Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 628: Medical Center

Thinking of his daughter-in-law, Qin Lang's heart became even hotter.

In order to spend more time with his wife, and to sleep peacefully with his wife in his arms, the post of seventh-rank school captain must also be obtained!

If other people know that Qin Lang wants this position not to get promoted and get rich but to be with his wife, I don't know if his eyes will fall off!

There was no suspense in the result, Qin Lang won.

In addition to him, another named Liu Mu also won.

Of the five people, only the two of them won the three challenges and became the seventh-rank captain.

Duan Fu was very satisfied and complacent, his idea was really brilliant.

Zheng Guanqing and others were also very surprised. They thought it was just a lively competition, and no recruits would win. After all, there are many outstanding veterans among the veterans. It is not ordinary difficult to win all three challenges.

Unexpectedly, two of the five won.

Even if someone insists that this is their luck, they have to admit that they have more strength than luck!

Now that the person has been selected, it is natural to fulfill the promise. Zheng Guanqing praised and encouraged a few words, and some of the lieutenants also said a few words.

The most proud thing is Duanfu. This is his idea. Moreover, he originally wanted to take care of Qin Lang, but he didn't expect Qin Lang to be so upbeat and let him fulfill his wish without making a fuss.

It meant to praise Qin Lang and Liu Mu, and Duan Fu ordered them to go through the relevant procedures, but he didn't show too much intimacy with Qin Lang in front of others.

He himself came up from the bottom step by step, and he hated people who were promoted through various connections in his life.

Even for Qin Lang, what he gave was just a chance, and it was all due to Qin Lang's own ability to stand out in the end.

If Qin Lang didn't have solid skills, he wouldn't be able to grasp the opportunity given to him.

As for his performance today, although he is only a seventh-rank captain, he has caught the eyes of everyone. Duan Fu believes that there will be more opportunities for him and Liu Mu to make contributions in the future.

And as long as you can seize the opportunity, it is not a problem to get promoted again!

In the future, he would ask his confidantes to find him in private, and tell him more about all kinds of tricks in the barracks.

There are many rules and precedents that will not be put on the bright side, but those who have mixed up to a certain level know it. If no one gives some guidance, if you don't pay attention, you will be plotted and planted in the ditch.

I think he was like this back then, he was so stupid that he didn't understand anything, he was tricked many times, almost lost his life several times, and injuries were commonplace.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have survived for so many years—he was lucky to be promoted by General Zheng!

After a period of intense and busy preparations, the Lin Family Medical Center finally opened its doors.

On a moderately large street in Dongcheng, three shops were sold, and the courtyard behind and a large courtyard in the alley behind a street were also sold. Not only does the business of medical clinics, but also the business of medicinal materials.

The large courtyard in the back alley is where medicinal materials are purchased and stored.

Through the hard work of shopkeepers Zhao Tian, ​​Guan Qi, and Tang Liu, Su Jin has basically found out about the specialty medicinal materials in this large area of ​​the northern border. After discussion, 13 kinds of medicinal materials to be purchased in large quantities were temporarily determined.

These thirteen kinds of medicinal materials are all local specialties with high yields. In addition, we also purchase various rare medicinal materials, one price per item, but they will definitely satisfy the seller.

Although the Lin Family Medical Center still bears the name of the Lin Family, it is actually a joint venture between the Lin Family, the Su Jin Family, and the Tang Family in Fancheng. It has sufficient capital, manpower, and connections. The opening attracted a lot of attention.

In addition, patients are diagnosed free of charge three days before the opening, and all medicinal materials are purchased at half price, but only four medicines can be purchased at a time at most, so there are even more people.

There are a lot of people watching the excitement, and there are also a lot of people who sit down and ask the doctor to see a doctor.

Shopkeeper Lin Feng greeted him inside and out, with a smile on his face.

With so many patients coming to the door, as long as these three days pass smoothly and everyone understands the level of medical skills in the clinic, they will be able to gain a firm foothold.

Before coming here, he never imagined that Wushui City would be so huge and prosperous.

Moreover, there are so many kinds of medicinal materials produced.

Building a medical center and pharmacy here will definitely not lose money. It is equivalent to connecting this place with the Central Plains. Not only can you do business in Wushui City, but it can also radiate further outside the pass? After all, this business is huge!

Mrs. Su is clever and wise, and Mrs. Tang is a rich man in the local area. It is safe to cooperate with them.

After he stays here for more than a month, he can set off back with the first batch of medicinal materials he bought.

Originally, he planned to let other people be responsible for this line, but now seeing the huge business opportunities contained in it, he made some calculations and decided to hold it in his own hands.

With such an important business line, it is more reassuring to hold such an important business line in your own hands.

Seeing that the other doctors were overcrowded and there was a long queue, but there were only a few in front of Su Jin, shopkeeper Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

These patients really don't know gold and jade. Su Niangzi's medical skills are so good that no one in the entire Lin family dares to say that she is better than her, and these people even despise her.

Madam Su didn't know what to think, she rejected today's proposal to let her show her face.

In fact, it is very easy to let her show her face, as long as she is invited to treat some intractable diseases, or a few cases will naturally convince people.

But Mrs. Su was not happy.

Shopkeeper Lin Feng naturally didn't know what Su Jin was thinking.

Not to mention everyone in the Lin family, she herself is very confident in her medical skills, so she is not in a hurry, anyway, there will be opportunities to let everyone know about it in the future.

The medical clinic has only just opened, so it's better to hide it first, and not show all the cards at once.

She is not uncommon for the reputation of superb medical skills.

She didn't care, but the coltsfoot and pinellia who were with her were very angry, and silently complained that these people had no eyes.

Around noon, a rough man with a cloth strip casually wrapped on his left arm, accompanied by one person, separated from the crowd and came in.

Sitting directly in front of Su Jin's clinic, he stretched his carelessly wrapped arm towards the table in front of Su Jin, and his palm almost touched Su Jin's body.

Fortunately, Su Jin dodged back in time.

The two men laughed wantonly.

Su Jin's eyes were light and his face was calm.

Coltsfoot and Pinellia were so angry that their faces turned red, but they were in the clinic right now, there were so many people, it was inconvenient to even stare at them, so they could only curse shamelessly in their hearts!

Coltsfoot took half a step forward and said coldly: "My master only treats women, please get up and go to the side to line up."

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