Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1243 Listen to Father

The medical school was founded by Su Jin alone. Even though he didn't trust it in his heart, most of the time he moved his mind and wanted to take it into his own hands.

Don't say anything else, at least I'm looking for some psychological comfort, right?

Su Jin was a little annoyed immediately, and sighed softly: "Actually, I don't want the medical school to be involved in these things at all. Father, he really thinks too much! If he has any needs, as long as it doesn't violate human nature and morality, The medical school will try its best to satisfy him, there is no doubt about it, what is he worried about!"

Qin Lang hit the nail on the head: "He is the emperor, so naturally he doesn't trust anyone!"

Especially for a son who is not "filial" and disobedient to him.

"Don't worry," Qin Lang hugged her and patted her lightly, and said in a deep voice, "The medical school was given to you by the late emperor. There is an imperial decree, so he can't do anything. He can't bear the crime of disobedience to the late emperor!"

Su Jin felt relieved, nodded and gave a soft "hmm".

The New Year is always the busiest, busy with all kinds of human relations and communication, especially the year when the court is handed over from the old to the new, there are too many uncertainties waiting to be determined.

How to be sure? Of course, I took advantage of the Spring Festival to test and visit.

Those who dare not come to make friends on weekdays, now finally have a fair opportunity, who will let it go?

After the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, everything finally got back on track.

Just after the Lantern Festival, Emperor Yanhe sent Su Jin and Qin Lang to talk to the palace.

Both of them thought about the medical school at the same time, otherwise, Emperor Yanhe only needed to meet Qin Lang, and there was really no need for him to summon Su Jin.

"With me here, don't be afraid. The medical school is yours, and no one can take it away, nor can it be taken away." Qin Lang held Su Jin's hand and comforted him gently.

How can it be so cheap? At the beginning, his daughter-in-law contributed money and energy, exhausted his thoughts, and labored hard, but now he has achieved some results and gained a reputation, and it will become better and better. Therefore, some people want Come to pick peaches, it's cheaper to pick up ready-made ones.

how is this possible!

Su Jin nodded: "It's about the late emperor, the emperor may not be ashamed to say it too bluntly, if you can't quarrel with him, don't quarrel with him."

She's fine, she's a daughter-in-law after all, and Emperor Yanhe couldn't find any trouble with her, and couldn't hold back his face.

But Qin Lang is different, if it provokes him to be filled with resentment and anger, he has a lot of opportunities to clean up and deal with Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's heart warmed up, and he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know it well."

Emperor Yanhe met them, and sure enough, it was for the medical school.

Zhao Mingan was also there, so Su Jin and Qin Lang basically guessed what Emperor Yanhe meant.

Emperor Yanhe said that Su Jin is a woman after all, it is inconvenient to manage things, and the princess concubine has a noble status, she should be dignified and virtuous, she just needs to stay in the East Palace, take care of her husband and teach her son, and be the prince's virtuous helper.

You really shouldn't interfere with this outside matter.

It's just that Su Jin, the princess, is different from others. She has exquisite medical skills, and the medical school cannot do without her. Moreover, it would be too wasteful if her old skills are useless.

The late emperor was willing to use her when he was around, so naturally he will use her now.

However, in order to avoid more troubles, from today onwards, let Zhao Ming'an be the deputy in charge of the daily affairs of the medical school, making her more relaxed on the one hand, and on the other hand, also like a princess.

Otherwise, how decent is it for a dignified concubine to show her face outside all day like ordinary women in the market, without any dignity?

"The matter is settled like this, Su Shi, do you have any objections?" Emperor Yanhe didn't ask Qin Lang, but stared at Su Jin.

In his eyes, women are naturally better at handling things.

Qin Lang was about to make a sound, but Su Jin gently tugged at his skirt to stop him, nodded and smiled and said: "Father has considered this matter thoroughly. In fact, my daughter-in-law also felt quite powerless and tired about this matter. I want to resign from this matter, but it is difficult to open my mouth. Now, with the words of the father and the emperor, the minister and daughter-in-law can just say what is in their hearts. It is not appropriate for the loyal prince to be a deputy. Why not do the main job, and the minister and daughter-in-law just have a good rest Rest. From now on, I ask Prince Zhong to take care of you. Of course, if the medical school encounters any medical problems that need to be solved by the courtiers and daughters-in-law, the courtiers and daughter-in-laws should help themselves, no matter what. I also ask the emperor for permission .”

"You mean - you want to quit? The medical school is completely under the management of Prince Zhong?" Yanhe Emperor was taken aback, very surprised.

He knew how tightly Su Jin held onto the medical school back then, but now he retreated so simply, it was beyond his expectation.

"Yes," Su Jin was a little embarrassed: "The daughter-in-law is really tired, and now the daughter-in-law is the princess, and there are many things in the East Palace."

Emperor Yanhe felt that he understood a little bit.

Now that Su Jin has become the crown princess, dignified appearance is a must, it is different from before. It's wrong to go out and show your face again.

"Ming An, may you take over?" Emperor Yanhe looked at Zhao Ming'an.

If Su Jin is willing to quit, that would be the best.

The eldest son is still trustworthy, which means that the medical school will be in his own hands in the future. Let the medical school come forward and look for famous doctors all over the world.

How could Zhao Mingan be unwilling? He was overjoyed that the medical school had a good reputation now, and in his hands there were only advantages and no disadvantages, so of course he would not dislike it.

In fact, when the emperor called him and told him about it, he was overjoyed.

He was not only happy to get the medical school, but even more happy, it showed that between him and the crown prince, his father valued and trusted him more! This is the most important thing.

Moreover, this medical school is Su Jin's painstaking effort, and he has never won a fight with Qin Lang.

It is undoubtedly a very happy thing to be able to successfully snatch something from his wife this time!

"This is the kindness of the father, and this king is also willing to share this matter for the crown princess. If the crown princess doesn't mind, this king will naturally have nothing to say."

Su Jin nodded and smiled, "Then I will have to work hard to be loyal to the Prince!"

"Heavy words, that's what it should be! It's your duty!" Zhao Ming'an was in a good mood.

Yan and Emperor Longyan Dayue said, "Okay, then this matter is settled like this!"

The medical school is in the hands of Su Jin and Qin Lang, and Yan and Emperor are really in conflict. They want to use it, but they dare not use it.

If the late emperor was able to entrust his life to Su Jin, there was also Imperial Doctor Dou by his side, who could supervise each other, what about him? He doesn't have the national doctor he needs to use now, so what can he do? He is also very desperate!

At a time like this, how dare you use Su Jin? In case anyone accidentally injects some chronic poison on himself, he will never know when his life will be given.

After Su Jin and others left the palace, Emperor Yanhe was still in a good mood.

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