war, and when he was in the south, there were people in charge of the specific affairs. He only needed to lead the troops to fight with peace of mind, and basically didn't worry about the rest. It didn't matter if he was there or not.

Jinghe Courtyard closed its doors and became a world of its own.

And just after noon, news came out from the palace that Concubine Xian had a sudden heart attack and passed away.

The servants in her bedroom were ineffective in serving them, and all of them were severely punished and sent to do hard labor.

Concubine Xian's reputation has always been good. Although there is not much overlap between the previous dynasty and the harem, Concubine Xian is the person in charge of the six palaces after all. Her death still surprised many courtiers.

Countless people wondered secretly: I have never heard of concubine Xian having any kind of heart disease, why did she die suddenly?

Concubine Xian's family members were crying very sadly, and her younger brother didn't know whether he was being too honest or was instigated by others, but he begged to see Emperor Yuanfeng and cried out his injustice, claiming that his sister had always been in good health and had no heart disease. If you say no, then it will be gone. She must have been murdered by someone. Please ask the emperor to avenge her.

Emperor Yuanfeng's face turned dark, and he almost fainted again.

Due to the decency and dignity of the Son of Heaven, it would be good if he didn't offend Concubine Xian's natal family, but how dare they come here to complain? What do they know about things in the palace? How dare you be so suspicious and point fingers at random?

act recklessly!

Originally, Emperor Yuanfeng planned to see nothing but to be pure, so he didn't bother to pay attention to Concubine Xian's family. But her natal family is so reckless in provoking trouble, so don't blame him for being rude.

Emperor Yuanfeng patiently fudged Concubine Xian's younger brother with a few words. Seeing that this person was out of tune, still crying and begging and nagging, Emperor Yuanfeng was not in the mood to talk to him.

Liang Yuanfu secretly scolded Concubine Xian's brother, this brain is simply a muscle, can't you wink? The emperor has made it clear that he is not happy, didn't you see it?

Oh, and it can't be his fault. If it wasn't for his single-mindedness, the emperor would definitely not let the concubine Xian take charge of the sixth palace.

Liang Yuanfu was very understanding and reminded the emperor that it was time to take the medicine, and Emperor Yuanfeng felt relieved.

Liang Yuanfu couldn't help saying that he ordered people to forcefully help Concubine Xian's younger brother out, beat him openly and secretly, and then sent him away in fright.

The death of a concubine in the palace has little to do with most people, even if it is a shock, it will happen for a while. As for whether the affairs of this concubine's death were handled grandly, no one cared.

After all, she is only a concubine, not an empress. Besides, the emperor's body is not in good condition, and he has never fully recovered. Under such circumstances, even if Concubine Xian's funeral is very simple and low-key, no one will talk too much.

The emperor may be jealous of such things in his heart, who would dare to make arrangements with great fanfare, intentionally embarrassing and irritating the emperor!

Only in Ning Jun Wang's mansion, Ning Jun Wang shed tears alone in the study, crying heartily.

After weeping, she was terrified, secretly inquiring that the damned people were already dead, so she was relieved.

King Qian also called Qin Lang to ask about the inside story of Concubine Xian's "death of illness". After all, Qin Lang stayed in the palace that night, so maybe he could hear something?

Qin Lang had to admire how low-level his father's political sensitivity was.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that Qin Lang's stay in the palace is probably related to the death of the concubine Xian, but no one dared to ask Qin Lang about it.

He dared to ask, but he couldn't find the point at all.

He just asked him if he heard something. I am also quite complacent that I have someone to ask.

For Qin Lang, it was not too easy to fool him, and he was dismissed in a few words. The answer, of course, is nothing.

After all, the imperial grandfather left him to spend the night in the palace, so he didn't dare to do anything other than sleep peacefully, didn't he? What's more, he drank so much wine during the palace banquet that he was so drunk that after going to Qianyuan Palace, he fell asleep and fell asleep before dawn.

King Qian believed it completely without the slightest doubt, and praised Qin Lang as if he was relieved, "You are doing the right thing, it is best not to touch things in the palace, don't you know a little bit about it?" Don't know. It won't do you any good to know this!"

Qin Lang smiled: "What the father said is true."

It is rare to have a relaxed day, Qin Lang hardly goes out, and spends every day at home with Su Jin and the children.

If it wasn't for the emperor's illness, it would not be appropriate to go out to play and relax at this time. He would like to take Su Jin and his mother and son out of the city for a short stay.

This morning, Zhao Mingan suddenly sent someone over.

The old woman was quite polite when she spoke, but the meaning of what she said was not very pleasant.

Zhao Mingan asked Su Jin to see Tian Shi.

A slight sarcasm flashed in Su Jin's eyes.

Tian's fall into this situation is entirely his own fault.

At that time, she and Tian were also "injured" and "frightened" and returned home. When they came back, they closed the door of Jinghe courtyard and lay down to rest.

She herself is a sick patient, so naturally no one will ask her to see Tian's doctor. Tian's injury was so bad, but he couldn't wait, so he naturally asked the imperial physician to take charge.

Afterwards, although she was fine, Tian Shi and Zhao Ming'an were clearly guilty, and the two of them worked together to kill her, how could they dare to ask her to see a doctor? Aren't you afraid that she will take the opportunity to make a secret move?

As far as Tian's current situation is concerned, it is very easy to make things worse for her.

Who would have thought that when Qin Lang came back, those minor skin injuries of Tian's were almost healed, except that her face and broken right leg were still not healed, she was not afraid of her revenge, and someone came to her Ask her to see a doctor.


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