Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1249 Zhao Mingan digs a hole

Zhao Mingan also felt resentful for a moment, it has been so long, why do they still hold grudges?

He was very guilty of this matter, and his mother was also sad for a long time because of it, but, is there nothing wrong with Yu Yuan himself?

If he hadn't lied at the beginning, misled them all, and made a wrong step, it wouldn't have become like that later.

If you really want to be serious about it, everyone is half and half of this matter. In short, I have done everything I can and should do.

It's just that Yu Yuan lost a life, no matter how many grievances they have, they are too embarrassed to say it. The aunt and uncle resented them and took their anger on them as a matter of course, and they could only admit it.

But, after so long, can't they let go?

They actually dug such a big hole for themselves, they really belonged to them!

Zhao Ming'an sneered, and his repeated forbearance and retreat made them more confident and push forward. If so, why did he still endure?

It is not impossible for him, Prince Zhao Ming'an, to go further in the future, so why should he suffer from such uselessness?

Zhao Mingan decided to fight back, and took this opportunity to show Uncle Xuanyang and his wife a little bit of strength.

Beat and beat them, so that they will be afraid in the future, so as to save them from messing around again and again.

Normally, Zhao Ming'an might not be angry about such a small matter, but it's different now.

At this moment, he is suffocating—it's not just about the money, but more importantly, he can't pay the money, he can't carry forward the medical school in his own hands, and he can't even continue the medical school. If he continues to take charge, this is equivalent to losing to Su Jin and Qin Lang again, he is aggrieved.

Moreover, what would the royal father think?

It is not Su Jin Qinlang that the father is willing to hand over the medical school to himself, which means that the father trusts and values ​​him very much. However, he has lived up to this trust and value, and he will be disappointed.

This is what Zhao Mingan is particularly worried about.

When he was in a state of desperation but had no way to think about it, he suddenly realized that this was a trap and that he had been tricked. How could he not be angry at this trickster?

You know, this idea came from Uncle Xuanyang and his wife.

The medical school is a way to select famous doctors from all over the world, and it is a place to train famous doctors. You can think of it without using your brain. How can the father entrust outsiders to take care of such a place?

Xuan Yangbo and his wife said that clearly on purpose.

In fact, they never thought about taking over the medical school in the first place.

So, isn't this just for yourself?

Actually. Not really. Uncle Xuanyang and his wife are not so smart yet, Mrs. Uncle Xuanyang really just wants to snatch what she cares about from Su Jin, and deliberately oppose her.

But sometimes Zhao Ming'an was stubborn and compared with Emperor Yanhe, he thought it was right, why would he think about other things?

And he was just pondering on his own, and he didn't question Uncle Xuanyang and his wife. Uncle Xuanyang and his wife didn't even know what he thought in his heart, let alone tell the difference.

So, Zhao Mingan entered the palace that day, and after blowing rainbow farts to his father, taking advantage of his father's joy, he took the opportunity to recommend Uncle Xuanyang to manage the medical school with him.

Before Zhao Ming'an came, he had already prepared a draft, vaguely mentioned the matter of Tian Yuyuan back then, the loss of his only son by his aunt and uncle, it was really pitiful and sympathetic, I believe that the emperor also felt sorry for Yu Yuan.

However, my aunt said something wrong in front of the Kunning Palace a few years ago, and was caught by someone. Even if the father wants to compensate them, it is not easy to do anything at this time. It is better to ask the little uncle to help manage the medicine Academy, if you make achievements, then give other rewards and promotions, it will be justified.

What's more, he didn't know until he went to medical school that there were so many affairs, and he was not an expert and had never been in touch with them, so he felt more or less overwhelmed and powerless.

Wouldn't it be bad if someone took advantage of the maneuver and dug some traps? Let the little uncle help take care of it, and it will be more thoughtful

Emperor Yanhe was soft-hearted.

Regarding Tian Yuyuan's incident, although he was reprimanded by Uncle Xuanyang for implicating him and being reprimanded by the first emperor, but now that he has fulfilled his wish and became the emperor, he didn't care so much about that matter back then.

On the contrary, he can also express a magnanimous innocence.

Zhao Mingan's words made his heart move.

Uncle Xuanyang has no one to rely on, only himself.

Therefore, if you promote him yourself, he will definitely do things for you loyally, which is not bad

Therefore, Emperor Yanhe readily agreed, and praised Zhao Ming'an, saying that he has a conscience and remembers his relatives.

Zhao Mingan said a few words of humility with a smile, and took the opportunity to say that he wanted to hand over the financial management to Uncle Xuanyang, and he would concentrate on managing other things.

After all, Uncle Xuanyang is old and experienced, so it would be more appropriate for him to take care of financial revenue and expenditure, account books, etc.

Emperor Yanhe was deeply moved, and even more impressed with Zhao Mingan.

This son has really improved a lot.

He is willing to handle those trivial daily affairs, but entrusts Uncle Xuanyang with the fat job of financial power. It can be seen that he really wants to do this job well with all his heart, is selfless, and has no intention of greedy for power and wealth.

His son has made progress, Yanhe Emperor of course nodded in agreement with satisfaction, and was very happy to fulfill his son's wishes.

Zhao Ming'an smiled coldly in his heart, and continued to respectfully say: "In order to show formality and importance, please ask the emperor to give my uncle a decree. If the name change is justified, my uncle will definitely be grateful!"

When the time comes, I don't even know how to cry if I want him to cry.

Emperor Yanhe naturally had no objection, and immediately drafted the decree.

It can be said that it has given Uncle Xuanyang enough face!

When Uncle Xuanyang received the imperial edict, he almost lost his composure in front of the eunuch who declared the imperial edict.

As soon as the eunuch Xuanzhi left, he immediately collapsed on the ground, dizzy, and almost didn't turn around in one breath.

Mrs. Xuanyang uncle didn't quite react yet, she only knew that her husband had an errand to do, as long as there were no mistakes in this errand, she could ask her sister to give it to her husband, Marquis.

I was very happy in my heart, and I only thought that my husband was overly happy, so I hurriedly asked someone to help him into the house, smiling happily.

Uncle Xuanyang was so angry that his liver hurt, he dismissed the maids and women who were serving him, and when he said something about it in a rage, Mrs. Xuanyang's expression changed immediately.

"What, what does this mean? Could it be, let us throw money into it? It's a dream! Who has such spare money!"

Madam Xuanyang was furious: "No, I will enter the palace right away and find my sister!"

"Come back to me!" Uncle Xuanyang shook the bright yellow imperial edict in his hand, heartbroken: "Your Majesty just issued an edict and you went into the palace to beg the Queen, do you think you died not fast enough?"

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