Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1233 The Ambition of Fu's Father and Son

Thinking about everything she did to Zhen'er before, Fu Mingzhu broke out in a cold sweat.

She had always been proud, but at this moment she felt deep remorse and fear.

She knew that Su Jin and Qin Lang were powerful, but she had never realized how powerful it was so deeply at this moment.

too terrifying

Su Clan is simply her nightmare.

Fu Mingzhu fell ill.

Half a month off and on is considered good.

During the recuperation period, I have to take medicine and worry about whether the fetus in the womb will be affected by it, which is extremely frustrating. The entire mansion was gloomy and foggy, and the air pressure was extremely low.

Mother Dong sighed secretly, if I knew this day, why did I do it at the beginning?

She has persuaded her a long time ago, can't the side concubine be more patient? Nothing is as important as the child in the womb.

Besides, it was none other than the Su family.

In the past, the Su family was very difficult to provoke when she was not a crown princess, but now that she is a crown princess, she is even more difficult to provoke! Why bother to mess with her?

When Su Jin heard the news of Fu Mingzhu's illness, she sneered in her heart. If the lesson this time was not enough to make Fu Mingzhu be honest, next time she would really kill her regardless of anything.

Even if she is ill, this time the matter is not over.

If it was still the time when he was the prince of the prince's mansion, Qin Lang would not have to bother, and he would just send a few capable men to beat Fu Mingzhu and her two elder brothers to death with sacks.

Anyway, it's not the first time this kind of thing has been done, and it's guaranteed to be done properly, and if it's not at all, it's hard to find out.

As for her father, for the sake of his old bones, he should be mercifully spared.

However, now that Qin Lang has become the prince, it is inappropriate to do this again.

After all, even if there is no evidence for such a thing, someone with a heart can still guess who the main messenger behind it is.

Think about it, the dignified prince, he doesn’t use scheming methods to fight openly, but he learns the style of street gangsters playing with sacks and sacks—then if he becomes the emperor in the future, will any minister disagree with him? And he puts sacks on people and beats them with sap?

How can there be such a monarch since ancient times?

Wouldn't the court be completely messed up in this way?

How can such a person be suitable to be an emperor?

So, everything has pros and cons.

As a prince, he has greater power, can form his own team, and cultivate his own confidantes, but many methods that were available in the past can no longer be used now.

Qin Lang can only send someone to investigate Fu Mingzhu's father and brother carefully. As long as he catches their pigtails, he can make use of the problem and teach them a lesson.

No, Qin Lang was very surprised by the results of the thorough investigation.

"This family is really clean enough," Qin Lang complained to Su Jin rather angrily, "It's so unbelievable that you can't catch any mistakes."

Su Jin also felt a little creepy.

How can a person be free from shortcomings and mistakes?

Either there really isn't one, or all the tails and loopholes have been cleaned up.

Su Jin smiled and looked at Qin Lang: "It seems that the pictures of Fu's father and son are not small!"

If it weren't for the fact that the picture is not small, how could you be so prepared for a rainy day and cherish the feathers?

Qin Lang sneered: "It is indeed bigger than I thought before. This is not nothing."

Now that we know how ambitious the Fu family's father and son are, the level of defense against them will naturally be higher.

"Don't worry, Ah Jin, this matter is not so easy to forget. They have no problems, so I will create some problems for them."

Su Jin nodded and smiled: "Be careful, there is no rush for revenge, anyway, we still have time."

"rest assured!"

So soon, when the second son of the Fu family, who was a lecturer of the Hanlin Academy, went to the palace to lecture on classics, it was his turn to talk about "The Analects of Confucius", but he took the wrong book and took "Mencius".

If this kind of mistake is faced with one's own students, it is a harmless little mistake, not worth mentioning.

However, this is teaching scriptures in the palace, facing the emperor, the emperor's grandsons and some ministers, this is serious.

It's simply unrecognizable.

Even such a low-level mistake can be made, but what is it if you don't look at the monarch and don't take the monarch seriously?

The second son of the Fu family was impeached by the censor on the spot.

The second son of Fu, Fu Yanque, was pale and sweaty on his forehead. He kowtowed in fear and pleaded guilty. He bluntly said that he was a little late to prepare lessons last night and was too nervous, so he took the wrong one in the morning.

In other words, it's not that he doesn't have the emperor in his eyes, but that he has the emperor too much and takes this matter too seriously, so he makes this mistake.

With such an explanation, Emperor Yanhe, who is very happy and face-saving, really looks a little better. Qin Lang watched coldly and sneered in his heart.

His father is just so useless, with soft ears, if it weren't for him, he might have been coaxed by Zhao Mingan's collusion with the Fu family and his son to make him lose his way.

Although Fu Yanque pleaded guilty with great sincerity and tears, Qin Lang arranged for the censor to be impassioned, talking about the dignity of the emperor and the importance of etiquette, and Emperor Yanhe became angry again and nodded secretly.

That's right, there is no rule without rules, if he says a few nice words and confesses verbally, he reprimands him a few words and then lightly exposes the matter.

What about the future? What if similar things happen again in the future?

If the rules at the beginning are not established well, how can we convince the public in the future?

Therefore, Fu Yanque received the imperial staff thirty.

As the crown prince, Qin Lang volunteered to ask for an order to supervise the execution.

You must know that this is the first case of disrespect to the monarch on such a sacred occasion since the emperor ascended the throne. As the crown prince, he has been studying etiquette in the Ministry of Rites for so long. Opportunity to supervise the execution is also a reminder to myself, the rules and etiquette, you can't relax for a moment!

Disrespect to the monarch is even more unacceptable.

Fu Yanque listened to what he said repeatedly, and firmly pinned the charge of "disrespecting the monarch" on his head again, so angry that he almost fainted.

However, Qin Lang is the crown prince and the younger uncle of his direct sister Fu Mingzhu. The relationship between the two families is taboo.

As for the others, Mr. Fu and Mr. Fu were not present, so who else is willing to get involved in such a thankless matter?

This loss, he is sure.

Naturally, Emperor Yanhe would not have any conflicts with Qin Lang on such a trivial matter. Moreover, after hearing what Qin Lang said, he clearly studied seriously in the Ministry of Rites, which made him even more delighted. It was very happy to play.

Fu Yanque almost fainted.

Although their family didn't have time to ask his sister what happened to her fetal gas? But with Fu Yanque's IQ, after a little thought, he knew that it must have something to do with the Su family and the crown prince.

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