Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1231 Reaching an Agreement

Fu Mingzhu is definitely not forgiving. As for Zhao Mingan, is it possible that he still expects him to speak for him? At best he doesn't add to the flames.

For Zhao Mingan, Su Jin never had hope, let alone believe it.

It is better to have the imperial physicians to testify at the side.

Hearing that Su Jin finally let go of her promise, Zhao Ming'an secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He heard her ordering someone to quickly go to the imperial hospital to ask for an imperial physician, but he still didn't realize it. It's nothing to do, the Crown Princess doesn't need to do anything extra to invite someone, so why bother."

Su Jin glanced at him and said with a smile: "That's not necessarily the case, it's all about teamwork. The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital are actually very good at medical skills, and they can still help."

Zhao Mingan was taken aback, regretting his slip of the tongue, with a embarrassed face, forced a smile and said: "This, this is true."

Tian couldn't help giving him a blank look, and twitched the corner of his mouth to sneer silently: Is this an idiot? The reason why the Crown Princess went to the imperial physician was because he didn't have any idea?

The imperial physicians came to the East Palace first, and then Su Jin ordered to set off and go to Prince Zhong's mansion together.

Before getting on the bus, Su Jin suddenly smiled at Tian and said, "Sister-in-law, maybe we haven't had a good talk for a long time, why don't we invite sister-in-law to ride with me now, just as we are talking, I will also ask how sister-in-law is recovering." .”

Hearing her mention of the injury on her face, Tian stiffened slightly, but the embarrassment disappeared quickly, she nodded with a smile and readily agreed: "It's so good, I can't wait for it!"

Tian's maid wanted to follow the princess's car, but was blocked by the maid beside Su Jin, so she had to turn around and get into Tian's car.

Zhao Mingan looked at Tian Shi suspiciously, and couldn't help but secretly glanced at Su Jin again, feeling very surprised.

When did Tian's and Su Jin's relationship become so good?

Tian's face was ruined by Su Jin, although she also treated it, but it didn't recover at all, so Tian doesn't hate her at all?

And Mrs. Su, Mrs. Tian almost killed her that time, how could she still smile so kindly at Mrs. Tian? Completely ignore the past?

Zhao Ming'an felt that his head had been filled with paste, and he couldn't understand it!

The relationship between women and women is really complicated

As for the question of whether Su Jinlian, the chief culprit, could be let go, and why Tian couldn't be let go, Zhao Ming'an didn't think it existed. He confidently thought that Su Jin didn't know that he was the culprit.

While the Crown Princess was driving, Su Jin exchanged greetings with Tian Shi, asked her about the condition of her face symbolically, and took out a small blue and white porcelain box from her bosom and handed it to Tian Shi: "Sister-in-law take this plaster, if you feel You can smear some on your face if you feel uncomfortable, but you don’t need to use it frequently. When you use it, you can use it for three consecutive days at most, and you can use it every seven days after three days. Don’t worry, it will not cause any damage to the skin on the face.”

"Thank you, Crown Princess," Tian's eyes lit up and he quickly put it away like a treasure, without thinking, "The things given by the Crown Princess, I can rest assured. I am not such a foolish person, how can I doubt the Crown Princess?"

Tian looked at Su Jin, and said seriously: "If the Crown Princess wants to deal with her concubines, there are ways to do it, Fan doesn't care."

Su Jin smiled: "Sister-in-law is a smart person, so I can rest assured! By the way, how is Yue'er now?"

Yue'er is Tian's son, Zhao Qiyue, who is seven years old this year.

Hearing her mention of her son, Tian's spirit immediately lifted, a little excited, but also a little nervous, and smiled wryly: "Don't hide the truth from the princess, it's just, that's the way. With a mother and concubine like me who has lost power, Yue'er is too. Poor, the only one that I feel guilty about, is this child."

What she regretted most in her life was doing that thing for that bastard Zhao Ming'an, and ended up bringing herself down to such a point, and even made her children implicated.

When she thought that the man even wanted to take her own life in that incident, she wished to kill him even more to relieve her hatred.

Su Jin smiled: "Yue'er is not young anymore, and it's time to find a gentleman to teach him well. Yue'er is the eldest son of Prince Zhong's mansion. As long as there are no accidents, this title will definitely belong to him in the future."

Tian immediately said: "With the words of the Crown Princess, the concubine can feel relieved!"

Su Jin looked at her, and the two smiled at each other.

Tian's eyes were full of color, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground.

The deal was settled unconsciously and tacitly. Her husband was vicious and unreliable, and the only thing she worried about was her son.

As long as the son's future is guaranteed, if you don't take advantage of the present to curry favor with the Crown Princess and serve the Crown Princess, what time are you waiting?

With just her and her mother's family who see the wind and the wind, can they beat the Fu family, Fu Mingzhu and her child?

Don't even think about such a good thing.

What's more, Zhao Ming'an is tired of himself now, his heart is already biased.

However, as long as the princess is there, there is nothing to worry about. What she needs to do is to be a good internal response to the Crown Princess. If there is any disturbance in the Prince Zhong's Mansion, remember to report to the Crown Princess. It is to protect her son's life and ensure that he can grow up safely.

When he arrived at Prince Zhong's Mansion, Zhao Ming'an was in a hurry, and he couldn't go to Fu Mingzhu's first without Su Jin and the imperial physicians.

But if he didn't remind and warn in advance, with Fu Mingzhu's violent temper, he might yell something.

If Su Jin was the only one who came, then it would be fine.

However, there are also imperial physicians.

Insulting the Crown Princess is not a pleasant thing to hear. If the Crown Princess cares about it, Prince Zhong's Palace will be ruined.

Zhao Mingan had no choice but to tell Tian Shi to go first in a low voice, "Let Tian Shi make arrangements first, and dare not neglect the Crown Princess."

This reason is barely plausible.

Su Jin knew it well.


Tian wished that Fu Mingzhu would scold the princess in front of the imperial physicians, but Su Jin had already expressed her opinion, and she didn't know what Su Jin meant and what plans she had for Fu Mingzhu, so she didn't dare to make mistakes, so she laughed along with her. Responded, and went first with the maid and mother-in-law.

When the three imperial physicians including Su Jin, Zhao Ming'an, and Imperial Physician Lu came to Fu Mingzhu's residence, Fu Mingzhu could only grunt and scream in pain, and said nothing that should not be said.

Zhao Ming'an secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, Mingzhu still knows the general situation.

The crown princess has a high status, so since the three imperial physicians are accompanying her, it is natural that they go to make a diagnosis first.

There is no reason for them to watch the excitement from the sidelines, not to do anything at all, and to watch the princess make a move.

At least you have to follow the normal procedure to show your dignity and respect.

The result was the same as the previous diagnosis by Imperial Physician Qi. After seeing the prescription prescribed by Imperial Physician Qi, Imperial Physician Lu and others said that if they were to prescribe the prescription instead, the prescription would be similar to that of Imperial Physician Qi.

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