Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1279 You're welcome

The queen squeezed her palms, no, that's really not polite at all!

"Hmph!" The queen sneered: "I don't care about her, as long as Qin Lang can't win the emperor's favor, there are countless possibilities, what should I be afraid of!"

The queen is in a bad mood at the moment, so the light nanny naturally wants to comfort the queen, and quickly agrees with her with a smile: "Your Majesty is right, let's say something in private, who doesn't know, the emperor loves our prince the most, If the one in the East Palace didn’t have the late emperor, he wouldn’t be what he is today. He can’t never make mistakes, right? As long as he makes mistakes, the emperor will definitely not let him go easily. Once he is unlucky, the mere crown princess will forget it What? At that time, you won’t be the empress, so you can do whatever you want! Empress, don’t be angry with her right now, it’s not worth it.”

This kind of words has no practical effect at the moment, but it is more or less psychologically comforting.

After hearing these words, the queen really felt much better. She smiled and said, "Okay, let's go back. The draft will be held soon, and it will become lively in the harem. Outside here, Madam You still have to be more careful when you speak, be careful that walls have ears."

"Yes, the old slave remembers, isn't there no one around right now!" Qing Nunnery said with a smile.

The master and servant left, and Concubine Bai Yi, who was behind the nearby flower tree, smiled, and slowly left in another direction with her maid of honor.

The Crown Princess is as sharp as ever.

No, it's even more difficult to mess with than in the past!

Originally, she thought that the Queen could suppress the Crown Princess to some extent with her status as the mother of the world, but who knew that the change of status did not bring any gratifying consequences to the Queen.

Well, these are not things that she needs to worry about now, it is enough for her to just watch the show from the sidelines.

As soon as Su Jin came out of the palace, he saw Qin Lang coming on horseback, his eyes softened, and he smiled at him.

Qin Lang got off his horse, threw the reins to his guards, and stepped forward to support Su Jin's shoulders: "Are you all right?"

Hearing that the queen summoned her to enter the palace, he felt a little uneasy and hurried over.

If the queen sent her into the palace every day, although it would definitely make things difficult for her, he would not be too worried. His daughter-in-law is not so useless, ordinary problems are enough to deal with.

But yesterday she slapped Mrs. Xuanyang uncle severely in public on the street, and it involved the emperor. The emperor had a bad impression of Mrs. Xuanyang uncle, and now it may be even worse.

How could the queen swallow this breath easily?

When a person harbors resentment and loses his mind, God knows what he will do on impulse?

He was afraid that she would suffer.

Su Jin smiled lightly, raised his eyebrows and said: "The rules in the palace are strict, and I am the princess, what can I do?"

If it were a good daughter-in-law, the queen's reprimand would be enough to make people tremble, feel ashamed, angry, and fearful, but unfortunately, this method didn't work for her at all.

Can the queen be beaten by others?

Seeing this, Qin Lang calmed down, and said with a smile: "It's fine, let's go back!"

Since he came here, he didn't want to go back to the Ministry of Rites.

In the beginning, Yan and Di watched closely, and he couldn't be lazy, but now he loves to go. Everyone in the Ministry of Rites turned a blind eye, who would dare to speak against him?

Su Jin also felt that the dignified prince would spend all day in the Ministry of Rites and couldn't figure it out, so he might as well go back to the East Palace to accompany him, so he said yes with a smile, and the two got into the carriage together and headed home.

The draft is just around the corner, and one after another, the show girls are escorted by the local government to enter Beijing one after another.

These women are all from the best of thousands of miles in various places. They are basically between 15 and 18 years old. I can't see my parents again.

Because there will be an unknown number of concubines and nobles among the show girls, after entering Beijing, it is absolutely forbidden to contact others.

Especially Emperor Yanhe was so suspicious, what if someone was bribed by someone before entering the palace?

Therefore, as soon as the beautiful women entered Beijing, they were arranged to live in the post house, and the palace sent eunuchs to serve them. Opportunity.

This made Su Jin, who was still somewhat curious and wanted to see the excitement, feel extremely disappointed.

At first, I thought I could see beauties all over the city, but it turned out that I didn't see half of them.

This is the same as not coming, and it has no impact on the capital at all.

Even if the common people want to adjust their lives on August 18, there is no way to adjust their lives. After all, they have never seen anyone, so how can they be eight?

Even the best imagination and associative ability must have a certain foundation, right?

At this moment, that night, Fu Mingzhu in Prince Zhong's Mansion was finally going to give birth.

Fu Mingzhu activated it at night.

That night, when she was about to go to bed, there was a sudden rush of heat, which frightened her so much that she screamed and screamed, and the maids in the room thought she had fallen, and they were all frightened out of their wits.

Madam Dong has experience, so she comforted her and asked her to understand, then she knew that she was about to give birth, and hurriedly invited the prince and concubine, and ordered to invite the doctor, and asked to boil hot water, prepare clean swaddling clothes, bed sheets, cotton cloth, etc. etc.

The whole house was turned on its back in an instant.

Zhao Ming'an liked Fu Mingzhu better in the first place, and it's cheap to say the least, the more Fu Mingzhu ignored him and kept a haughty and cold face, the more he liked to approach her and try to make her happy in different ways.

Now the woman I love is about to give birth, how can I not be happy and nervous?

Zhao Mingan also added to the chaos, giving orders in a mess.

Madam Dong had to remind him that this is not possible, that is not possible, and what should be done. At the same time, she had to comfort and take care of Fu Mingzhu, and she was very busy.

Tian didn't intervene in anything, it was enough to present a very nervous and looking forward to the main room with just the right attitude.

But, thinking about when she was giving birth, and looking at Fu Mingzhu now, even if she has given up hope for Zhao Mingan, she still can't help but feel a little sour.

It's not your own destiny, no matter how much you force it, it's useless.

Hearing Fu Mingzhu's screams in pain, Zhao Ming'an was really distressed, anxious and helpless, so nervous that he walked back and forth outside the delivery room impatiently.

Tian sneered silently, lowered his eyes, and simply didn't bother to look.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ming'an was also quite strange, and suddenly thought of Su Jin.

"Should I send someone to invite the Crown Princess? The Crown Princess has superb medical skills, and it is more reassuring to have her here!"

Tian's eyes widened in surprise: "."

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