Although it's only been less than a year, they can see what kind of person the master and wife are, and they can really feel it. If they change the owner again, who knows what kind of person they will change into?

When Su Jin saw the two of them, she felt as if it was so far away in her previous life. The few days when Qin Lang was away, it was really muddled for her, as if the world was in chaos.

Now seeing people who I knew and met in the past, it really seems like a lifetime away.

"I was planning to go and have a look in two days, but I didn't expect you to come first! Is the farm all right?"

Liu Chujiu and Lin Dong looked at each other, and both were a little bit hard to speak.

Su Jin looked at it calmly, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, no matter what it is, you just say it."

She didn't expect it, she didn't expect it.

Once something happened to Qin Lang, there would be rebellions and troubles everywhere, even in Tianzhuang.

Fortunately, Xiangxuefang is in the county, far away, and Xu Rongyue has always been in charge, otherwise it is hard to say.

Liu Chujiu hesitated and said: "The farmer got news that it belonged to the madam. No, no, the liar from the Qi family came to the door, and the mother of the manager Zhao took the manager Zhao and the wife of the manager away. Now there is no one in the village. People are in charge, there is still some finishing work on land reclamation, we discussed it, and then came to tell the master and wife to make up their minds."

This year, Xikou Village has opened 300 mu of land to plant medicinal materials. The tenants in the farm are the first to be hired. During the slack season, they can earn a considerable amount of income at their doorstep. The tenants are all grateful, and they are naturally willing to Take the initiative to come to inform.

Qin Lang's face suddenly became ugly, and he said coldly: "Gone? They left when they heard the news? Then how did Zhao Liang's mother get the news so quickly?"

Yangliu Village is not close to Xikou Village.

Lin Dong said: "Madam Zhao lived in the village within two days of her last trip. I heard that there is a woman named Liu in Xikou Village who lived in the same village as Aunt Zhao before she got married. The two have always loved to compare and have fought all their lives. Aunt Zhao went to Xikou Village to hang out if she had nothing to do, and boasted in front of Mrs. Liu."

Su Jin smiled "puchi" and said to Qin Lang: "So that's the reason, I just said, why did Mrs. Zhao have to take charge of Zhuangzi in Xikou Village in the first place? So there is this old case!"

As she spoke, she asked Liu Chujiu and Lin Dong, "So Mrs. Zhao lives in Zhuangzi, so I'm afraid that Manager Zhao can't take care of things?"

The two were taken aback for a moment, and both nodded.

Liu Chujiu: "That's right, Mrs. Zhao is in charge of everything, and both the steward Zhao and the steward's wife listen to her."

Lin Dong: "Fortunately, Song Ping'an, Manager Song, went to visit from time to time. He is basically in charge of land reclamation, otherwise."

Otherwise, it's really hard to say what it will look like.

Seeing that Su Jin had no respect for Manager Zhao's mother, the two naturally called her "Mrs. Zhao". Speaking of which, they also hated that self-righteous old woman who wanted to interfere in everything, and wanted to show off the old lady's money. Their daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law waited on them, but they were beaten back by Manager Song, so they gave up cursing.

Later, she pestered Guanshi Song to ask for money for land reclamation, saying that her son was in charge of the farm, and that the wages for land reclamation should also be held by her son and distributed by her son. Song Guanshi didn't pay her no matter how harsh and mean she said, only saying that the master and wife had told him to pay the wages.

Fortunately, otherwise, the wages would have passed through the hands of the woman, and it would be strange if they were not deducted.

Guanshi Song is really a good person, and he also told them not to tell the old lady about these things, so as to save the old lady from being angry for nothing.

It is true to say that Mrs. Zhao is too insignificant. No one will feel bad after hearing what she said and what she did.

However, looking at the old lady like this, I'm afraid that even if they don't say anything, the old lady can roughly guess what she will say and do.

Qin Lang said coldly: "Since it's just a troublemaker, it's good to leave, it will save us trouble. You go back first, we will go there tomorrow."

Liu Chujiu and Lin Dong agreed and withdrew respectfully.

Su Jin was quite speechless: "Then Mrs. Zhao is really, if she wants to live in the village with Zhao Liang and A Fang, tell us, we won't refuse such a trivial matter, right? It's obviously something that can be done aboveboard, but she It has to be done in an uncomfortable way."

Qin Lang smiled: "Perhaps, she thought we would refuse!"

Therefore, I would be smart enough to "cut first and play later", make the established facts first, and make Su Jin and Qin Lang "sorry" before driving her away.

"It's fine for her to live, but it's not okay to point fingers at Zhuangzi. Fortunately, we asked Brother Pingan before, otherwise the Zhuangzi might have made her a mess."

Qin Lang nodded: "That's fine, if she makes a fuss, she might as well leave by herself, so we can save trouble."

Su Jin took a deep look at Qin Lang when he heard the words, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "It's easy to say, I think it's too early! Now that the trouble is solved, you are back, maybe that Mrs. Zhao came back with her son and Ah Fang gone?"

Qin Lang: "." There is really such a possibility.

"Come back? Then rush."

Neither Qin Lang nor Su Jin mentioned anything about Qin Fang. Although they felt a little awkward in their hearts, they didn't blame her.

Can you blame her? A strong mother-in-law like Mrs. Zhao, and a husband who completely obeys her mother's words and is impossible to stand by her daughter-in-law's side, her opinion is actually not important at all, and she can't do anything.

But understanding is understanding, and I still feel a little uncomfortable.

That being the case, they naturally don't need to take Qin Fang's face into consideration any more.

At that time, Qin Lang's life and death were uncertain, and the Qi family aggressively came to her door and declared that it was her fiancé's family and wanted to be her master.

Li Zheng, the Song family, Xu Rongyue, etc. all firmly stated that there are many doubts in this matter that need to be investigated again. As a "relative", Mrs. Zhao left in a hurry, fearing that she would get involved, no matter how much Qin Fang As a last resort, it is also true that she left with her mother-in-law and husband.

For someone like Mrs. Zhao, Su Jin didn't even need to think about how dirty her mouth would be when she left.

She didn't bother to ask about these things in detail, and she would get annoyed if she asked, why bother?

Liu Chujiu and Lin Dong didn't tell her that Mrs. Zhao wanted to vacate the house when they left, and wanted to hire a bullock cart to remove all the furniture and utensils that could be moved, but they were stopped by angry tenants Well, the two sides made a big fuss, and they couldn't succeed, so they left angrily.

Qin Lang only said one sentence to drive them away and did not settle other accounts, which is considered polite.

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