Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1288 Questioning from the Crown Princess

Ever since they moved into the East Palace, Su Jin's mother and son have been living with Qin Lang in the Ruihe Hall, and the Qingluan Hall is just a decoration.

In the beginning, the eunuchs and aunts in charge raised their opinions, but they were all suppressed by Su Jin.

Those who were stubborn and disobedient were all sent away.

Now the people in the East Palace are all appointed by her, who dares to talk too much?

Don't you have any objections if you haven't seen the prince? Whose turn will it be?

But Su Jin didn't want to see them in the Hall of Ruihe, and didn't want them to step into the Hall of Ruihe. This belongs to their family of three.

So it's better to trouble yourself and go to Qingluan Hall.

The beauties are anxiously waiting for their fate in the side hall of Qingluan Hall.

Some people are thinking about how to please the prince, some are racking their brains to analyze what kind of person the princess is, and some are secretly looking at the sisters around them, wondering who is the most outstanding, who seems to be close friends, and who needs to be careful.

In short, they have just arrived at the East Palace, and there are no arrangements yet. The smell of "fighting for favor" is already very strong, secretly turbulent.

After all, everyone is excellent. To stand out from others, it is not only a matter of appearance and figure, but also means and thoughts!

Su Jin didn't make them wait too long, came over quickly, took a seat on the main seat of the main hall, ordered people to bring them one by one, and patiently asked casually, who is in the family, what is their rank, and what they are good at , Concubine out of the concubine, coming to Beijing can get used to it, etc.

Then I would casually ask, during those days of training in the palace, have you ever seen the emperor, Prince Zhong, Prince Rui, etc.?

No one dared not tell the truth.

Because no one knew what the Crown Princess' intention was when she asked this question.

Regardless of their origins, these people are all innocent and have a clear background. How dare you lie now? If the princess is serious, she can find out clearly by sending someone.

As for whether you have met the emperor, the prince, etc. during the days of training in the palace, you can't lie, because if you lie and others tell the truth, wouldn't you be in bad luck?

Although I don't know why the Crown Princess asked this, but no one wants to be deceived, right? Lied to the Crown Princess, angered her, maybe she was placed in the most remote place, and she will never see the Crown Prince again in this life?

After Su Jin asked all the way, although some people were more detailed and some were cunning and vague, she was already sure that Zhao Mingan had "accidentally" met the beautiful girls who were training twice.

Heh, the probability of this "unintentional" is quite high, only twice in ten days.

Su Jincai didn't believe that he did it unintentionally. This guy must have gone there on purpose.

But what is he going to do?

Everyone knew that this group of show empresses would definitely reward their brothers and nephews, and Zhao Ming'an, as a loyal prince, would not fail. He wasn't so anxious that he couldn't wait to run to see it.

Reminiscent of meeting him when he was out of the palace today, and subconsciously looking for someone among the twenty people, Su Jin naturally came to the conclusion that he was looking for someone.

Who is he looking for?

That's amazing!

Could it be that there is a girl he loves among the showgirls?

Su Jin was overwhelmed by his own thoughts, and felt a little ridiculous.

It is absolutely impossible for a person like Zhao Ming'an to do meaningless and boring things for a woman.

Unable to figure it out for a while, Su Jin pressed the matter for now, thinking about turning around and talking to Qin Lang, asking him to communicate with the eyeliner in the palace, and staring at Zhao Mingan to see which beautiful girl in the palace he pays the most attention to. , Is there any contact, contact.

After asking questions one by one, Su Jin ordered everyone to come, stood in two rows in front of him, and smiled faintly: "Ruihe Hall is where the crown prince lives, and I have cleaned up two places near Ruihe Hall. The courtyard can only accommodate two people. Discuss with yourselves to see who is better to live in. The rest of the people have other arrangements."

The eyes of all the beauties lit up with a "swish", and their fighting spirit was high.

Since the Crown Princess said that there are two courtyards near the Hall of Ruihe, it naturally means that the other courtyards are far away from the Hall of Ruihe.

The closer you are, the better you will be. Of course, the closer you are to the crown prince, the more chances you will get ahead.

What hope is there for him if he is sent off to some remote corner?

If we said that when we were in Kunning Palace before, all the beauties were more or less shy and reserved, but now, they already have a strong sense of crisis.

If he has already entered the East Palace, he is destined to belong to the Crown Prince. The honor and disgrace of the whole life are tied to the crown prince. Being favored or not being favored will be a completely different life!

At this time, if anyone still pretends to be reserved, he will die!

At that moment, a beautiful woman came out more and more, and bowed her knees to Su Jin: "I want to report to the princess, my father is the chief envoy of Fujian, and I think that I am qualified to live in a courtyard."

The girls changed color slightly.

The chief envoy is the top leader in charge of people's livelihood and government affairs in a province. He is a proper official in Xinjiang. He holds real power in his hands and has a high position.

It's no wonder that this beauty was able to say these words openly and even quite proudly.

Her father is the chief political envoy of Fujian, among the beauties here, no one has a more powerful father than hers.

The most important thing is that even the crown prince would never easily embarrass a daughter of a chief envoy's family.

Maybe the Crown Princess is afraid of her, but isn't the Crown Princess afraid of being known by the Crown Prince?

Therefore, she stood up, very sure that her choice was not wrong.

Su Jin said "ah", and nodded at her with a smile: "I remember you, your name is Lin Qiao. If that's the case, you should live in the first courtyard."

Lin Qiao was overjoyed and quickly kowtowed to thank her.

Another woman also stood up: "Princess Concubine, my father is the magistrate of Suzhou, I must be eligible to live in that other courtyard."

Although the magistrate is not comparable to the position of the chief envoy, the prefect of Suzhou is different. Jiangnan is the richest place in the world. As one of the core areas in Jiangnan, Suzhou is a place where taxation is important every year. The prefect of Suzhou has always been an extremely important position, and I don’t know how many people have broken their heads in order to compete for this fat job.

Su Jin glanced at the others, and saw that the others had basically shut up, and no one dared to argue with her, so she also nodded: "Well, I also remember you, Meng Ying, right? Okay, then the other yard It's yours! The others,"

Su Jin smiled: "Let's live together in the two big courtyards first, and make arrangements after I report to the prince."

No one dared to fight against the princess, so the matter was settled. Mu Jin was very satisfied, as were Lin Qiao and Meng Ying.

Mu Jin ordered them to take them down to rest separately, his eyes deepened, and he smiled faintly.

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