Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 635 Fresh and Curious

Jian Tong and Zhao Caoping said in a bad mood: "I think Brother Qin made it clear that he didn't want us to disturb him, so he took his sister-in-law away early in the morning. What do we mean by chasing after him? Isn't it annoying!"

Everyone thought about it, really, this kind of thing is really like what Brother Qin might do, so they all rested their minds, stopped talking about going to the medical center, and went for a walk by themselves.

Otherwise, if he disturbed Brother Qin's time with his sister-in-law, he might be retaliated badly when he returned to the barracks

They didn't expect that during dinner time, someone from the medical hall would report that Qin Lang and Su Jin would not be back tonight, and something was delayed there.

What can delay you all night?

It is indispensable for everyone to ask a few questions.

The guy who reported the letter was eager for someone to ask, and suddenly became proud, and he talked about how Su Jin saved people in Mu's house today.

I didn't see much with my own eyes about what happened to the Mu family today, but after saving people over there, it is necessary to ask someone to tell the hospital to reassure them.

So the words that come and go are spread like this.

Now when asked and the buddy said, it was natural to exaggerate, and everyone exclaimed in surprise and couldn't believe it.

But the guy was swearing, Mrs. Su's medical skills are so good, otherwise, no one could do anything about Mrs. Su's wound yesterday. No, Mrs. Zhang happily said that it was better up.

It can be seen that Miss Su's ability is invincible! She can do what others can't!

Deng Dahai blinked, and asked Liu Zhiyuan: "Xiao Liu, you are from the capital, and you are well-informed. Now, do you really have such medical skills? Can you exchange blood for people? We are really stupid staying in Wushui City." Huh? The information is blocked, and you don’t know anything?”

Liu Zhiyuan smiled wryly: "I don't know, we have only been here for less than a year, so where can we go if the news is blocked? Anyway, when I was in the capital, I had never heard of such medical skills, which is too much. -"

Cough cough, what should I tell him? If it wasn't for Brother Qin's sake, even he would have wondered if it was some kind of sorcery.

Everyone chattered and couldn't stay any longer, so they rushed to Mu's house to watch the fun.

Qin Lang was talking to Su Jin, and when he heard that Liu Zhiyuan and Deng Dahai had come, he couldn't help showing his disgust.

Su Jin was also taken aback, hurriedly straightened her dress and hair, and asked Qin Lang, "Is there anything wrong with me?"

The first time I met Qin Lang's robe Ze, I couldn't leave a sloppy impression.

Qin Lang smiled: "My Ah Jin is always the best, so why is there something wrong?"

Su Jin scolded him: "The truth!"

"It's really the truth, let's go." Qin Lang smiled, and took her hand out: "I think they probably heard about what happened to the Mu family today, and they came to see what was new and curious. If they said something strange If you want to answer, answer it, and if you don't want to answer, don't bother."

Su Jin smiled: "Okay."

When Liu Zhiyuan saw Su Jin, he approached Su Jin with a polite smile and looked at him secretly.

Mrs. Sister-in-law's demeanor and strength of character are really different from ordinary women. Her black eyes are bright, her features are bright, and her appearance is also very good. Even if she meets them for the first time, she looks calm and calm, not a bit restrained and uneasy. A little favor.

After exchanging greetings for a while, Qin Lang said: "It's almost dark, what are you doing here? Didn't the family treat you well?"

"Where is there!" Everyone said with a smile: "I haven't seen Brother Qin for a day, so I miss you so much? Hehe!"

"Besides, it's hard to come out, and I haven't met my sister-in-law yet."

"Yeah yeah!"

"I heard that there is a big hole in the chest of the boss of the Mu family, and the blood is almost drained. Is it saved by the sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law transfused other people's blood into the body of Mr. Mu, is it really okay?"


After two or three sentences, everyone really started to ask about this matter. As expected, Qin Lang was right, and he came here just out of curiosity.

Su Jin couldn't help laughing: "It's not that exaggerated. The wound on Mu Jia Dalang's chest is actually not that big, but it's deep, and he lost a lot of blood, but it's not to the point of being irreparable. Too much blood loss can easily lead to shock— — Well, unconsciousness, if the body cannot replenish enough blood in time, resulting in the failure of various organs to function normally, it is very likely that you will die. Blood transfusion is the fastest way to replenish blood, but there are many tricks here, not The blood of any two people can be used interchangeably, and if it is used indiscriminately, it will kill people. This kind of method must be done by an experienced doctor."

Everyone understood a bit, and nodded their heads in a hurry to show that they were educated.

"Is this method really popular in the Central Plains and Jiangnan?" Liu Zhiyuan hurriedly asked again.

Su Jin was ambiguous: "Well, almost, it's already being promoted."

At least in Fancheng, many people have accepted this method of saving lives.

If the Lin family can succeed in a few more cases, it will be known and recognized by more people.

She said that today out of helplessness, otherwise, how could the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Mu family make up their minds so quickly to listen to her?

They come and go again and again, it's okay for them to be entangled and hesitant, how could Mu Dalang delay?

Don't blame her for being unable to be rescued by then.

Right now, Liu Zhiyuan and the others are curiously asking about it, and Su Jin also tries to explain it to them carefully and patiently. As the matter spreads, the more people who know about it, the more people will accept it. This is a good thing.

Liu Zhiyuan and others wanted to see Mu Dalang's situation again, Su Jin thought for a while and said: "The room where Mu Dalang is staying has just been disinfected with lime water, so we can't let too many people in. The conditions here are rough enough, too many people come in and out, it will pollute the air, bring in a lot of germs, which is not good for the recovery of the patients. If you really want to go in and see, only two people can go in."

Everyone had no objection and rushed to grab two spots.

Qin Lang saw the mess and said helplessly: "I think it's still the old rules, let's draw lots."

"Yes, yes!"

Everyone suddenly realized, no, once they got excited, they even forgot the old rules!

The result of the lottery was that Liu Zhiyuan and Deng Dahai had better luck. Although the others sighed and missed this opportunity, they could only admit defeat and told Liu Zhiyuan and Deng Dahai to watch carefully and come out and tell them what happened.

Su Jin smiled, asked the others to wait outside, and took Liu Zhiyuan and Deng Dahai to wash their hands and faces with Qin Lang, put on a clean white robe outside, covered their hair, and put on a mask before leading them in.

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