Sometimes it's just like this, it's obvious that those bastards did things, everyone knows, but there is no "evidence", if there is no "evidence", it can only be regarded as they never did it.

It is obvious that there is evidence before facts, but when it is necessary to reason, it is the other way around.

The Luo family will definitely have trouble today, and it won't be a trivial matter. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring openly and secretly in Wushui City. If they don't cause trouble, wouldn't they be ashamed and make people laugh?

As for the two who were finding fault, that kind of small battle, at first glance, was just a test.

Su Jin didn't expect that Qin Lang would come in the afternoon.

Originally, not many people came to see her, even if there were one or two, they only saw minor ailments, and it didn't matter if she was there or not.

Su Jin couldn't resist the temptation, so she ordered Coltsfoot and Banxia to sit in the clinic for her, and she dragged Qin Lang to the back room.

Coltsfoot and pinellia can be independent, and ordinary minor problems can't bother them.

Of course, if patients do not want to trust them and cannot see them, there is nothing they can do.

Entering the wing room, the two couldn't help hugging and kissing each other.

The long-lost and familiar breaths of each other merged and merged, and the two became more emotional, and they kissed for a long time before they could be separated.

Qin Lang gently caressed Su Jin's cheek with his fingertips, hugged her and sat on his lap with a low smile and asked, "Did you miss me?"

"Hmm! It's not that I think about it, especially when I have something to do, I think about it very much." Su Jin nodded, her beautiful eyes were full of mist, the corners of her eyes and brows were flushed as if stained with thin clouds, her face was radiant, and she looked at Qin Lang's eyes Zhong is both happy and nostalgic but can't help but feel aggrieved.

Seeing Qin Lang, he couldn't wait to sue.

Fortunately, the Lin family brought someone here again this time, otherwise, I don't know what to do.

Just Lu Escort, Yun Zheng, and the others have limited manpower. At most, the two sides will fight evenly and lose both sides. It is impossible to tie up and take down the other party.

And once they can't be taken down, and the matter is made public, it will only cause endless troubles.

"What's the matter? Someone bullied my family, Ah Jin? Is it the Luo family again?" Qin Lang's eyes turned cold, and he couldn't help feeling distressed as he hugged his wife.

"Who else but them?" Su Jin snorted lightly, and then told the whole story.

In addition to being angry, he was also a little proud.

Qin Lang was angry and scared, "The Luo family is really hateful! Fortunately"

Fortunately his wife is fine.

"I'm afraid this kind of thing will be inevitable in the future. I will stay at home with you for a few days. Let's think about a way to solve it. At least be prepared."

In this place, killing and stealing goods is common. After leaving the customs, there is a vast and endless grassland, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away, no one can control it.

Even if the government was clearly stabbed, the government would usually ignore it without evidence. Wouldn't it be too bad if the Luo family tried something sinister next time?

Su Jin's heart stabilized a lot in an instant, she frowned and smiled and said "Yes", because her husband arranged for her, she couldn't stop worrying about a hundred and twenty. but-

"You said you would stay at home for several days? Is this true?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"Yeah," Qin Lang smiled, and said that he is now a seventh-rank captain.

Now that I am a captain, I am naturally different from the soldiers in the past, so I have more time to come back.

Su Jin was also happy for him, "Is this a few years less struggle? Your life in the barracks will be easier in the future. Today is a good day. Let's go to the Seven Star Building to celebrate tonight Bar!"

If in the past, Qin Lang's promotion was too fast and too eye-catching, Su Jin would still be worried, after all, it is too easy to do tricks in the army to assassinate people.

But now that he has the relationship with General Duan, if nothing else, self-protection will never be impossible. She was also relieved.

"Okay, there will be a colleague coming to visit tomorrow, how about we go to the Shuanghe Ranch the day after tomorrow? How about we go and stay there for two days?"

Qin Lang's eyes deepened, and his eyes glanced over his daughter-in-law without a trace, and his heart became even warmer.

There are too many people living in the yard now, what an eyesore.

Everywhere in Wushui City is an eyesore, and the Shuanghe Ranch is better, he just wants to go there.

Province's daughter-in-law is always tied up and can't let go

Feeling his deep and fiery eyes, Su Jin unconsciously felt the heat on his face, raised his eyelids and gave him a scornful look, and guessed what was going on in this guy's mind without asking.

"Ah Jin, okay? Let's go take a look at the eighteen horses. The terrain there is good, and riding there must be very exciting. By the way, let's explore there thoroughly." Qin Lang bewitched.

When Su Jin heard him say "riding a horse", she could think wrongly, and secretly scolded herself for being wrong, her face was red, and she couldn't help his request, so she nodded indiscriminately.

Qin Lang was overjoyed, stroked her face, and they kissed again.

The two were lingering and talking affectionately in the wing room, completely unaware that the Luo family outside was really making a fuss again.

A patient came to the medical center for consultation, but his condition was a bit troublesome.

The person who came was an old man in his fifties, accompanied by his wife, children and grandchildren, and served by two domestic servants, which showed that his family was in a good position.

The old man accidentally fell from a hillside more than half a year ago, and his left calf was cut by a sharp rock, creating a long gash.

Fortunately, there were no fractures.

But the wound has not fully healed until now, and there is still a two-inch long wound that will not heal no matter what medicine is used. It often oozes pus, and sometimes it is accompanied by light red blood.

The old man was miserable.

"I heard that the doctors in your Lin Family Medical Center have superb medical skills, so I happened to come to see you today. Doctor, don't let the old man make another trip in vain!"

When the old man's family heard the words, they begged and echoed one after another, looking anxiously at the doctor of the medical center and Lin Fu, the shopkeeper who was in charge of the daily management of the medical center, and others.

Shopkeeper Lin Feng and the others dealt with it calmly and politely, with awe in their hearts.

The Luo family really has some tricks!

I couldn't discuss it well before, but now I don't know where to find a real patient.

Even the Luo family didn't show up at all.

Of course, it's hard to say whether there are any people in the crowd who are just waiting to add fuel to the flames and stir things up.

But this group of people looked like real patients.

Shopkeeper Lin Feng is well-informed and has seen many strange cases, but this is the first time he has seen it today.

How can there be a wound that has not healed for more than half a year?

Of course, they can say that it can't be cured. After all, other medical centers dare not say that it can be cured, so it's okay for them to say so. But it was too embarrassing for such a thing to happen on the first day of opening. It will make the common people subconsciously think that their medical clinics are just for fame and reputation, and they have no strength.

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