Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 601: The Palace of the General Protecting the Nation

The three of them discussed it properly, and Mrs. Tang said that tomorrow happened to be the 15th day. According to the usual practice, General Duan would definitely return to the General's Mansion, and they could try their luck.

Mrs. Tang explained to them that although there is the residence of the General Protecting the Country in Wushui City, General Duan will not return to the residence every day. He will come back to stay for a few days intermittently every month, but he will definitely return on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. .

Because it is not sure whether General Duan is the person Mei Niang is looking for, Mrs. Tang suggested that they go there early tomorrow and wait nearby. If they can see General Duan's appearance, they will naturally recognize him. If not, forget it.

"General Duan has a good voice. This method is still feasible. Even if he finds out, it won't matter. I won't go tomorrow. If there is any accident, I will try to solve it. Also, I think it's still a good idea. Don't take the children with you." Mrs. Tang said again.

Both Mei Niang and Su Jin nodded.

Mrs. Tang was right not to go. If the general Duan was not Mei Niang's husband, and if he happened to feel that someone was peeping and annoyed and ordered him to be arrested, Mrs. Tang could still find ways to settle the peace.

As for Duan Xiaomo, a child, it would be better not to go if he is not sure that he is the father.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Sister Mei, if you don't mind, how about I accompany you tomorrow?"

Mei Niang nodded, thanking her gratefully.

This night, Mei Niang was doomed to sleepless all night.

Weeping and laughing for a while, sad for a while, and couldn't help but beat faster and excited.

What if, what if that is really my husband?

In the early morning of the next day, Su Jin accompanied Meiniang to the General Protector's Mansion by car, accompanied by Gu Yunzheng and Bai Shao.

At the entrance of the alley, I got out of the carriage and ordered the driver to park the carriage. Several people sat and waited under the tea shed beside me.

The General Protector's Mansion and several other general mansions are in this alley, and this is the entrance.

They can only wait here.

How can you stay in front of the mansion of the dignified general protecting the country at will? Anyone who dared to run to the gate of the General's Mansion to poke his head, was afraid that he would be driven away by the guarding soldiers soon.

Mei Niang was very nervous, looking into the distance from time to time.

However, half a day passed, and the general who protects the country still did not come back.

Instead, three generals with personal guards passed by, riding on tall horses, majestic and majestic. But none of them are generals protecting the country.

Mei Niang was a little disappointed, but also a little sorry.

"Sister Su, why don't you go back first, I'll just wait here by myself."

She has already made up her mind to wait here, if she can't wait, then wait until it gets dark.

Su Jin originally wanted to wait with her, but the coltsfoot came in a hurry, saying that shopkeeper Tang Liu had brought back some special medicinal materials, which had been delayed for two days on the road, and it was best to deal with it as soon as possible today.

Seeing this, Mei Niang hurriedly said: "Sister Su, go quickly! It's just waiting for someone, I can wait too."

"Well, I'll let Bai Shao stay here with you, you wait slowly, and I'll call someone to pick you up in the evening." Judging by Mei Niang's posture, she will definitely not leave today.

Mei Niang smiled gratefully: "Thank you, sister Su."

Mei Niang didn't even go to eat lunch, just ate some snacks in this tea shed. I didn't dare to drink too much tea, I only took a sip or two to moisten my throat when I was thirsty, for fear that I would miss it if I needed to urinate.

The old couple guarding the tea shed were surprised to see them sitting for a long time.

There was no one around in the afternoon, and the old woman saw that Mei Niang looked good again, so she sat down and chatted with her, inevitably asking if they were waiting for someone here?

All the generals of the military camp lived in this alley. Because the ancestral house was here, the old couple had a small advantage of the location. Setting up a tea shed here could earn a lot of money every day. Seeing Mei Niang like this, the old woman knew it at a glance.

Because Mei Niang is not the only one who has waited for someone here.

Mei Niang didn't want to say it at first, but when she thought about it, the two old people lived here, maybe they knew a lot about the General Protector's Mansion? Then nodded: "Well, I am waiting for the general who protects the country. I heard that the general will return to the mansion today."

"General Duan?" The old lady was taken aback, she thought that General Duan was the most serious and stern person on weekdays, and not many people came to see him, she smiled and said, "I wonder if this lady is some kind of relative of General Duan?"

Mei Niang hesitated and said, "This—it's hard to say. I'm also not sure if General Duan is the person I'm looking for. If so, he is indeed a relative."

The old lady clapped her hands and said with a chuckle: "This lady is a real person! Thankfully you told me, otherwise, even if I wait here for a whole day, I won't be able to wait for General Duan."

Mei Niang was shocked: "Why?"

The old woman laughed: "Because General Duan went back to the mansion yesterday evening! He should be in the mansion now! Usually he will leave early tomorrow morning."

Mei Niang thanked her, feeling a little empty in her heart.

The old woman said kindly, "Since Ma'am is a relative of General Duan's mansion, why don't you just come and look for her?"

Mei Niang thought the same way, since she came, she couldn't just leave like this.

Leaving the tea shed with Bai Shao, the two soon arrived at the gate of the General Protector's Mansion.

Mei Niang doesn't know how to read, but she can recognize the common word Bai Shao.

Having wandered with her son for more than four years, even though Mei Niang looks weak, she is not a coward in her bones, otherwise she and her son would not be able to live today.

After sorting out her mood, under the eyes of the two guards, Meiniang stepped forward calmly, with a little smile on her face: "Excuse me, is General Duan in the residence?"

"Who are you?" One person asked coldly with a cold light in his eyes.

Mei Niang's heart beat suddenly, she took a breath and forced herself to calm down, "I, I, I am a Taoist from Huainan, yes, I—I want to meet General Duan, maybe we are from the same village."

The two guards sneered and looked at Mei Niang mockingly.

"Let's save this old-fashioned excuse, hurry up and go away! Our general is not someone who can see it if he wants to!"

Mei Niang staggered, Bai Shao hurriedly stepped forward to support her, took out two sachets and stuffed them into their hands calmly, and said with a smile: "You two gentlemen, please help me to report. Our wife's village There is a person with the same name as General, Madam is not sure if it is General Duan. But if it is, Madam has news about General Duan’s family that needs to be brought to General Duan.”

The two looked at each other with some hesitation.

Mei Niang hurriedly said again: "Please help me, I'm from Li County, Tongcheng, Huainan Road, please inform me."

Tongcheng Li County? They didn't know this, but the general was indeed a Huainan Taoist.

"Well, you wait."

The two of them came here to take advantage, which was quite a lot, which made them quite satisfied; secondly, if the woman really brought the news of the general's relatives and they were delayed, they couldn't bear the consequences.

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