Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1294: The Hero Saves the Beauty

Zhao Mingan frowned suddenly.

The rules in the palace are strict, and the maids and eunuchs are not allowed to cry and scream. Once they offend the master, they will be severely punished.

Listening to the crying, isn't it too bad luck?

A young eunuch hurriedly said: "I don't know which little palace lady is crying here, she doesn't understand the rules too much, this servant will drive him away."

Zhao Ming'an suddenly felt moved: "No need, I will go and have a look."

The little palace maid was so focused and absorbed in crying that she didn't hear the footsteps of the three of Zhao Mingan approaching at all.

"Bold!" The eunuch next to Zhao Mingan shouted, "Where did the little maid come from, dare to cry in the palace, isn't it too bad luck!"

The little palace maid was startled, screamed in a low voice and fell to the ground, raised her head abruptly and turned around, her pretty face was full of tears, matched with her frightened expression, she was as weak and pitiful as a little white rabbit. The little eunuch was taken aback for a moment, and was a little dumbfounded.

Even Zhao Ming'an couldn't help showing a little amazement: With this appearance, which man wouldn't want to embrace him and protect him? A concubine is a concubine.

"Why is it you?" Zhao Ming'an smiled kindly, looked her over, and said with a serious eyebrow: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Concerned but without loss of proportion, everything is just right.

The little maid in front of her was unexpectedly Liu Yingying.

When Liu Yingying saw Prince Zhong, her heart was sore and miserable, her tears flowed faster, she knelt down and saluted with sobs: "Greetings to the lord, concubine—"

"Get up quickly, there's no need to do this!" Zhao Mingan raised his hand and ordered the little eunuch to help her up, "What's wrong with you? Is someone bullying you?"

Liu Yingying lowered her head and said nothing.

I felt a little aggrieved for no reason.

After the draft, she didn't think about eating and drinking, and couldn't sleep or eat. She prayed to God countless times, that she must be given to Prince Zhong.

But in the end, the sisters bestowed to each mansion left quickly one by one, and she was left in the palace with more sisters.

For others, it is better to stay in the palace. As long as they can be favored by the emperor, they will be able to rise to the top of the world just around the corner, and even their family can ascend to heaven.

But she didn't want to.

Her heart has long been firmly tied to Prince Zhong, and Prince Zhong likes her, such a gentle, noble and handsome man! She just wanted to obediently be by his side, even if she was an unknown concubine, but why was such a humble wish not fulfilled by God!

She pretends to be a loyal prince in her heart, and when she assigns the residence in the palace, she is not like other beautiful girls who look for connections, take favors, give bribes, and try every means to get assigned a palace with better geographical location and better conditions, so that There are more opportunities to meet the emperor.

Maybe one day the emperor had a whim, and it fell into the emperor's eyes for a while?

Given their looks and their young age like flowers, this should be easy to do.

Only she didn't care about all of this, regardless.

Therefore, it was no surprise that she was assigned to the most remote Zhuye Palace.

She thought, that's fine too. Clean here.

Anyway, she only had Prince Zhong in her heart, and she had no intention of serving the emperor at all.

However, as long as there are people, there will be fights, even in this cold palace like Zhuye Palace.

There are a total of twenty-two beautiful women living in Zhuye Palace. Those who were sent to live here were either empty-handed and unable to bribe others, or those who could not speak and offended others were secretly punished. Don't know anything about being excluded.

Those few honest people who were squeezed out were fine, they wouldn't bully people anyway.

Others are not so easy to talk about.

In particular, Liu Yingying's appearance is unrivaled and refined, and her figure is even more top-notch, the kind that arouses men's pity at first glance.

In addition, she was sad at the moment, lost her soul, dejected, and didn't care much about everything in the outside world, but this appearance made her look a little more immortal and more beautiful.

As a result, many people were disliked and jealous.

Cynicism, all kinds of difficulties and bullying, group isolation followed.

No one pities her, no one speaks for her.

The people in Zhuye Palace are divided into two types, one is those who bully her, and the other is those who look on indifferently.

Even the two eunuchs and two maids who were assigned to serve here turned a blind eye to her plea for help, watching the fun with a smile on their faces, saying that as a slave, they couldn't take care of their masters' affairs.

Besides, why don't you bully Liu Meiren if you don't bully others? Did you do something wrong yourself?

Liu Yingying dared not speak out, so she could only cry secretly.

In the past two days, those people have gone too far. Last night, a basin of cold water was poured on her bed. She was so angry that she argued and was pushed to the ground.

Listening to those harsh giggles and taunts, her tears kept falling, and there were rumbles in her head.

Last night and night, she sat on the cold ground in front of the bed, hugging her knees and crying all night.

What did she do wrong? Who did she provoke? Why are those people so vicious, why do they want to bully her?

She was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Prince Zhong. Will Prince Zhong come to rescue her?

Early this morning, they even snatched her breakfast. She was so angry and angry that she couldn't argue, so she ran out in a fit of rage, and wandered around this desolate and remote corner of the imperial garden for a while. The more she thought about it, the sadder she became. I couldn't help but squatted on the ground and wept.

Who knew, who knew such a coincidence, Prince Zhong actually came.

Liu Yingying's heart was thumping wildly, her already ashen heart couldn't help rekindling a small flame, maybe, maybe Prince Zhong would save her

"Both of you back down." Zhao Mingan wanted to appease Liu Yingying, but naturally he couldn't let others hear him.

The two young eunuchs were very clever, and immediately retreated from two directions in response, just to keep watch.

"Did someone bully you?"

Listening to the gentle and caring greeting from Prince Zhong, Liu Yingying burst into tears again.

She suddenly knelt down towards Zhao Ming'an: "My lord, please take this servant away! This servant is willing to serve you as a slave for the rest of his life, please take this servant away!"

Zhao Ming'an was startled, and subconsciously wanted to back away, but he held back with great difficulty.

"Hey, get up first!" Zhao Ming'an sighed, "Get up quickly, or people will see you kneeling in front of this king, and I don't know what to say! You are a beautiful lady in the palace."

Liu Yingying's face turned pale, and she stood up in a daze.

The show girl in the palace!

So, there is no way for Prince Zhong to take her away, right?

Yes, she, she is too difficult to be a loyal prince.

Zhao Mingan sighed again, his eyes were full of sympathy: "Liu Meiren, this is the same in this palace, worshiping the high and stepping down, even if you have no intention of harming others, it does not prevent others from bullying you."

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