Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 126 Shameless

Su Jin smiled and said: "This is not right! I said it very clearly last time, that recipe was lost in my grandfather's hands due to an accident, and now there is no such recipe in this world! I really have it, I have already used it to exchange money, how can I wait for it now! It is you who have always insisted that there is a recipe, not me!"

Shang Lu's face became even more ugly. He stared at the two of them with dead fish eyes. Thinking of the courage of the two of you! Since this is the case, there is nothing to say, the two of you wait!"

Shang Lu turned around angrily and left.

"Wait," Qin Lang said suddenly.

Shang Lu was overjoyed, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he knew that these poor and humble countrymen would not dare to fight against their own family!

Shang Lu turned around, raised his chin, and said with a cold face, "What? The two of you have figured it out? That's right, isn't it all happy!"

Qin Lang entered the room and came out soon, with two gift boxes in his hand, which were the gifts that Master Gu brought when he came last time.

Shang Lu suddenly felt that things didn't seem to be what he thought--

When Qin Lang stuffed the two gift boxes into his arms, Shang Lu couldn't hold back, "Qin Lang, what do you mean!"

Qin Lang glanced at him lightly: "Take it back to your family, Master Gu, we can't afford it!"

Qin Lang's glance, which seemed plain, was like an ice knife, revealing a chill that was piercing to the bone, and went straight to the bottom of his heart. Shang Lu's heart skipped a beat.

For a dog who is bullying on weekdays, it is a shame and shame to be stunned by a look from a poor and humble countryman. Shang Lu was shocked and angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to scold anything, stomped his feet and said bitterly: "Good job, you wait for me!"

Shang Lu left in a huff with the gift box in his hand.

Qin Lang gently embraced Su Jin's shoulders, turned his head to look at her, and said softly, "Don't be afraid!"

Su Jin snorted angrily and said, "I'm not afraid! It's just such a lowly thing, if it really does what they want, wouldn't it be useless to die!"

Qin Lang said with a smile: "Well, we don't want this anymore! Shall we go catch fish? Now is the right time to go out! Do you still want to eat snails? Why don't we catch some snails and fry them?" feed him

Su Jin really came alive, his eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's go now!"

Qin Lang smiled: "Let's go!"

There are many fish, shrimp and snails in the creeks and ditches, and many can be caught casually.

People in the village saw them go and get it for food, and some people learned to do it at first. But who is willing to use so much oil to fry fish? As for the cooking wine used to remove the fishy smell, few are willing to buy it.

In addition, I am not good at cooking fish and shrimp, so I can imagine how it tastes.

Soon, no one was interested in it anymore.

Even if it is fished back, it is still to feed the ducks.

As usual, Su Jin was on the shore, and Qin Lang took off his shoes and socks and went into the water to pick up snails.

Su Jin looked a little itchy, and said, "Xiang Gong, I also want to go into the water."

Even in the countryside, women are not allowed to go barefoot and do as the locals do. Su Jin didn't mention this before.

But now, of course, it's different. The relationship between the two is close, and her courage is much fatter.

Qin Lang's eyes subconsciously fell on her feet wearing thick-soled embroidered cloth shoes, imagining the pair of white, delicate and small bare feet after taking off the shoes and socks, his heart warmed slightly, but he shook his head: "No, the water in the mountains. It's too cold for you to come down."

"But I'm not afraid!"

"That doesn't work either," Qin Lang said with doting eyes, "you're a woman, you can't stand the cold. Just wait for me on the shore, and I'll catch you a lot, okay?"

Su Jin pouted, isn't this a lot of questions, she just wants to have fun!

But listening to him thinking about her like this, he felt a little bit of enjoyment and pride in his heart, and the pursed mouth unconsciously turned into a raised corner of his lips.

"Wait until the midsummer, the water is not cold, can you let me go down?"

Qin Lang wanted to say that the water in the mountains was always so cold, but she couldn't help but look at herself with soft eyes and a look of hope, her heart softened and she couldn't bear to refuse, and finally took a small step back: "I can only come down for a while. Small meeting."

"Okay, just a little while!" Su Jin grinned and giggled.

Qin Lang couldn't help but laugh, his daughter-in-law is so easy to satisfy!

He was a little dazed, how could a daughter-in-law who was so easily satisfied would leave him to elope with someone because of her wealth and wealth in her previous life? Qin Lang always thought that was the reason, but now he was shaken.

In his last life, he and her were strangers. In fact, he didn't have many related memories. Those memories were quite vague, but the relationship between the two was not good, so he remembered them.

Perhaps, he was not good enough for her!

Qin Lang's eyes became more gentle, and he would treat her well in this life.

After grabbing half a bamboo basket and snails, Su Jin smiled and said, "Enough!" Qin Lang smiled and went ashore.

Back at Aunt Song's house, Qin Lang skillfully cleaned the snails and cut off the tails, while Su Jin prepared perilla, ginger, peppercorns, etc.

When Aunt Song saw that she was going to fry this snail with meat the size of a needle's butt, she was amused, but she didn't stop her.

After frying the delicious, spicy and mouthwatering taste, Aunt Song and the others were all attracted.

Su Jin invited them to eat too. Except for Yu, who didn't eat much, the more they ate, the more they wanted to eat, and they praised them.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Aren't we going to kill chickens tonight? I have kept about 20 big ones, which can be used to make soup with chicken at night!"

Aunt Song said with a smile: "Okay, let's try it! It's still A Jin, you can do it, you know what's delicious, how could you think that snails can be so delicious!"

Only Qin Lang regretted that at Aunt Song's house, it was inconvenient to come over and let his daughter-in-law feed him.

Fortunately, the new house has almost been built!

In order to prevent the Gu family from coming, Su Jin and Qin Lang didn't plan to go out to do anything these days, so they just waited for them to come.

Don't want to, this next day, instead of waiting for the people who came to Gu's family, Dr. Lin Xiao came.

Doctor Lin looked anxious, and just jumped off the carriage station without standing still, he hurriedly shouted, "Miss Su, Brother Qin!"

Su Jin and Qin Lang were both very surprised and asked what happened?

Doctor Lin hurriedly said: "I have something to do, it's a big thing! Madam Su and Brother Qin get on the carriage, let's talk about it on the way!"

The two looked at each other, and Su Jin hurriedly said, "Okay, we'll go with you, Doctor Lin, don't worry!"

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