Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 618 Disaster from Heaven

Luo Ziyuan was furious and gritted her teeth: "Madam Qin has such a sharp mouth, it is not wise to anger my Luo family, Madam Qin, don't regret it in the future!"

Su Jin's eyebrows were cold, and he said lightly: "Thank you, Miss Luo, for reminding me, I can't say anything else about me, the only thing is that I never regret what I have done."

Never before had anyone dared to disrespect Luo Ziyuan like this. Luo Ziyuan was trembling with anger, staring at Su Jin speechlessly.

Su Jin can't understand this, for a mere Seven Star Building, it is a talent for Ms. Luo's family to be so angry! How domineering are the members of the Luo family!

"Miss Luo, please step aside. We still have something to do. Let's leave."

"Hmph!" Luo Ziyuan glared at her coldly: "You can leave if you want, but leave that goshawk behind."

Su Jin raised his eyebrows.

Luo Ziyuan became more and more annoyed and embarrassed, as if Su Jin had glimpsed the secrets of her heart, and said coldly: "This is not yours in the first place, why did you keep it? Madam Qin, it's not yours, so it's better not to take it randomly." !"

Gu Yunzheng's mouth was quick, and he couldn't help saying: "That's not yours either, is the Luo family all this kind of virtue? Grab other people's things by force!"

Luo Ziyuan sneered: "There is nothing the Luo family can't get their hands on!"

Su Jin seemed to understand something, and said with a faint smile: "I'm really sorry, this goshawk was a gift from a friend, and I have to accept it with good intentions, Miss Luo, don't you think so? So, I'm afraid I can't give it to Miss Luo!"

After a long time, is this goshawk to blame? Or, that General Zheng?

This Miss Luo is jealous, jealous.

Jealous of General Zheng—cough, gave her a goshawk?

It's no wonder that General Zheng is top-notch regardless of his appearance, temperament, and ability. In addition, he is still so young. Miss Luo is proud and arrogant, and ordinary men may not fall in love with General Zheng. Not surprising at all.

But what does this have to do with her?

Su Jin felt, did he have a feud with the Luo family in his previous life?

First it was a Qixing Building, and now it is General Zheng Da. She is completely passive, okay? She is so inexplicably hated by the Luo family and Miss Luo.

But even so, facing Luo Ziyuan today, she really couldn't retreat.

General Zheng Da gave something to his family, why should he swallow it and give it to Luo Ziyuan?

Su Jin refused so straightforwardly, which made Luo Ziyuan angry and jealous, and blurted out a sneer: "Friend? Oh, you really put gold on your face!"

Su Jin: "That has nothing to do with you!"

"You!" Luo Ziyuan was extremely angry, and his patience ran out. He pointed at Su Jin and his party and said angrily, "Teach them a lesson!"

Which servants of the Luo family, especially those who follow Luo Ziyuan on a daily basis, are not accustomed to domineering and arrogant?

Su Jin and his group dared to disrespect Luo's family and the eldest lady in this way, they couldn't help it. Gearing up for such a sentence at this moment, they all whistled and swung their longbows as wooden sticks to attack Su Jin and his group.

In broad daylight, they are somewhat taboo and inconvenient to use swords, but these longbows are all specially made, the wood is heavy, and they are very handy. This is not the first time these people have done this kind of thing. It hurts.

Lu Biao's first class was all furious, shouting and yelling, and started fighting with each other.

Lu bodyguards and Gu Yunzheng's martial arts are better than each other's, but the other bodyguards are on par with each other. The folk customs of Wushui City are already tough, and the thugs raised by the Luo family are naturally even more unlikely to be kind. When the two sides fight, even if Su Jin and the others have two masters, Gu Yunzheng and Lu Biaotou, they are still stretched and the situation looks tense. .

Not to mention that Su Jin, Lin Shuang, and Lin Xiaoyu don't know anything.

Su Jin's eyes turned cold, and he pressed the bracelet mechanism on his wrist calmly, and several silver needles were shot out silently, hitting the horse legs of several servants on the other side.

The horses were poisoned and went berserk immediately, raising their hooves, roaring, and rampaging. Su Jin and others took advantage of this opportunity to break out and gallop away.

Everyone in the Luo family was in a mess, too busy to take care of themselves, so they couldn't care less about chasing Su Jin and the others.

"Ma'am, are you alright!" Chief Lu rode his horse to follow Su Jin, feeling very guilty.

They also said they would stay and protect Su Jin, but when something happened, what they could do was very limited.

If it weren't for the chaos of the other party's horses, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to escape.

"I'm fine, are you all fine?" Su Jin shook his head and glanced at everyone.

Seeing that everyone shook their heads and said it's okay, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go back to the city first!" This hidden weapon is quite easy to use. Su Jin thinks that maybe Uncle Guan should make more hidden weapons that are easy to carry and use. Everyone should equip a set. If you encounter bastards like the Luo family again, don't worry that you won't be able to fight.

If you can't fight, at least you can go for the best policy.

Su Sujin couldn't help laughing when he saw the ashamed expressions of head of escort Lu, Gu Yunzheng, and all the escorts: "It's pretty good that we can get out of the body today, don't think too much about it. The Luo family is the tyrant of Wushui City. How can you get along without a group of brave domestic slaves under your command? Most of those people are desperadoes, and there are a large number of them. It is normal for us to lose."

If they can fight, it is not normal.

As expected, Lu Biaotou looked better, but Lu Biaotou still smiled wryly: "Although that is the case, I still feel bad when I think that I almost put Madam Qin in danger."

Su Jin smiled: "Let's be more careful in the future, nothing will happen again."

At the Luo family's side, the chaos finally ended. All the horses that had been poisoned by the poisonous needles jumped up and down and died. She turned pale and screamed again and again.

Luo Ziyuan gritted her teeth and ordered someone to examine it carefully. Although the silver needle was very small, it was not without trace. Naturally, it didn't take much effort for the Luo family to find it.

Luo Ziyuan gritted her teeth, and her eyes were about to burst into flames: "Okay, very good! What kind of person is that Qin, who dares to use such despicable and shameless means to plot against me? There is no end to this matter! Let's go back to the city!"

It was very easy to find out that General Zheng led his personal guards out of the city today to hunt hawks. After Luo Ziyuan got the news, he immediately led a group of brave and sturdy house slaves with good archery skills to chase them out of the city.

It's a pity that she got the news a bit late, and before she could get to General Zheng, she saw him shooting a goshawk soaring in the sky from a distance, leading her personal guards to chase after the wounded goshawk flying around. The eagle goes away.

How could Luo Ziyuan miss such a good opportunity? Nature led the people to chase after him.

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