Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1246 Asking for money

In order to show that he is impartial and strict, he deliberately beat and beat everyone, warning that the name and amount of the money withdrawn should be accounted for clearly, and then reported when it is appropriate. Blame him for being rude!

When everyone heard this, their eyes were a little weird.

One person was really unconvinced, so he couldn't help coming out and explaining to him with a smile, how the money was spent, how it was recorded in the accounts, and how the various income and expenditure documents were detailed and clear.

All in all, all these things have been recorded in detail. The money, purpose, and the person who handled them are all recorded and supported by relevant documents. This account is even clearer than that of the Ministry of Accounts.

Moreover, it needs to be reviewed by three people.

If anyone wants to tamper with it, it is basically impossible.

Nowadays, this method of bookkeeping has been spread among many merchants in the capital. They all say that the records are clear and clear, and there is no trickery.

Zhao Ming'an doesn't understand accounts, but he can understand after listening to such an explanation. He was a little embarrassed and gritted his teeth in his heart. Wait, it's his first time here today, so let's get to the bottom of it first. After a while, he will take care of the accounts His steward was replaced by his own confidant.

He has already made up his mind that he can ignore or ask about other things, but he must hold the money account firmly in his own hands.

Not only that, but he also plans to invite a few experts to check the accounts to carefully check and check the accounts of the medical school from beginning to end. He doesn't believe it, can the Su family not take any benefits?

As long as he finds out the slightest clue, he can use this to set off a storm and severely hit the prince's reputation.

Maybe the father can push the boat smoothly. How about abolishing the prince!

He could see that it wasn't that the father didn't want to, but that he didn't have a chance.

After everyone finished talking, they dispersed, and each went about his own business.

Zhao Ming'an moved his body, went out for a walk in the yard, the slightly cold wind blew in his face, the biting chill was gone, and spring was coming soon.

This kind of weather is actually the best and most comfortable.

As long as you wear two more clothes, you won't feel cold at all. The sun shines on your body, making you feel warm.

Zhao Mingan was full of energy and contentment.

He thinks his spring is coming soon

I don't want to, those people will go back soon.

It was eight people who were responsible, and six people came back.

Zhao Ming'an couldn't help being a little irritable when he saw them, feeling disgusted and disgusted spontaneously.

For some reason, he always felt that they didn't respect him as a loyal prince at all. Thinking that they were all used by Su Jin, he couldn't believe it no matter what.

It's just that he took over is taking over, but it's not easy to replace all the people who work at once.

He also understood in his heart that he still had to rely on these people to do things. After all, they were the most familiar with the affairs of the medical school. If they were all removed, it would be a mess.

Wouldn't that be asking for trouble for yourself?

All in all, these are irrelevant people, let them be ignored for now. The most important thing is to check the accounts! Find out Su Jin's problem!

"You don't go to work, what do you come here again? Is there anything else? I'll get back to you in the future, I don't have such a free time!" Zhao Ming'an scolded others with a straight face.

"My lord, I don't dare to bother my lord lightly, it's just that there is no money in the account, and I can't withdraw it. I'm still waiting to pay the deposit for the wood here! The work will start soon, and according to the rules, you have to pay 30% in advance. You need a deposit to get the wood back."

"The little one here has a final payment from the stone dealer last year, and it's time to settle it."

"There is also a labor budget, and small ones need to be paid in advance by 30%!"

"It's going to be spring soon, and it's time to plant flowers, trees and medicinal materials everywhere. The flowers and trees don't cost much, but some medicinal seedlings are valuable. The small ones cost four thousand taels here."

"There are also small ones."

Zhao Ming'an calculated silently in his heart. According to what they said, it would cost more than 110,000 taels in total.

And, that's not all.

In other words, you will have to spend money in the future.

I think so, this medical school still has so many doctors and students. Not only do the students not attend school, but the medical school takes care of all the food, clothing, housing and transportation!

That is to say, there are only inputs and no outputs.

Zhao Ming'an hadn't thought that studying medicine is different from others. It also needs to do various experiments and use various medicinal materials and utensils in teaching. This will cost a lot of money!

All in all, this medical school is a veritable gold-selling cave! If the imperial court refuses to support it, there will be no other person in the world who is willing to support it unconditionally except Su Jin.

Zhao Mingan had just arrived, and although he was a little unhappy when he heard that so much money was required, he always felt that they seemed to have made an appointment, and he asked him for money as soon as he came—in fact, it was true.

However, he is not convinced yet! He just wants to handle this matter well and impress them! Let them see that the medical school will only be better built when he takes over.

Isn't it silver? If you don't have it, go to the Ministry of Households to ask for it.

Zhao Ming'an remained calm, and lightly told everyone to come back tomorrow, and he would definitely give them the money at that time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and said that it's okay to wait a day for so long, as long as they come tomorrow, they will come tomorrow, and flattering Zhao Ming'an is indispensable.

This kind of flattery is too necessary, after all, it's about money.

Without money, nothing can be done.

Medical school has no income.

In the past, when the Crown Princess was here, they had the support of Mingyuelou, and the Crown Princess was straightforward and generous, so naturally they would not worry about this kind of problem.

Well now.

Who knows!

Seeing that they were so knowledgeable, Zhao Mingan was somewhat satisfied.

The account book was unreadable at the moment, so he immediately went out and got into the carriage, ordering to go to the household department.

Zhao Mingan took it for granted, if he ran out of money, of course he would ask the household department to ask for it.

The medical school was originally built by the order of the first emperor. This is a project of the imperial court. If you don’t ask the imperial court for money, who can you turn to?

Zhao Ming'an went straight to the Minister of the Household Department.

Hubu Shangshu's face immediately changed when he heard what he said.

Open mouth is 110,000, ha ha!

This money is absolutely not allowed.

Whether Prince Zhong is confused or not, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs doesn't know, but he himself is definitely not confused!

The medical school has to invest a lot of money, and it can't be solved by one hundred and ten thousand at once.

If 110,000 can solve the problem, then he has to give Prince Zhong face. He gritted his teeth and made up his mind. It is not impossible to give 100,000 or 90,000.

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