Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 606: Butler Duan

One must know about the general's family affairs in the huge mansion of the general who protects the country, but the general's confidantes and guards know a thing or two, it is impossible for others to know.

"You wait here."

"Thank you, Steward Duan," Su Jin saluted, and said after a little consideration: "Little lady, I have an unfeeling request. Can Steward Duan personally report this matter to the general? To avoid possible misunderstandings caused by word of mouth."

Butler Duan snorted, ignored her, turned and left.

Is not this nonsensical? Few people knew about the general's family affairs, and there was no need for others to know about it. It was related to the general's family affairs, so naturally he would not ask others to pass on the news, so he would report to the general personally.

As soon as Steward Duan left, Mei Niang slumped on the chair trembling all over, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing this, Su Jin sighed secretly, and hurriedly persuaded: "Sister Mei, don't cry, this is a good thing, your family is finally reunited, you should be happy."

Mei Niang quickly wiped away her tears and nodded: "You're right, you're right, I, I just feel like I'm dreaming. Sister Su, am I dreaming?"

"It's not a dream, it's real!" Su Jin shook her hand.

At this moment, Duan Fu was discussing matters with the two lieutenants in the study. Outside the study courtyard, Liu Wanwan was waiting there.

Liu Wanwan is not qualified to enter the study room.

Once she pretended to be stupid and forced her way in once, but Duan Fu was very annoyed and invited her out on the spot. Liu Wanwan cried so pitifully that she repeatedly admitted her mistake and apologized, saying that she just cared about Brother Duan and wanted to accompany Brother Duan to help him do what he could, and she didn't break into the study on purpose.

But since then, she never dared to break in again, and never went in again. What she said in front of Mei Niang before, that General Duan cannot write official documents without her studying ink, these are all lies that she put gold on her face.

But every time Duan Fu enters the study, she will wait outside the yard, waiting for Duan Fu to come out, so as to ask his relatives and express his concern.

Anyway, Duan Fu doesn't spend more than five days in the mansion a month, so doing so won't tire her.

She always thought that if she said so sincerely, Brother Duan would be moved and allowed to enter the study after a long time.

She knew very well that as long as he was willing to let him into the study, he would completely treat her as his own. At that time, she was the upright mistress of the general's mansion, instead of being an unknown concubine like now.

Even at the beginning, General Duan wanted to send her away and settle her properly. It was she who cried and fought for it with great difficulty to stay.

What a joke, what better place to put it than the Palace of the General Protecting the Nation? Besides, General Duan is so young and powerful, yet so tall and handsome.

What's even better is that his family members are all dead, his wife and children are also dead, and if she marries him, she can enjoy the glory for the rest of her life with ease.

Unless she is stupid, she will leave.

Not surprisingly, Steward Duan saw Liu Wanwan's figure outside the study yard again, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth with a look of disdain.

This woman's desire to climb high branches was clearly written on her face, and he was very disdainful in his heart.

Although Wushui City's folk customs are open and not as particular as those in the Central Plains, what does an unmarried girl's family look like in the General's Mansion?

She had the idea of ​​getting the moon first, but it had been nearly two years, and the general hadn't looked at her more, didn't she think about it?

The general didn't drive her away, but just treated her as a servant in the mansion, and had a shelter. She was very rude, and she put on an appearance of being the mistress every day, which was really off-putting.

When Liu Wanwan saw Butler Duan, she greeted him with a smile all over her face.

But the tone of the greeting was indistinct, but with the attitude of the head of the house greeting the housekeeper, making people unable to find fault but feeling nervous.

Butler Duan smiled: "Miss Liu really worked so hard!"

After finishing speaking, he strode into the yard.

The position of the two in Duan Fu's mind is clear at a glance.

Liu Wanwan still had a gentle smile, but she clenched her hands tightly. When she became the general's wife, the first thing she would do was to replace this ignorant housekeeper.

The border is still relatively peaceful now. Although there are turmoil and power changes among the several big tribes on the grassland, it has not affected Wushui City.

Therefore, there are no important military affairs. The most talked about by the generals recently is the training of recruits.

That's why Steward Duan dared to come in and disturb her.

After all, the general has always been brooding about the family members who passed away, and cited it as a lifelong regret. Since the two women can say that, it can be seen that they are more or less related to the general's family. This matter is important and cannot be delayed.

When the two lieutenants saw Steward Duan coming, they knew there was something important to do, so they left with a smile.

Duan Fu didn't stay with the two of them, he only said that he wanted to stay in the mansion for two days this time and let them go back to the barracks tomorrow.

After the two left, Steward Duan reported Su Jin's words to Duan Fu.

Duan Fu's expression changed suddenly, "Follow me to meet them!"

No matter what their origins were, he always had to ask clearly.

There was even some excitement and anticipation in his heart. Could it be that they had any news about Mei Niang and the child? Could it be that Mei Niang and the child are not dead?

More than two years ago, he sent his confidants to return to his hometown, but the news he got was that his mother had died of illness, and Meiniang and his son whom he had never met were washed away by the flood and disappeared.

At that time, he was extremely sad, he only felt that he was the most pitiful and desolate person in this world, he was alone, and he had no blood relatives.

But deep in my heart, there is still a faint hope, what if? What if a miracle happens?

At this time, the flower hall was bustling with activity.

Liu Wanwan brought seven or eight male servants with her, and stepped forward to grab Mei Niang and Su Jin, insisting that they were swindlers and throwing them out of the house.

Let's say that Liu Wanwan saw Steward Duan enter the study, and soon the two lieutenants left again, and Liu Wanwan also left.

Brother Duan was so confused for some reason, he would rather trust that old man than her.

As long as that old man is around, she has almost no sense of existence.

So wisely, Butler Duan went in, and she simply left.

Besides, she was also a little uneasy. She didn't know why Tweety went to follow Mrs. Mei for so long and didn't come back. She wondered if something happened.

Just when she was restless, she accidentally heard that there were guests in the mansion, she asked casually, and when she found out that it was the two ladies, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

She quietly peeked out of the window, and seeing Meiniang's face suddenly changed drastically, and thinking of Butler Duan rushing to find Brother Duan, she gritted her teeth even more angrily.

At this time, she couldn't care about anything else, she couldn't move the guards in the mansion, but many servants listened to her.

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