Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1235 Persecution

Master Fu was extremely embarrassed. At this time, he didn't care about losing face, so he simply bowed his hands and begged.

"The crown prince and concubine have a kind heart. The crown prince is the prince of the country. As a citizen of Daqing, the dog is loyal to the king and the country. He is earnest, devoted, and selfless. I beg the crown prince and princess to have mercy, save him. ! If it wasn’t really impossible, the old minister wouldn’t dare to bother the Crown Prince or the Crown Princess!”

Qin Lang stopped Mr. Fu at the place where he was going down, and in a short while, countless people from far and near surrounded him.

When the ministers heard the words, they inquired about the reason of the matter, whispered to each other, discussed and sighed.

"Oh, that's not true. If you have the Tao, your life is at stake. If you hadn't come to this point, why would Mr. Fu be here!"

"Master Fu and Mrs. Fu came to seek medical treatment, and they are so heartwarming and loving for their son, it is touching!"

"The crown prince's concubine has excellent medical skills. If she refuses, the second son of the Fu family may not bear it."

"You can't say that, what is the status of the crown princess? What is the status of the second son of Fu? The Fu family simply doesn't understand dignity! How can they make such an inhuman request!"

"That's right, is there a Crown Princess in their eyes? This is too embarrassing for the Crown Princess!"

"That's right, the so-called monarchs, ministers, fathers and sons, this matter started today. If anyone in the family gets sick in the future, will they all have to ask the crown princess to see a doctor? Can't the crown princess refuse? If you refuse, it means nothing. No mercy, not enough kindness? Mr. Fu's words are a bit aggressive, right?"

"But in the end, human life is at stake, and blood is connected. Master Fu is helpless to do this!"

"Hehe, that sounds nice. The princess concubine's superb medical skills have become a burden and constraint? That is the second son of Fu's own life! I think this is the punishment for disrespecting the emperor and sent down by heaven!"

"Yes! I think so too!"


The words were all about the scourge, and everyone's heart trembled, you looked at me, I looked at you, and they didn't dare to speak.

Damn, who dares to talk too much?

If you offend the heavens, do this to yourself, who can bear it?

Qin Lang secretly smiled in his heart, thinking that the ability of these people to associate is really amazing, but it will be better this way, let's see what Master Fu will say?

Qin Lang was expressionless and indifferent.

Mrs. Fu, who had red eyes and a heartbroken expression for his son, froze, and was really at a loss.

His heart sank, and the brilliance in his eyes dimmed even more. Could it be that his son is really going to die here this time?

How is this so good!

"Your lords are serious. After all, Second Master Fu is an official appointed by the imperial court. It is not easy for the court to cultivate talents. If Second Master Fu loses his life because of this, I will feel very sorry for Gu and the Crown Princess. However,"

Qin Lang glanced at Mr. Fu, and said unhurriedly: "This case can't be opened rashly, otherwise, what is the dignity of the princess and the dignity of the Tian family? Moreover, it is indeed strange that the second son of Fu's repeated illness is indeed a punishment from heaven. , There must be a proper solution to this matter, so that people can feel at ease, Mr. Fu, don't you think?"

For a while, everyone was silent, and all eyes looked at Mr. Fu.

Master Fu felt a little uneasy in his heart, and always felt that there seemed to be a trap in the prince's words.

But let him elaborate, for a while he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Qin Lang didn't allow him to think for a long time, and asked with a smile: "Master Fu, do you think so?"

Master Fu had no choice but to nod reluctantly: "What the prince said is very reasonable."

"Since that's the case, how about this?" Qin Lang looked at him: "Master Fu went to the temple to make atonement for the second son of Fu, and prayed for three months, so he accompanied the princess to Fu's house, how about it? Also, the prince Although the imperial concubine has excellent medical skills, no one can guarantee the treatment of diseases, Mr. Fu, do you think so?"

Master Fu froze for a moment, looking at Qin Lang with a bit of astonishment and restrained anger.

In other words, if he does not agree to Qin Lang's request at this moment, Su Jin will naturally not go to Fu's house to see his son.

And even if he agreed, Su Jin went to see a doctor, whether he could be cured or not, the prince in front of him had no guarantee at all.

No matter how you look at it, it's his fault.

But he is the prince, so he has the part to bargain?

The concubine's willingness to condescend to go down to see a doctor for his son is already considered the meritorious deeds of his ancestors, what else does he want to count on?

It was the first time that he experienced the cruel and tricky prince face to face, and Mr. Fu was in a bad mood.

"Master Fu, please think twice." Qin Langyun added another sentence calmly.

It is better not to add this sentence!

Mrs. Fu was so shocked that he didn't have time to think about it - and he didn't have a chance to think about it. He nodded quickly and responded with a look of sincerity and gratitude: "The old minister promised, it should be so! The old minister can trust the medical skills of the princess and concubine. I believe that the old official's son, Jiren, has his own destiny and will definitely escape this calamity, so the old official will go to Lingyuan Temple tomorrow."

Master Fu just knocked out his teeth and swallowed his blood, feeling extremely aggrieved and annoyed.

Think twice? Think twice, shit!

On the one hand, let go of the power in the court and go to the temple to clean up for the time being, and on the other hand, take the life of your own son, how should you "think twice"?

If he thinks about it any further, maybe these people will think of him in their hearts, and they will definitely mock him for being ruthless, greedy for power, reluctant to leave the court, and even disregarding the life of his own son.

Master Fu was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

This prince with heavy eyes and an expressionless face, I'm afraid he has already planned in his heart that this time he will deal with the Fu family severely.

Abolish the two members of the Fu family at once.

It will be the end of the year in three months. This year happens to be the triennial assessment year. There will definitely be considerable personnel arrangements in the court and at the local level. It is definitely not a good thing to leave the court by yourself at this time

If the second child's prediction is correct, what did Mingzhu do? Made the prince so angry?

No matter how much confusion Master Fu felt, his thoughts were in a mess right now, and he couldn't think carefully.

All he knew was that he had no choice.

The crown prince cut off his retreat neatly.

And he was sure that once he entered Lingyuan Temple, the prince would definitely send someone to stare at him, and he must not move around, otherwise, if he caught him, the situation would only get worse.

Therefore, his three months of redemption and blessing, if he said it was three months, it could only be a real three months, and he couldn't do it at all.

Master Fu's mood is incomparably complicated.

Seeing that he agreed, a hint of sarcasm and pleasure flashed across Qin Lang's eyes——

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