Now Mo Yun has a very close relationship with these eighteen BMWs. With Mo Yun, no matter what others do, it is not difficult for Su Jin and Qin Lang to get close to them.

The pine nut candy brought by them was quickly eaten up by the horses, and they were not in a hurry to leave. They just grazing leisurely beside the two of them with their tails wagging, and sometimes looked into the distance with their heads held high and their heads held high. Underneath, the fur is shiny, tall, muscular, high-spirited, and full of air. People can't help but appreciate it when they look at it.

Su Jin smiled and praised: "A BMW is a BMW. Just standing like this makes people feel pleasing to the eye. No wonder the Luo family is going crazy!"

Qin Lang laughed disdainfully: "No matter how crazy they are, they won't find it!"

If he made small moves to frame his wife's secret plan again, he would be even more ruthless next time.

In the evening, when the two returned to the city, Qin Lang discussed with A Mo and Gu Yunzheng for a long time.

The dinner was cooked specially by Xiaoxing when he came back. It was very rich and everyone was full of praise.

This night, all kinds of lingering were indispensable, and after dawn the next day, Qin Lang left home and went back to the barracks.

Su Jin woke up and lay down for a while, thinking about him, a soft smile unconsciously appeared on the corners of her lips, sighed lightly, and Fang lazily sat up and dressed.

Now everything is moving in the best direction, and she is not as nervous and frightened as she was when she first came here.

The medical hall is on the right track, after ten days shopkeeper Lin Feng will rush back with the first batch of harvested medicinal materials, and by the way, he will send people to deliver commonly used medicinal materials from the Central Plains.

Su Jin then concentrated on building Shuanghe Ranch.

What Qin Lang told A Mo and Gu Yunzheng before was also about the matter there.

In other words, the initial construction of the ranch requires a lot of manpower and a lot of building materials. Once the movement is too big, it will attract the attention of the Luo family.

This is what Su Jin doesn't want to see.

If it was before, the Luo family would naturally not take Su Jin seriously, so it would not be conspicuous, but now it is different.

I believe that after so many things, the Luo family stared at her more than they stared at Mrs. Tang, and hated her more than Mrs. Tang.

After all, they have been fighting with the Tang family for so many years, but they have not been able to kill the Tang family, and it is obviously impossible to kill the Tang family in a short period of time.

Then at this time, the small goal of Su Jin was particularly prominent and eye-catching.

You can't kill the Tang family, but you can kill her first!

Su Jin discussed with Gu Yunzheng and Amo how to minimize the impact when building the ranch.

There are a lot of forests there, especially near the hot springs, where local materials can be used; rammed earth can also be used for building houses, which has solved the biggest trouble.

Other things purchased in batches will not be very conspicuous.

Then there was the problem of manpower, Lu Biaotou and Su Jin didn't plan to let them participate. After all, they are all members of the Escort Bureau, so they can't be regarded as real members of their own family, at most they can only be regarded as friends.

Friends have relatives and estrangement, there are favors and benefits, if you miss something, even if you want to blame it, there is no way to blame it, on the contrary, it is better to clean it from the beginning.

Mrs. Tang can ask her for help. Although Shuanghe Ranch is a good place, compared to the huge property and wealth of the Tang family, Mrs. Tang will never have any thoughts on Shuanghe Ranch.

Of course, if the Shuanghe Ranch did not belong to Su Jin, Mrs. Tang would probably be tempted. But since there is already a master, and this master is Su Jin, she will only be happy for Su Jin, and will not have the idea of ​​taking it for herself.

Before seeking Mrs. Tang's help, Su Jin, A Mo, and Gu Yunzheng went to the tooth shop to buy a lot of people.

There are 20 people around the rough and miscellaneous work of raising horses, such as tidying up the stables, cleaning up the manure, cleaning the horses, and taking care of the foals.

There are many people who are good at herding horses and sheep in Wushui City, and they also picked three or four experienced ones to take back.

Twelve people in charge of various chores in the household.

In addition, there are eighteen people responsible for farming.

It is inconvenient to get in and out there, and there is no shortage of meat, but it is more reliable to grow vegetables by yourself, especially after discovering that there is a hot spring there, Su Jin is even more ecstatic.

Be sure to open up vegetable plots, and the number should not be small. Maybe eating fresh vegetables in winter depends on that.

There were more than 50 people in the early stage, plus Qin Da and other twelve people also went there together, and let them take charge of the management, which was enough.

Although Qin Da and the others were still young, Amo and Gu Yunzheng would go over to check on them from time to time, and it was expected that nothing would happen.

After buying people and preparing daily necessities, they, together with Qin Da and others, divided into two batches and settled in Shuanghe Ranch quietly.

Su Jin didn't go in person, and asked A Mo and Gu Yunzheng to lead them away. She had to listen to Qin Lang's instructions.

It's really not easy for a woman like her to walk around outside the city too much. In case of anything, A Mo and Gu Yunzheng can react quickly, not to mention anything else, it's not difficult to get out of the body, but she may not be able to do it.

Qin Da and others were a little dumbfounded when they saw the luxuriant water and grass and the pleasant scenery of Shuanghe Ranch, as if they had come to heaven in a trance.

Those bought servants, especially the horse shepherds, were even more eye-catching, and they were overwhelmed with surprise, and their uneasy hearts were suddenly settled.

This place is simply a piece of pure land, and it is so rich, at least there is no need to worry about life in the future.

Even if there is nothing here right now, everyone's hearts are full of enthusiasm and hope.

They are all servants, and their idea is very simple. It is enough for the master's house not to beat or scold, to have a safe place to stay, and to have food to eat.

As for the others, they won't and don't want to think about it, because that's not what they should think about.

As for whether there will be any ambitions in the future, that is a matter for the future.

Everyone set up a simple tent, and with simple daily necessities, they lived here for the time being.

The high-level work of building a house cannot be done without the guidance of professional craftsmen, but the simple work of building stables, stables, and building hay storage can be done.

There is also open up wasteland to grow vegetables.

There is a large piece of rich and fertile land near the river beach around the site of the ranch. At this time, the land is open, and there is still time to grow many vegetables such as radishes, beans, courgettes, and green vegetables.

There are also large clusters of very common wild leeks and wild onions growing on the grassland.

Wild leeks can be cut off one by one to make leek sauce, sealed in a large porcelain jar, and can be used to accompany meals in winter.

In the early morning, you can also pick a lot of mushrooms, pick them and put them in the sun to expose them to the sun. Stewed mutton and beef in winter are excellent things.

There are many mushrooms on the prairie. They come out of the soil under the dewdrops in the morning, or pop up one after another after the rain. If they are not picked in time, they will quickly age and wither in half a day, and they can no longer be eaten.

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