As soon as he took the lead, many other envoys followed suit, praising Qin Lang as unparalleled in the world.

Su Jin didn't even need to think about how ugly Emperor Yanhe's face would be.

Regarding Emperor Yanhe, Su Jin and Qin Lang had already begun to inquire and collect information when they were still in Wushui City and had not returned to Beijing.

From then until now, the two of them have never stopped paying attention to and discussing about Emperor Yanhe, researching and discussing him over and over again, hoping to learn more about him.

After all, this man is Qin Lang's biological father, with a noble status, and now he is even more powerful, but he doesn't like Qin Lang's biological father at all.

They had a relationship with him that they couldn't get rid of anyway, and had to live together under the same roof before.

In this case, of course, the more you know about this person, the better, and the deeper you are, the better.

Qin Lang never hid Su Jin about these matters.

And Su Jin has never let him down. The two of them often discuss various issues about this person and about this person in the dead of night. Conclusion, Qin Lang is often touched, draws inferences by analogy, and gets more conclusions.

For so long, the two people's understanding of Emperor Yanhe has probably surpassed everyone in the world - including Emperor Yanhe himself.

Therefore, after hearing about such a thing, Su Jin's first thought was: her man must have had a hard time in court recently.

For an incompetent, self-righteous, arrogant monarch, it is impossible to bear the foreign envoys praising and praising his successor in front of his face.

What does it mean? Doesn't it mean that the Daqing Empire will definitely be more prosperous and glorious if it is handed over to the crown prince, and it must be a step higher than it is now under his rule?

The most embarrassing thing is that it is not my own people who say this, but people from other countries. Objectively speaking, their views are more fair and just, and more worthy of attention.

Of course, it must also make Emperor Yanhe even more angry.

Now that those missions are gone, it would be strange for him not to settle accounts later.

What frustrates him the most is that this kind of aftermath cannot be settled openly.

But the more this is the case, the angrier he will be in his heart, and the more he will find fault with Qin Lang in different ways.

No wonder, her husband has been making frequent moves recently

From the very beginning, her husband had no intention of trying to take the crown prince tremblingly. He used traditional methods such as showing filial piety to his father to show his loyalty, self-pollution to reassure his father, showing his incompetence to dispel his doubts, and doing everything possible. Ingratiate yourself with your father in order to keep your status.

He never thought about it that way.

Because, this set of methods is completely useless to him - even if it works, it is counterproductive.

He took another path from the very beginning, relying on his own strength to gain a firm foothold, so strong that even if his father didn't like him, even if he felt threatened, he still had to choose compromise and tolerance He continued to retain his crown prince position without turning a blind eye.

This road is destined to be full of thorns, and it is destined to face unpredictable and powerful dangers at any time. It is truly like walking on thin ice, like facing an abyss.

If you don't pay attention, even if you take a wrong step, you may be lost forever.

In heaven, hell is on the line.

This is his choice, and it is also a choice that Su Jin agrees with and fully supports.

However, thinking of the unfair treatment and grievances he received from time to time, Su Jin still feels distressed and angry.

In the evening of this day, Qin Lang returned to the East Palace, and the dinner was ready. The dishes are extraordinarily rich, most of which are Qin Lang's usual favorites.

When Qin Lang saw this, he knew it immediately, his daughter-in-law probably knew about it.

But he still deliberately smiled and asked: "Hey, is it a special day today? Why is the dinner more rich than in the past."

Moreover, his son, who liked to rob his wife at night, was taken away by the nanny and the maids, and only he and his wife had dinner together.

This kind of welfare seems to be the first time since moving into the East Palace.

Su Jin smiled and said: "No, that is, I want to reward my husband, my husband has worked hard recently!"

Qin Lang suddenly laughed, sighed softly, hugged her shoulders and asked: "You know all about it? Why send someone to inquire about these disgusting things?"

Su Jin snorted softly, glanced at him lightly, and said lightly: "Someone keeps everything from me, refuses to tell me anything, and treats me like an outsider. I have no choice but to send someone to inquire about it myself. Oh, that’s right, when I asked about it, instead of blaming him, I felt distressed, and wanted to treat him better, better—oh!”

Before Su Jin could finish her words of resentment and self-sigh, Qin Lang held his chin and lowered his head and kissed him involuntarily.

Qin Lang came aggressively, domineering and fierce. After a long kiss, Su Jin's legs were a little weak, and he hugged him by the neck and hung on him, "You—huh!"

Qin Lang smiled lowly, caressed her tenderly, and said softly: "A Jin, I didn't mean to hide it from you, there is no need to tell you about it, and make you sick too. Such a small trick, heh , the effect is limited, your man has not taken it seriously!"

Qin Lang scoffed with disdain, his tone full of sarcasm.

His good father indeed gave him little shoes in a weird way, but so what?

He can handle it.

Small shoes of this level, for those who care about the relationship between father and son and want to try their best to please him, the emperor, must feel like sitting on pins and needles, fearful, and even nervous and worried, and it is very likely that they will not be able to sleep in the middle of the night.

But for him, he never expected him to treat him well, so the little shoes are not worth mentioning at all.

It would be strange if he didn't give himself little shoes to wear.

If you don't hope, you won't care, and you won't get hurt.

He will only go against the current and counterattack calmly. Let him see that he is not easy to mess with.

What about the emperor? He is the crown prince personally appointed by the late emperor! The emperor couldn't help him either.

For a while, the father and son fought openly and secretly, you came and went, and they were fighting happily!

He knew his father well, he was afraid of Ah Jin, and the fight between the two would not pose any threat to Ah Jin, so naturally he didn't want to tell Ah Jin, so that she would also be worried and angry.

He just wanted to wait until this stage was over, and when he had won the final victory, he would feel proud, and then tell her.

Su Jin gently kissed his face, most of the anger in his heart disappeared for no reason, and he raised his eyes and asked, "Is someone trying to provoke him?"

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