Chief Lu resented: "It's unreasonable! It seems that someone is really behind the scenes."

One of the escorts who accompanied Gu Yunzheng before said angrily: "We are also careless. If we knew that we should bring those bastards back, we can always ask for something."

At that time, I only wanted to get away, and ran away while taking advantage of the chaos, who knew——

Gu Yunzheng was also annoyed, and hurriedly said: "Master, do you want to ask that generation of doctors?"


The medicine was taken from him, and he will never be unaware.

Su Jin shook his head and said with a sneer, "Since there are people who hate you so much, they will still come to your door. We don't need to startle the snake now. Just pretend that nothing happened and know what to do."

She still has to discuss it with Mrs. Mei, and Mrs. Mei will definitely be willing to help with this.

The opponent's follow-up came faster than Su Jin thought.

In the afternoon of that day, a team of arresters came to the door. The leader, Yuan Butou, said that he had received reports from the people that Su Jin prescribes medicines that would kill people.

The mother and son were originally foreigners, and they had no one to rely on in this Wushui City. Su Jin's trip this time was simply heinously sinful.

They want to search, rescue the mother and child, and see what's going on.

"This family is also a foreigner not long ago, I didn't expect it to be so vicious."

"Yes, the mother and son are really pitiful."

"The child heard that he was already seriously ill, so it's hard to say whether he's still alive at the moment! Speaking of which, the evildoers in Wushui City have always been very courageous, alas"

"Unfortunately, the official came to the door, Master Qingtian, give us little people justice!"

Surrounded by many spectators, they all talked about it, and the public opinion overwhelmingly accused Su Jin.

"Mrs. Qin, please cooperate and let us go in and search."

Yuan Toutou is tall and tall, with bronze skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, coupled with his official attire and indifferent and serious expression, it makes people feel intimidated.

Su Jin frowned slightly, and said slowly: "Could you listen to my explanation, Yuan Butou, there may be a misunderstanding here."

"The matter is already very clear," Yuan Butou interrupted impatiently and coldly: "Once the person is found, everything will naturally be clear!"

Su Jin smiled and said, "Speaking of which, the purpose of arresting Mrs. Mei is to make sure Mrs. Mei's mother and child are safe, right? Why do you need to search? I just invite their mother and child out."

Yuan Butou was stunned: "What?"

There was also an uproar among the crowd.

"Come out, please? Didn't it mean that Mrs. Mei's son might have died?"


"Could it be that we misunderstood Mrs. Qin before?"

"Uh, it's really hard to say, seeing how calm she is, it doesn't look like she's lying."

"I think so too."

Four or five people in the crowd looked at each other and exchanged glances, and one of them purposely hid behind the tall figure and said loudly: "In this case, please invite him out, let us all have a look!"

Yuan Butou also had no choice but to nod: "Then please, as long as they are sure that their mother and child are fine."

Su Jin smiled and gave orders.

Soon, Wangchun, Coltsfoot and Pinellia came out with Mrs. Mei, mother and son.

Seeing that Duan Xiaomo was thin and small before, Su Jin thought he was only six or seven years old, but later found out that he was already ten years old this year. Mei Niang held her son's hand, Duan Xiaomo was still a child after all, being stared at by so many people, as well as a man from the Gongmen armed with weapons, his little face turned pale with fright, and he subconsciously walked behind his mother hide and hide.

Mei Niang was very distressed, she quickly leaned over to coax him softly, Duan Xiaomo nodded gently, and slowly stood up.

"Ah, it's really Mei Niang's mother and son!"

"Let me just say, who has no grievances and no enmity, who would do such a wicked thing. Look, the mother and the child are not good!"

"That's not true! We were almost deceived by someone, and we don't know what the intention is."

Yuan Butou's expression froze, "This—"

As long as anyone has eyes, they can see, Mei Niang's mother and son's expressions are not robbed and bullied at all!

The expressions of the four or five idlers in the crowd changed, and they didn't care about anything at this time. One of them squeezed forward and said hastily: "Is there any reason for your mother and son to be held by this Su family? Did she threaten you?"

"That's right, I think it must be like this!" The idlers booed immediately.

"No," Meiniang was taken aback, looked at the idler in surprise, and then said, "Sister Su saved my son, which is equivalent to saving me. I can only feel grateful, so why threaten?"

But an idle man said: "Mrs. Mei must have been threatened. At that time, the Su family sent people to arrest her by force. We saw it clearly. Hehe, the Su family is really powerful. I don't know why we caught Mrs. Mei, so that she can't stop 'Sister Su' shouted out! If it was really a sister, how could Mrs. Mei have suffered so much? It's really a sister, and you need to use force when you go to hire someone? Su, your acting is too fake It is clear that there is a ghost in my heart."

Su Jin took some time off, smiled and didn't speak.

Mei Niang said urgently: "That's not the case! I met Sister Su by accident, what has it to do with it before? My son is sick and has no money to buy medicine, and was kicked out by the staff of Dai's Medical Center. Sister Su couldn't bear to see her when she passed by."

Mei Niang briefly explained the matter, supposedly she had made it very clear. But there are still idlers who sneer: "Will you be so generous when you meet by chance? Hehe, it would be strange if there were no other plans!"

"Exactly! I think you have bad intentions!"

Mei Niang was anxious: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Su Jin smiled lightly and said, "Yeah, why do you question? I want to ask, who are you from Sister Mei? Why do you stand here and forcefully question it? Obviously Sister Mei has said everything but refuses to believe it. Do you insist that I have bad intentions? Are you fighting for Sister Mei, or are you trying to frame me?"

Everyone was in an uproar, looking at the three or five people who yelled the loudest, their eyes changed a bit.

"That's true!"

"No, every sentence is aimed at Mrs. Su."

"If you talk about me, these people don't look like good people to me, and Mrs. Su and her party don't look like bad people."

"Oh, I feel the same way when you say that."

Even Yuan Butou and the other police officers changed their faces.

The police officers understand this kind of thing better than ordinary people. In fact, when those idlers jumped out and yelled and deliberately took everything to Su Jin, they knew it.

But the number is the number, it is impossible for them to stand up and speak for Su Jin.

You must know that this errand was personally explained by Mr. Zhao.

Who in the magistrate's yamen doesn't know that Mr. Zhao is the number one confidant around Mr. Liao, and those who are inconvenient to be ordered by Mr. Zhao will be done by Mr. Zhao.

Master Zhao hinted clearly that the translation into instructions was to trouble the Su family and his party!


It's four o'clock tomorrow, okay?

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