Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1255 Reluctant

"Why don't you let the empress make the decision and pass this errand on to Prince Zhong? Anyway, this was originally assigned by Prince Zhong!"

"Nonsense!" The queen was displeased immediately: "The emperor issued a decree, how can I change it? Isn't it disrespectful to the emperor! This is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor."

As he spoke, he explained to her: "A lot of small foreign nations have come to Beijing one after another, I think you know it? They all came to congratulate the emperor on his enthronement. The emperor is very happy at the moment, and the palace is busy inside and outside the palace, preparing for this matter. How can I bother the emperor with the matter of the medical school at this time? If it offends the emperor"

Madam Xuanyang's face turned pale.

If the emperor is offended, there will be any consequences, so is there any need to talk about it?

More importantly, the emperor also wants to save face. How do you say it? No joke!

How long has it been since the emperor made the decree? Let him make another decree to go back on his word? Isn't it absurd!

"Queen, then give me an idea!" Mrs. Xuanyang had no choice but to take a step back, but she pushed the queen to the fire.

The empress felt aggrieved and irritable, not to her own sister, but to Su Jin and this matter.

In the eyes of others, she is a high-ranking empress, honored by her mother, dignified and graceful, and an example of women all over the world. Everyone admires and envies her.

But who knows, there is a crown princess who doesn't give her any face at all, and it doesn't matter to her at all.

She is a majestic queen, but sometimes she is embarrassed by Yin Zi to such an extent!

She has always wanted to make up for her direct sister, but what she asked for was so simple - it was just money! However, she couldn't take it out! She didn't!

Not only that, what's even more irritating is that her daughter-in-law clearly has it, but she just doesn't give it to her!

And he was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and told her no!

The queen felt that since ancient times, perhaps no queen could be as useless as herself.

At this moment, her younger sister asked her to give her advice, but she was actually asking for money. Otherwise, any ideas?

Mrs. Xuanyang's eyes were red with grievances, "Empress, if there is really no other way for the empress, the concubines don't dare to embarrass the empress, so they can only go back and sell the property."

"How did you get to this point?" The Queen's heart trembled, and she quickly comforted her with gentle words, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? In this way, if you let Uncle Xuanyang delay, you can delay, and if you can't delay, you can record it in the account first. In the account, there must be a solution after April!"

The younger sister even came out with the title "Empress Empress", and said that she was going to sell the property, what else could she do?

If she doesn't help at all, then the friendship between the sisters will really be wiped out!

Besides, the sister of the queen's direct relative has become a seller to run an errand. Does it sound good?

The queen sighed secretly, and ordered the light nanny to fetch the box of jewels that she got a few days ago.

They were all paid tribute by foreign envoys. The emperor was so happy that he asked someone to send some to her. Because these things were not made by the imperial court, there is no mark on them.

She likes rubies the size of a thumb, cat's eyes, amber, etc. She wanted to order two or three sets of high-quality jewelry to be made, but now it seems that it can't be done.

The light nanny quickly brought the jewels, the queen motioned to open them to Mrs. Xuanyang, and said with a smile: "These things are all very good, I don't know how much silver they can sell for, but I guess the price will not be bad. Just take it, let’s talk about it later.”

Madam Xuanyang was overjoyed, she hurriedly got up to thank her, and she was also a little moved: "It's still the queen, you love my concubine!"

The queen smiled warmly: "My sisters, why bother to say such unreasonable things."

Madam Xuanyang was so happy that she brought a box of jewels home.

When I got home, I opened the box and took out everything for a closer look.

I really like it more and more.

I thought about picking two or three pieces to keep, and handing over the rest to my husband to pawn off.

But almost everything is good and exquisite, and it is really difficult to choose two or three. Madam Xuanyang thought about it and felt unwilling, too unwilling.

The jewelry that the queen bestowed on him in the past was not so good, but it just came into his hands but he had to sell it, it was so heartbreaking!

Confused and irritable, she buckled the box tightly and ordered the car to be prepared.

She has to go to the East Palace.

Why let Su Shi watch the jokes from the sidelines, while she herself can't afford to own a good piece of jewelry?

Hearing Mrs. Xuanyang's visit, Su Jin was deeply surprised and ordered someone to invite her in.

After Mrs. Xuanyang saw the ceremony, she sat down and exchanged greetings. After a few words, the topic turned to the medical school.

". Now it's true that even a tael of silver can't be brought out! In front of the Crown Princess, the minister's wife has nothing to dare to say. Our uncle didn't take the initiative to take this job. The emperor made a decree, so I dare not refuse. But who knows that the household department doesn't care about this matter, the Xuanyang uncle's mansion has no family background, isn't this forcing people to hang themselves! Can the princess concubine be kind and lend us a little bit first, after a while, Try to find a way to pay it back. The Crown Princess also invested a lot of money in it, right? It's really... too much! According to the minister's wife, this matter should be handled by the imperial court, and the money must be taken from the treasury no matter what. The previous accounts should also be calculated carefully, and the treasury can make up for it. You can’t let the princess suffer, right? The imperial court is so cheap, and it takes too much!”

Su Jin is funny, doesn't she know? Why are you willing to pay the money?

Mrs. Xuanyang uncle actually wanted to provoke herself to ask the court for money, but she made a mistake.

If she really cared so much about the money, she wouldn't have given it to her in the first place.

Mrs. Xuanyang Bo is not Qin Lang, there will be no second Qin Lang in this world who will understand her and understand her. And she doesn't need to.

"Ma'am, don't go out and talk nonsense. It is my honor to serve the late emperor. How can I say I am at a disadvantage?"

"Since that's the case, the Crown Princess, there should be a beginning and an end to everything, right? How about, the money is still paid by the Crown Princess. After all, it is also an account to the late emperor!"

"When the late emperor was here, I had a clear conscience and did everything I could to the best, and the late emperor knew that. Now that my father has done what my father did, as a junior, I can only obey those who support me, Madam, don't say anything. Right! Royal Father values ​​Uncle Xuanyang, Madam should feel that he is honored."

Yu Yourong, what a ghost, the house is almost out of rice to cook!

Mrs. Xuanyang Uncle barely died of anger.

You can speak sarcastic words!

Seeing the princess like this, she will not let go no matter what! But since she has come to the East Palace, how could she be dismissed with just a few words?

Since it doesn't make sense, let's not say it.

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