Qin Lang is not crowned prince, Zhao Mingan and Zhao Mingqi are not crowned princes, so what about the county king?

It stands to reason that he should be crowned prince now.

But if they don't seal it, it's not easy for him to be mentioned.

It is really uncomfortable for the censors and the officials of the Ministry of Rites to watch the etiquette rules being broken.

After discussing behind the scenes, everyone felt that the emperor could no longer be allowed to go on like this.

If this goes on like this, what is the prestige and face of the empire? People all over the world and scholars all over the world will laugh at it.

The emperor is really...too capricious, and should not be like this.

So when he went to court that day, an official from the Ministry of Rites, who was just qualified to go to court, boldly mentioned this matter euphemistically.

He didn't just mention the canonization of the emperor's grandson abruptly, but first said that the emperor's sons should be canonized. The eldest son and the third son should be crowned princes. So, the emperor grandson naturally can't continue to be the emperor grandson.

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bomb was thrown into deep water, and it exploded instantly in the court hall.

The censors and officials of the Ministry of Rites who had been prepared for a long time nodded in agreement, thinking that this is the truth, and it should be so. Many officials who have a good relationship with Qin Lang and have no selfishness, and stand on the fair and righteous position also agree.

Emperor Yanhe didn't even turn black, but he didn't say a word.

After everyone had finished talking, Emperor Yanhe coughed and said unhurriedly: "I already know about this matter, let's talk about something else. If there is nothing wrong, I will retreat."

All the ministers looked at each other: What does the emperor mean by this? Is this agreed? Still disagree?

Besides, does this kind of thing still need to be considered?

Upon seeing this, Emperor Yanhe simply said, "Retire!" and got up to leave.

The eunuch's shrill voice yelled "Back—towards—" and the whisk flicked to catch up, leaving behind the whole hall of stunned courtiers.

Back at the Qingqing Palace, Emperor Yanhe looked at his calm face as black as the bottom of a pot, smashed something on the ground and cursed, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared.

He was panting heavily, his mind was in a mess, buzzing, it was all the voices of the courtiers speaking for Qin Lang.

Those people are helping him and facing him, just like the father!

Emperor Yanhe smiled coldly, with a gloomy expression and cold eyes. What about courtiers? What about the first emperor? Don't forget that he is now the emperor of Daqing!

He is the emperor!

Everyone's life and death are in his hands.

He did not make Qin Lang the crown prince, so what? He said he didn't deserve it, he just didn't deserve it!

Whoever dares to contradict him, let's try.

On the third day, the little official from the Ministry of Rites who was the first to mention the canonization of the prince and prince during the early morning court was dismissed by Emperor Yanhe because of corruption in ink, and his family property was confiscated to make up for the shortfall. His official career was completely over.

The hearts of all the ministers were awe-inspiring, and there was no sound.

No one is a fool who can get to this step. That little official from the Ministry of Rituals ended up like this, definitely not because of any "greedy ink", but because he took the lead in saying what the emperor didn't want to hear.

Today, all the ministers have a completely different and brand new understanding of the emperor.

How could the former King Qian do such a thing?

Among the previous three princes, King Qian was the one with the least sense of presence. As long as King Wu and King Ning were present, basically no one would notice King Qian.

but now

All the ministers felt a little disappointed, and even a little bit uncomfortable.

All secretly feel that people are like this, they are in different positions, and the side they show is even subversive.

No one dared to mention it again.

At least, I dare not mention it again these days.

Emperor Yanhe finally felt happy, sneered secretly, complacent, and his heart was extremely swollen.

At this moment, he had the feeling that he was really the emperor.

He has the final say, the world is the only one.

This matter spread quickly, and naturally it also spread to the East Palace.

There are a lot of people in the East Palace, and most of them are not Su Jin and Qin Lang's own people, so there may be many spies among them.

For a moment, the eyes of everyone looking at the masters became a little weird.

The emperor neither named the prince nor the prince, what is it?

As the grandson of the emperor, Qin Lang naturally had the most eyes on him and Su Jin.

It's not without its benefits.

A lot of people showed their flaws because of this matter, and Su Jin ordered them to deal with them without hesitation.

The East Palace was really too chaotic, there were people sent from the palace before, some were selected from the House of Internal Affairs, and some were brought over from Prince Qian's Mansion, it was really a mixed bag. Can pack up a few pack up a few.

What Su Jin didn't understand was why Fu Mingzhu was jumping around too?

Seeing her, she also began to mock, mocking her in the dark as the grandson concubine whose name was not right and not right, and said that it would be fun to call her the grandson concubine twice now, maybe after a while, even the grandson concubine It can't be called anymore.

Su Jin was not polite to her, and directly did it himself, slapped her on the face, and said with a sneer: "Since you know that I am the grandson concubine, and you are just the eldest son's aunt, please calm down! If you dare to speak again, don't let me go!" Give you a slap, do you want to try it?"

Fu Mingzhu covered her burning and painful face, trembling with anger.

Staring at Su Jin, he was angry, afraid and hated, and he didn't dare to play tricks.

Su Jin's posture didn't look like he was joking with her. She can definitely do such a thing as another slap.

I'm not as good as her, and I can't beat her, what can I do?

The maids and women were all frightened and held their breath, they lowered their heads and did not dare to utter a sound.

Su Jin glanced at her contemptuously, and left ostentatiously.

"This bitch, I won't let her go!" Fu Mingzhu stroked her belly, which was not yet visible, and wanted to vomit blood.

Fu Mingzhu yelled about having a stomachache, but Su Jin ignored her.

Zhao Mingan comforted her and invited the imperial physician to make a careful diagnosis, which was considerate, but he never mentioned seeking justice for her, he just said: "Don't worry about this moment, at this moment, you shouldn't have messed with her. She is jumping the wall in a hurry. !"

Fu Mingzhu became even more angry. Is this futile?

The queen also learned about the farce in the imperial court, she sneered and sneered, and said with a smile to Qingmai: "Sure enough, this day has come, I want to take a good look at it, that grandson of the emperor, what ability can turn the world around?" Woolen cloth?"

Qing Nanny smiled and joked: "If you are not the emperor's favorite, so what if you are the emperor's grandson? Today is the day of Daqing, but the emperor! The emperor has the final say on everything!"

"That's not it!" The queen laughed loudly, thought for a while, and said lightly: "I have been thinking about this matter for a long time, and today it can be regarded as my wish come true. Since the emperor has such thoughts, I, as the queen, naturally You should share your worries for the emperor. You quietly pass a few words to this palace."

2 more haha ​​today, something is up

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