Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1257 Emperor Yanhe can't hold back anymore

It's also because Xuanyang Bo's family is not well-off - how can it compare with the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince? this is not

All in all, in one sentence, money is not enough.

Yanhedi froze slightly, looking at the expressionless face as usual, but actually felt rather embarrassed.

The queen's chatterbox has been opened, so she simply took this opportunity to finish her sentence at once, then sighed softly and complained about how the Uncle Xuanyang's mansion had already invested so much money in it, and now there is no other way to do it. Shangdong Palace wanted to borrow some money from the Crown Princess, but the Crown Princess refused, and Mrs. Xuanyang got into a quarrel with her out of desperation.

You can't blame her for this, besides, it's also for running the errand given by the emperor.

On the contrary, the Crown Princess, if you don't believe that the East Palace has such a small family background, what is it to deliberately make things difficult for others?

Yanhe Emperor didn't speak, he was also responsible for this matter, didn't you hear that the empress's tone of voice had the meaning of blaming him?

But he is the emperor.

He is the emperor, can he be wrong?

If Uncle Xuanyang can't do the job well, it means he is incompetent. At first I wanted to flatter him, but now it seems that there is no need.

If you can't handle such a small matter, what can you expect from him?

"It's really as the queen said?" Emperor Yanhe said unhurriedly: "But this job was in Ming An's hands before, and Ming An didn't complain to me!"

Queen: "."

The queen didn't even know that Zhao Mingan approached Emperor Yanhe for advice, and secretly tricked Uncle Xuanyang. Hearing what Emperor Yanhe said, she forced a smile for a while and said: "This, Ming An Xu can solve it on his own, right? The child Anna has always been filial, so she must not let the emperor worry about you."

Emperor Yanhe snorted coldly.

I didn't mean to blame Zhao Ming'an, but Uncle Xuan Yang.

Ming An can figure it out on his own, and the Crown Princess also solved it on her own before, how come it is in the hands of Uncle Xuan Yang, but why does he come up with so many tricks?

"It's also because I didn't think carefully," Emperor Yanhe said lightly, "It's better to withdraw from this errand, and I won't embarrass Uncle Xuanyang!"

The withdrawal of this errand is a great thing for Xuanyang Bofu, but the emperor's words and tone are clearly angry, how can the queen dare to respond?

"No no!" Not only did the queen dare not answer, but she immediately refused without even thinking about it, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible, since Uncle Xuan Yang has been very caring since he took over the errand, He also wants to serve the emperor loyally! Mrs. Xuanyang is looking for a concubine and a concubine, and she is also looking for a way out. In short, they can think of ways to work hard on this matter. Your majesty, you must not take this job away! !"

The Queen's words came from the heart and were very sincere. Emperor Yanhe consciously regained some face, and his face looked better. He said lightly: "Forget it, then let him do it. Let him go Heart, I will not treat him badly."

The queen liked to hear these words, her spirits were refreshed, and she answered with a busy smile.

After hesitating, the queen still didn't mention asking the emperor to say something so that she could borrow money from the East Palace.

The emperor can't bear this face, he will never do such a thing.

Besides, it's not that the queen underestimated the emperor. The prince and the princess are easy to provoke? It is impossible for the emperor to issue a decree for this kind of thing, and it is impossible to say that Uncle Xuanyang's errand forced the prince and princess to "borrow" money, right?

The emperor is going to do this, and he will lose all face.

And as long as there is no decree, the couple will definitely find a way to deal with it, and maybe there will be a bigger disturbance at that time.

Now envoys from all over the world are here, it's embarrassing, the emperor is furious, no one can please

The queen sighed inwardly, no matter what, this matter was finally cleared up in front of the emperor today. This is also very good, wait, wait until April, and then beg the emperor, I believe the emperor will be happy to take it back.

After all, he knew more or less the family background of Uncle Xuanyang's mansion.

And he must be more willing to empty out the family property of Donggong, right?

However, during this period of time, there must be no moths, and the past must be smooth and smooth.

The queen resigned herself to her fate, and then she ordered Qingmai to check and check, to gather up unnecessary and inconspicuous things, and to sell some money to save money in case of need.

After making the calculation, the queen was determined.

It's just that, thinking that after being a country, he has fallen to such a point, it's just useless.

too aggrieved

Mrs. Xuanyang couldn't get any money, so she simply didn't keep a single piece of jewelry - leaving one or two pieces would be troublesome if she saw them, so it's better to give them a clean one.

Uncle Xuanyang was overjoyed, and quickly ordered the housekeeper to trade it secretly, in exchange for money.

So, after spending 68,000 taels of silver, Su Jin received a box of jewelry.

Every piece is a boutique. Those unfinished gems and pearls are also in good condition and can be sold at a good price.

After seeing it, Su Jin smiled and said to Qin Lang: "The empress really loves her sister, so I will give these things as soon as I say so! Take it to our jewelry shop in Jiangnan to inlay it into jewelry and sell it. The price can at least triple We made at least 120,000 taels all of a sudden! This is interesting! I never thought that medical school could make money so quickly, hee hee!"

I have to say it was a pleasant surprise.

Qin Lang laughed, "So it's not bad for Zhao Mingan and Xuanyang Bo to take this job, isn't it?"

Su Jin nodded: "They just take the money and don't meddle indiscriminately, which is great!"

"By the way," Su Jin looked at Qin Lang, and asked with a smile: "Now that envoys from various countries and countries have arrived in Beijing one after another, why does your Ministry of Rites still look so busy?"

The Qingshui yamen like the Ministry of Rites is very leisurely on weekdays, but this special day must be the busiest, because it is their job to receive foreign guests, and they are no more familiar with the etiquette of guards of honor than they are.

But the husband of her family still takes Zhen'er to play big wooden knives, horse-steps, and boxing every day in a leisurely manner, and eats three meals a day with their mother and son, which really makes her a little curious.

Qin Lang's eyes darkened when he heard the words, and he sneered and sneered: "This year, King Ning and the Palace Supervisor are in charge of this errand, and some people from the Ministry of Rites have also been transferred to help. It's nothing to do with me."

Su Jin was taken aback, but immediately understood.

The royal father in the palace is deliberately guarding against Qin Lang.

He is unwilling to let Qin Lang have more contact with diplomatic missions from various countries.

Su Jin felt cold, and said in a low voice: "Has the emperor suspected you to such an extent?"

"Don't worry about it, hasn't it always been like this?" Qin Lang himself was very open-minded, patted Su Jin's shoulder lightly and smiled.

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