Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1207 Emperor Yuanfeng dies

King Ning gave Qin Lang and Su Jin a hard look, and sneered.

He can dislike Qin Lang, get angry with Qin Lang, and be angry with Yin and Yang, it's nothing, King Qian will not blame him for this.

But King Qian's face still has to be given.

This second brother, whom he has never had a serious opponent since he was a child, is now the crown prince and will soon be enthroned as emperor.

Thinking that he is still a county king now, he felt even more angry.

These days, he deliberately behaved in front of his father, crying desperately, just to let his father see his filial piety, see him change his ways, and elevate his title of prince back.

Unfortunately, no.

In other words, before the emperor father opened his mouth, it is very likely that he will not be able to wait any longer.

How can King Ning not be annoyed?

Qin Lang said slowly in a deep voice: "Uncle Ning scolded Imperial Physician Dou, so he must have scolded A Jin too? Whether it was Imperial Physician Dou or A Jin, it was all appointed by the imperial grandfather as his old man when he was awake. As a doctor, isn’t he as good-sighted as Uncle Ning, who knows how to look at people? The old man trusts Doctor Dou and Ah Jin, does Uncle Ning have any opinions? Besides, Eunuch Liang and the others have been staring at him all the time. Eunuch Liang arranged for the preparation of all the medicines. All the prescriptions are recorded and archived. If Uncle Ning doesn’t believe it, he can go and check it himself. I don't have a very good temper, so please forgive me if I do something impulsively."

"Qin Lang, are you threatening the king?" Ning Junwang was furious.

Qin Lang: "No, I'm kindly reminding you!"


"That's enough, stop making noise!" King Qian yelled irritably, frowned and glared at Qin Lang, and yelled: "When are you still making noise? That's your elder, what a shame!"

Qin Lang twitched the corners of his mouth, turned his eyes away, too lazy to look at King Qian, and simply couldn't see it.

This person's nature is hard to change. Even if he has become a prince now, he is still as cowardly as ever, and he only knows how to be cowardly.

Don't look at him gnashing his teeth in the mansion when he was angry with King Wu and King Ning in the past. In fact, when facing them, he didn't dare to say anything at all.

It's the same now, he will only scold him as a bastard.

On this day, no one left the palace, and many clansmen, courtiers, and nobles also came. Everyone was worried and tacitly waited for a result.

In the middle of the night, the dying Emperor Yuanfeng returned to his light, held the hands of the three brothers of King Qian and said a few words, asking them to get along well and love each other in the future. After the three answered with tears, they nodded with a smile in relief.

He let them go, then took Qin Lang's hand again, looked at him earnestly, moved his lips, as if he had a thousand words, but in the end he didn't say a word, held Qin Lang's hand hard, swallowed Take your last breath.

For a time, the crying was earth-shattering.

The death knell rang, and the palace and the naked eye outside the palace turned into a white bark, and the whole country mourned

Qian Wang Lingqian succeeded to the throne, changed the year name to Yanhe, and took next year as the first year of Yanhe.

Emperor Yuanfeng's funeral was extremely grand and grand, every day the princes, grandsons, concubines, concubines, concubines, Mrs. Gaoming, etc. cried before their souls, and no one dared to neglect.

This is a hard work that consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. Every day, countless people are exhausted, subconsciously counting the days.

Twenty-seven days after the suspension, Fuling Emperor's Mausoleum was buried.

Liang Yuanfu and Liang Shun'an have guarded the mausoleum since the Qing Dynasty, and stayed in the imperial mausoleum without leaving.

King Qian pretended to persuade a few words, Liang Yuanfu had made up his mind, so King Qian stopped persuading him, and just told all the mausoleum guards to take good care of them.

At this point, the Yuanfeng Dynasty finally passed completely, and the Daqing Dynasty opened a new chapter.

King Qian, who should be called Emperor Yanhe now, lived in the palace as the new emperor.

However, he did not live in the Qianqing Palace where the emperors of the Daqing Dynasty stayed. Instead, he chose another palace, renamed it Qingqing Palace, and lived in it.

What he said to the outside world was that his father had just passed away, and he was in unbearable grief. Now that he was living in Qianqing Palace, he couldn't help but think of his father's smile, face, and earnest teachings. My condolences to my father.

Emperor Yanhe's move naturally won countless praises from courtiers, praising him for his benevolence and filial piety, saying that having him as emperor in Daqing is indeed a blessing for Daqing, the blessings of the courtiers, and the blessing of the people all over the world.

Listening to all kinds of beautiful words, Emperor Yanhe felt extremely comfortable, and almost believed that this was really the truth, and that he really would not live in the Qing Palace because of this.

In fact, as soon as he saw the Qianqing Palace, he couldn't help but think of how much his father valued Qin Lang, and thought that seven or eight out of ten of his throne was obtained by Qin Lang's blessing, and he felt a wave of shock in his heart.

If it is said that these are just his guesses and there is no actual evidence, it will be over if he deceives himself and others.

However, before his father died, he held Qin Lang's hand tightly, his eyes full of eager anticipation, and he could no longer deceive himself.

He is the prince, the prince who is about to inherit the throne, if the father must hold someone's hand and look at someone expectantly before his death, shouldn't it be him?

Besides him, who else has the qualifications?


However, the royal father let go of his hand at the last moment. In the eyes of the royal father, there is no difference between him and the two brothers.

He tightly held Qin Lang's hand, that expression, there were so many nobles, clansmen, courtiers, and his brothers, nephews and so many people present, all saw it!

How could this embarrass him as a prince?

Before he ascended the throne, his father knocked hard on his forehead, which made him dizzy.

Now, how can he live in Qianqing Palace?

It's a pity that he can't, otherwise he would like to demolish the Qianqing Palace.

Concubine Qian was conferred the title of Empress and moved into Kunning Palace, while Concubine Bai was conferred the title of Concubine Yi and lived in Changchun Palace.

There are also three concubines who are not very shameful in the backyard, and they are also named nobles and live in the palace.

The rest is to canonize the three sons.

Now the three sons are still living in the East Palace, which is quite embarrassing.

After all, it is natural for the emperor's grandson to live in the East Palace, but it is not appropriate for brothers Zhao Mingan and Zhao Mingqi to also live in the East Palace.

In fact, at this moment, King Qian should take advantage of the situation and canonize Qin Lang as the prince. After all, Emperor Yuanfeng deliberately canonized Qin Lang as the grandson of the emperor before his death, which meant that Qin Lang would be the prince after King Qian succeeded to the throne.

Otherwise, why should he be in such a hurry?

Everyone knows this truth from top to bottom.

But the emperor pretended not to know anything, and no one dared to say anything.

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