Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1282 Who is blocking whom?

Tian didn't care whether the faces of the Fu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were red or white, and smiled respectfully at Su Jin: "I will accompany the crown princess to sister Fu's place, and the crown princess please."

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Su Jin nodded and followed Tian.

Everyone hurriedly stood up and sent them off.

Su Jin inadvertently glanced at Mrs. Fu, feeling overjoyed.

If you rush to give away the head, then of course she won't be polite!

On the one hand, Mrs. Fu felt embarrassingly embarrassing among the guests, and on the other hand, she was not at ease with Su Jin and Tian's going to see her daughter. She was afraid that her daughter would suffer, so she reluctantly smiled and said hello, and she followed up.

Fu Mingzhu lay contentedly on the bed, and the two children were looked after by the nanny and maid.

It is very proud to have two sons at once.

Mammy Dong came in to report that the princess was coming, and Fu Mingzhu immediately lowered her face.

Seeing her change of face, Mammy Dong couldn't help but tremble with fear, so she said earnestly: "My concubine, it's your dignity to come to see you, so please speak to her nicely! You just After giving birth, you can't move, so watch your body carefully!"

"Don't worry," Fu Mingzhu sneered, with a lazy look on her face: "He came to congratulate me anyway, why wouldn't I speak well? Mammy is really worrying too much!"

Aunt Dong laughed along with her, "You're right."

Fu Mingzhu didn't get out of bed, Madam Dong led a group of servants out to greet her.

Su Jin raised his hand, smiled and ordered everyone to get up, walked in and said, "Is your side concubine Fu okay? Is the child okay too?"

"Thank you, Crown Princess, for your concern. Everything is fine." Madam Dong laughed along with her.

Su Jin nodded.

Entering the bedroom, Fu Mingzhu gave a rare smile to Su Jin, "The Crown Princess is here, I am really flattered!"

"Concubine Fu is happy to have Lin'er. It is right for me to come to congratulate you." The maids hurriedly moved chairs, and Su Jin sat down.

Mrs. Fu stepped forward and stood in front of her daughter's bed.

Mother Dong hurriedly ordered someone to bring a pair of twin children, and asked the princess to have a look.

The baby who was just three days old has a small face that has not yet opened, and the skin is very thin, and the face looks red.

The two children are both asleep at the moment, but Fu Mingzhu can be seen somewhat, and the children are more like her.

Su Jin naturally praised a few words politely, and ordered Wangchun to present the congratulatory gift he had prepared.

Mammy Dong hurriedly smiled and thanked her for taking it.

Hearing Su Jin boasting about her son, Fu Mingzhu felt more and more complacent, and said with a smile: "The East Palace has only one child, Zhen'er, and it's quite deserted. But don't worry about the princess, there will be a draft soon. Maybe Father is sorry for the weakness of the Crown Prince, and when the time comes to choose a few good ones to give to the Crown Prince, maybe the East Palace will be lively soon!"

Mrs. Fu was swept away by Su Jin before, and at this time she really wanted to win back the game. Hearing this, she smiled and sang with her own daughter: "Yes, yes, Concubine Fu is right. The emperor always values ​​the crown prince, how can he?" Don’t you expect the crown prince to have more children? It’s just in time for the draft, isn’t it ready-made? At that time, the crown prince will also have more sisters to accompany her, which is a good thing!”

Tian's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Some people just don't have a long memory and are still tossing about it.

Whether or not the emperor bestows on the crown prince is a matter for the emperor and the East Palace. Is it possible that you can benefit from it?

What are you doing so actively?

Besides, the prince and the princess have a deep relationship. If someone really entered the East Palace, could it possibly affect the status of the princess? What a big joke!

Moreover, the crown princess has excellent medical skills, as long as she doesn't want other women to have children, she won't be able to give birth to a fart!

Even if a few hundred more enter the East Palace, what does it matter?

However, I reminded myself that when the time comes, I should look for an opportunity to ask my mother, and ask my mother to say, how many beauties can be brought into Prince Zhong's mansion.

Believe in such a beautiful thing, my prince will definitely not refuse!

"Fu Fangfei and Mrs. Fu are concerned about the palace and the prince," Su Jin said with a smile that was not a smile: "Don't worry, the prince will not enjoy such a good thing to himself. The prince has always cared about his brothers the most! Oh yes Concubine Fu has just given birth, so she will have to rest for more than two months and will not be able to go to bed, and there will be a pair of sons to take care of in the future, and she will not have the energy to take care of Prince Zhong. Princess Zhongqin has to take care of the general affairs of the palace, and she has no time. This time, no matter what you say, you have to give Prince Zhong some more obedient and obedient servants! In this way, the princess and side concubine Fu can also do their own things with peace of mind!"

"You!" Fu Mingzhu's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Madam Fu also heaved a sigh of aggrieved.

Why wouldn't Mrs. Tian want to have fun watching the excitement of the mother and son? Now she smiled and said: "What the crown princess said is that the concubine feels so good! From now on, there will be more and more children in the mansion, which is also the blessing of the prince and the royal family!"

Su Jin smiled and nodded: "Exactly!"

"Is the princess too much?" Fu Mingzhu's voice trembled with anger, and she glared at Su Jin and gritted her teeth: "I just mentioned that the father might give a marriage, so why are there few heirs in the East Palace? Why is it so strange to think of this? What does the Crown Princess mean? It's impossible to put people in Prince Zhong's mansion!"

"I don't have time to take care of Prince Zhong's mansion." Su Jin smiled, and said calmly: "The same goes for Concubine Fu, just take care of yourself, the East Palace is not something you can talk about casually. "

Fu Mingzhu's breathing became rough.

She didn't know if the prince would be seduced by the vixens, but she knew exactly what the man she married was.

This bastard even thinks about the dowry girl beside him, but he refuses to give it to him, so he dare not make a mistake.

However, if the palace sent someone to come, then why would he be polite?

Su Jin got up: "Fu side concubine please rest, I'm leaving first!"

Just take your time and get a headache!

Isn't my man the emperor's son? If the emperor really wants to give it to someone, will he only give it to the prince and not the other two sons? What a beautiful thing to think about!

If you have the ability, you can hold Zhao Mingan and let him control himself, is it possible?

"I send the princess off as a gift!" Tian was very active.

Su Jin didn't stay at Prince Zhong's mansion for lunch, and left after staying for a while.

In the carriage, she rubbed her forehead, but she still had a headache.

She had been thinking about this before, Yanhe Emperor is very likely to be more happy alone than to be happy with others, and most likely he will give it to his three sons.

I'm afraid there are more than three sons, there are Wuwangfu and Ningwangfu.

Although King Ning brought up the matter of the draft, he regained his favor, which made him very happy, and he followed suit.

But the first emperor died only last year, and this year's draft selection doesn't look like that. How could he suffer this criticism by himself?

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