Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1253 Disturbed

Su Jin smiled: "I just kindly remind Mrs. Xuanyang. My wife insists that this is a coincidence, so I can pretend that I didn't say it. However, Prince Zhong believes that you have cheated him, and his resentment is not bad." Little one! You must not have the heart of harming others, and you must also have the heart of guarding against others, madam, don’t you think so?”

Madam Xuanyang: "."

Su Jin smiled, called his people, and walked away.

Madam Xuanyang stood there blankly for a while, before she left the palace weakly.

She said that she didn't believe in Su Jin, but in her heart she already believed it seven or eight percent.

As Su Jin said, there is no such coincidence in the world.

Whether or not Prince Zhong entered the palace that day can be found out after a little inquiring.

And if, if what my husband said out loud all of a sudden reaches Prince Zhong's ears, he will be annoyed and take revenge. This is even more likely.


Mrs. Xuanyang Uncle couldn't help feeling resentful. He clearly knew that his family had no foundation, but he still did this. This was a bit too much!

sisters? Mother and child? Whoever is closer to Mrs. Xuanyang feels like her brain will burst!

Su Jin didn't believe at all that Mrs. Xuanyang Bo would not be moved by what she said.

Whether she has lied to her or not, she can find out after a little investigation.

This woman is really boring. Instead of letting her have the energy to jump out from time to time to find trouble and cause trouble for herself, it's better to let her and her good sister consume it first.

Su Jin didn't expect that such a few words of provocation would turn the sisters against each other, but once the seeds of doubt took root and sprouted in her heart, there would be unexpected results one day.

As Qin Lang said, Mrs. Xuanyang Bo is not smart, but the more this kind of person is, the more difficult it is to deal with, because she may not be able to do stupid things that normal people would not do.

Often the consequences of such stupid things are immeasurable.

No one wants to risk keeping such a ticking time bomb.

But she is the queen's guilt-ridden sister who has always been close to her. If you want to deal with her, you must be cautious, step by step calmly and slowly.

The most important thing is that it is not enough not to have a relationship with oneself all the time, but also to have a very clear relationship with other people and other things.

Mrs. Xuanyang returned home, still a little absent-minded and preoccupied.

Su Jin's unhurried, calm-sounding words kept circling in her mind, making her so upset that she was about to collapse.

However, when Uncle Xuanyang came back, his complexion was gloomy and he sighed. When Mrs. Uncle Xuanyang asked, it turned out that there was a huge shortage of engineering funds at the medical school, and someone began to ask him for money again.

Where can he get it out?

Hubu is still doing Tai Chi, isn’t that—

Madam Xuanyang suddenly became angry. Originally planning to hide those words from Uncle Xuanyang, but now he doesn't hide them anymore, and said them all in one go.

What are you hiding? If we continue to hide it, who knows if Zhao Mingan will do something else? Let him know, at least let him know, right?

Uncle Xuanyang's reaction was much more intense than Mrs. Uncle Xuanyang's. He was shocked and angry, and couldn't help cursing.

Zhao Mingan is really hateful!

He snatched the errand from him, but he found it difficult to do, but he brazenly cheated himself.

He is still reasonable! It's because he's not authentic first, what's wrong with him making some sarcastic remarks and making sarcastic remarks?

No wonder, just say how could the emperor think of such a decree in such a good manner.

It turned out it was all his fault.

"Although the queen is your elder sister, she is Zhao Ming'an's mother. You can tell the close relationship at a glance. Oh, their mother and son are of the same mind!" Uncle Xuanyang couldn't help but sneer.

Madam Xuanyang frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

She wanted to refute, but there was no way to refute this, what could she do?

"Tomorrow, I will go to the palace again to look for the empress. The empress must not know about this matter." Madam Xuanyang still refused to believe that her sister who was so kind to her would cheat herself.

Uncle Xuanyang sneered, "It doesn't matter if the empress knows or not? The matter has come to this point, can she still teach her son a lesson? Or can she come up with a good way to solve it? By the way, didn't you say to ask the empress to help the prince today? Is the concubine borrowing money? How about it? Crown Princess, what do you say? Can you borrow money?"

Madam Xuanyang: "." Not at all!

She felt even more embarrassed to speak.

Uncle Xuanyang's eyes were full of disappointment, and he couldn't help but sneered and mocked: "The crown princess is the queen's daughter-in-law, if the queen really wants to help, can she not hold back the crown princess? It's clear—heh!"

Mrs. Xuan Yang: "If the princess is a soft persimmon, why wait until now? It's not like you don't know how difficult she is! Even before——"

"In the past, the empress was just a concubine, and there was the late emperor! Now the empress is the empress, and the late emperor is gone!"

Uncle Xuanyang interrupted her.

Mrs. Uncle Xuanyang was at a loss for words.

Even she couldn't help being a little hesitant when told by Uncle Xuanyang.

Yes, if we say that in the past, when the Empress was still Princess Qian, the late Emperor was in charge of her, and there were Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ning's Mansion next to her, waiting to catch the little braid and catch the wrong place. At that time, the Empress had many scruples. She is also the most cunning, shameless, and full of tricks. Queen Fan doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as her, and it's okay to be tolerant when things happen.

But now, aren't all these reasons negligible?

If the empress really shows the majesty of an empress, what can Su Shi, a mere concubine, use to fight against the empress?

Just the word "filial piety" can crush her to death.

However, the queen did not do that.

Mrs. Xuanyang even subconsciously thought, if, if it was Zhao Mingan who was also facing this difficult problem today, what would the queen do?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the queen will never ignore it like this.

"I will enter the palace again tomorrow, I, I will beg the queen to go." Madam Xuanyang gritted her teeth.

Uncle Xuanyang sneered, noncommittal.

The next day, Mrs. Xuanyang Bo entered the palace again.

She is the queen's younger sister, and the emperor has not pursued the matter before, so no one would dare to stop her if she wanted to enter the palace.

The queen happened to be talking about her too, and she couldn't help but smile when she heard that she was here, please hurry up.

If yesterday, Mrs. Xuanyang Bo was still confident that she was very respectable in front of the queen, but today she is a little reserved.

The words "mother and son" and "sister" completely disturbed her heart. It made her suddenly realize that the queen is no longer simply her own sister.

Since he has scruples in his heart, he will naturally not be as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as before when he speaks. There must be a foreshadowing slowly.

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