Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 571: Wushui City

However, the next day Su Jin asked Gu Yunzheng, when he had heard that there was no Tang family in Wushui City, Gu Yunzheng was at a loss, and shook his head in a daze with embarrassment: "I only cared about the military camp and the master's affairs, and didn't care about Wushui City."

Therefore, he didn't know whether there was a Tang family in Wushui City.

Su Jin saw his regretful and guilty face and smiled instead, shook his head and said, "It's no wonder you, who would have thought it would be Wushui City?"

But the woman surnamed Tang is obviously capable, and the Tang family will definitely be there. We'll know when next spring comes.

Xu Rongyue must also be thinking about Gu Yunzheng in her heart. After Su Jin asked Gu Yunzheng clearly, he asked him to go back and report to Xu Rongyue that he was safe.

She had to go back years ago, but not now.

Yu Qingshan will also take Yang Qing back to celebrate the new year, and will set off before the new year, and Su Jin may just happen to be with them.

Maybe it's because Mrs. Shen's expected date of delivery happened to be in the middle of the twelfth lunar month. Su Jin originally planned to leave for the Lin family to sit in town in these two days.

Without being present in person, not to mention whether Master Shen and Mrs. Shen would feel at ease, even Su Jin herself would not be at ease.

After all, Mrs. Shen is an advanced mother, and giving birth is much more dangerous than ordinary women.

Anything is possible.

On the day when Gu Yunzheng was sent away, Su Jin brought coltsfoot and pinellia to live in Lin's house.

Seeing her coming, Mr. and Mrs. Shen were really relieved and smiled, making Su Jin a little dumbfounded.

In other words, her presence can indeed reduce the risk to a certain extent, but it does not mean that she is guaranteed.

Even in modern times, there are many pregnant women who have accidents during childbirth. What can she do?

When I came to Lin's house, I was with Madam Shen and Su Yingxue every day, and it was much more lively.

If Su Yingxue hadn't been pregnant, as the mistress of a big family like the Lin family, she wouldn't know how busy she would be next year, but this year could be free.

Su Jin checks the pulse of Madam Shen and Su Yingxue every day. Su Yingxue is now more than six months pregnant, which is not too old, but Madam Shen's belly is already bulging like a ball.

Su Jin had told her a long time ago to pay attention to the fetal movement every day, and if there was less movement, she must send someone to tell her immediately.

Every day must pay close attention to the frequency of fetal movement.

Although Mrs. Shen felt that she seemed a little too careful, but Su Jin was careful for her, she was very happy and said that she would definitely follow suit.

And every time Su Jin came here before, he would ask about the fetal movement in detail.

She didn't dare to tell Mrs. Shen that she was worried about the fetal heart and umbilical cord around her neck. If she said it, she might scare Mrs. Shen from sleeping peacefully.

The operating room has already issued a greeting order to be ready at all times, and the blood transfusion backup personnel with the same blood type as Mrs. Shen are also ready, waiting for the situation to have a caesarean section.

Otherwise, if a fool is born, the couple will probably go crazy.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

Three days before the due date, which was also the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Su Jin consulted Master Shen and Mrs. Shen for their opinions, and the couple decided to induce labor.

After all, waiting for the normal activation does not know when it will be activated, what if it is midnight? It's not a pleasant thing to do in this weather.

It's better to be prepared than to be in a hurry when the time comes.

As a result, Mrs. Shen was sent to the operating room temporarily converted into a delivery room, and took labor-inducing decoction.

After a quarter of an hour, it started to launch.

Sure enough, Mrs. Shen did not give birth smoothly because of her age, and in the end Su Jin performed a caesarean section for her.

Fortunately, the preparations were complete, and the degree of inflammation of the wound was reduced in winter. Mrs. Shen successfully delivered a son, and the mother and child were safe.

Hearing the loud and childish cry of the baby, Master Shen burst into tears as soon as he was old, his old face smiled like a flower, and he couldn't say anything else except a good word.

When Mrs. Shen heard that it was her son, she was equally delighted. As for leaving an ugly scar on her abdomen? what is this!

Does she still look good when she is old? As long as a son is born, let alone one scar, even two scars will be fine.

Because of the cold weather and Mrs. Shen's caesarean section, it is inconvenient to move around, so Mr. and Mrs. Shen planned to celebrate the New Year in Fancheng.

However, the great news that he already has a son-in-law will of course be sent back to Jinling to make everyone in the mansion and the Shen family happy.

Master Shen only had a son at a very old age, so he didn't bother to fight dirty with the Shen family anymore, so he happily ordered his followers to bring a letter to the steward, and double the filial money to the family and elders this year.

Anyway, the most important thing he lacks is money, so let's accumulate virtue for his son.

Su Jin stayed at the Lin family to take care of Mrs. Shen, mother and son. By the way, he explained the technique of cesarean section to the Lin family. Not only men in the Lin family studied medicine, but also many women. In this era, it is easier for women to learn the technique of cesarean section. Suitable.

The Lin family was naturally willing. In fact, they were dumbfounded after watching Su Jin perform a caesarean section on Mrs. Shen. This "simple and crude" but effective method was obviously beyond their cognition.

The Lin family quickly selected eight women with high medical talents to study caesarean sections and surgical operations.

It's a pity for Su Jin. She should have thought of letting the girls of the Lin family learn surgery a long time ago. After all, this is an era where men and women are different.

She was leaving in March, and the time was a bit rushed.

Su Jin could only teach the Lin family as best he could, and planned to come back next year, and was busy until the young year before leaving Fancheng.

Back in Xiaohe Village and back home, the villagers seemed to be more enthusiastic about her, and there was a kind of awe that could be called awe in the enthusiasm.

This is a good thing for Su Jin.

She understood that this was the result of Qin Lang's departure.

Qin Lang took the initiative to claim a quota, and everyone in the village admired it, especially those who met the conditions for conscription and finally escaped because of the quota problem, they were even more grateful.

If Qin Lang pays to replace them, who knows that someone will leave?

Moreover, many people in the village know Qin Lang's skills. Even if they don't know, they know that Qin Lang is rich, and money can make ghosts work. If you want to buy a small official in the military camp, can't you do it?

This time, as long as the luck is not too bad, everyone believes that Qin Lang will definitely "become an official" in the future, so who is willing to offend Su Jin for nothing?

In the blink of an eye to celebrate the new year, Su Jin politely declined the invitations from Mrs. Qin and the Song family, and lived at home by herself.

Xu Rongyue took Gu Yunzheng and Lu Xiaoyi to accompany her.

Qin Fang also came back, had the New Year's Eve dinner at home, and came to watch the night with her.

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