Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 645 Dementia

Although Si Rong and Liao Xiaojie backed away slightly, their attitude was obvious, equivalent to a slap on Luo Ziyuan's face.

With a "boom" in Luo Ziyuan's head, the blood rushed straight to his forehead, glared at Su Jin viciously, raised his hand and rushed towards her, screaming: "Bitch, you are spreading rumors! You are talking nonsense! I will beat you to death!"

Su Jin screamed "Ah!", hurriedly avoided, and reminded Luo Ziyuan kindly: "Miss Luo, you really need to control your emotions! Otherwise, the condition will get worse and worse!"

The eyes looking at Luo Ziyuan became more pitiful and sympathetic.

"Shut up, shut up! Bitch, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to peel off your skin!" Luo Ziyuan was about to explode in anger, and stared fiercely at Su Jin chasing and beating her. No one doubted her determination to tear Su Jin to pieces.

Can she not hate?

Naturally, she wouldn't say anything about what happened outside the city that day, and Su Jin didn't say anything, but today she mentioned it in front of Si Rong and Liao Xiaojie, Luo Ziyuan felt ashamed, and anger was aroused in her heart.

Su Jin then brazenly referred to General Zheng as her friend, which made Luo Ziyuan even more jealous.

When Su Jin keeps saying that she suffers from some kind of "dementia" and still looks at her with that kind of sympathy and pity, if Luo Ziyuan doesn't explode, then it's not Luo Ziyuan.

She has always been the only one who gave alms to others from above, but today Su Jin "such a person" shows sympathy and pity, it would be unreasonable not to get angry!

Dazed by anger and jealousy, Luo Ziyuan chased after Su Jin ferociously, scolding incessantly, causing the maids and women in the yard to scream again and again, and all of them were dumbfounded.

Si Rong and Liao Xiaojie looked at each other, with lingering fear in their hearts, they took a few steps back, with complicated emotions and unspeakable feelings.

I really didn't expect that Luo Ziyuan looks fine, but she has such a strange disease, it's better not to associate with her in the future. Then Mrs. Qin said that the disease is contagious, if in case——

The two looked at each other at the same time again, and saw the same panic in each other's eyes. Obviously, they wanted to go together!

For a moment, the two of them were a little creepy, and they felt that something was wrong. Later, I was afraid, I was afraid that Mrs. Qin would give a proper diagnosis, and I would have to take some medicine to feel at ease.

While Su Jin and Bai Shao avoided Luo Ziyuan's pursuit, the doctors were benevolent, conscientious, and well-intentioned, and they did not forget to remind Luo Ziyuan.

"Miss Luo, calm down, you really can't do this!"

"Miss Luo, as a doctor, I sincerely hope that you can listen to my advice and stop making trouble."

"Miss Luo, if you continue like this, you will not be far from becoming an idiot!"

"Miss Luo"

"Ah! Shut up, shut up! I'm going to kill you, kill you! Shut up!" Luo Ziyuan was going crazy.

This bitch, how dare she tease her like this! How dare she!

Luo Ziyuan was really about to explode. She didn't care about her image at the moment and what others would think of her. Moreover, as the eldest lady of the Luo family, she seldom needed to think about others. Poor, others need to look at her face and guess what she's thinking. Now that she's about to burst out of anger, how can she care about other things?

Su Jin tried to dissuade her with "good intentions and good intentions" for a long time but failed, and finally gave up, "Oh!" With a stomp, the maids and women who had already been stunned hurriedly said loudly: "You are still standing in a daze!" What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and help catch Miss Luo? If Miss Luo gets sick and hurts herself, can you bear it!"

Si Rong and Liao Xiaojie also suddenly changed their colors and came back to their senses. Luo Ziyuan seemed crazy at the moment, it was too scary, what if she was hurt by her? So he hurriedly called out: "Quick, quick, catch Sister Luo!"

All the maids and wives also listened to what Su Jin said before, and believed them a little more than their own masters. At this moment, he was a little nervous, but he didn't dare to disobey the master's order, so he had to wait and see and reluctantly stepped forward.

Just at this time, Madam Ma, who was beside Mrs. Si, came over. When Madam Si learned that Su Jin was taken away by her daughter, she knew that something might happen.

Although Su Jin's husband's position is several levels lower than her husband's, Su Jin is a guest after all, and she still has something to ask Su Jin to help.

As soon as Mother Ma came over, what she saw was Luo Ziyuan screaming and madly chasing after Su Jin, and the messy looks of the maids and wives who wanted to step forward to grab someone but were too timid, and she was shocked for a long time. Then he exclaimed: "My God, what's the matter?"

Si Rong was overjoyed when she saw her, and hurriedly said: "Mama Mama, you came just in time, hurry up, get someone to catch Miss Luo."

Mama Mama hurriedly ordered, and the two women who followed her hurried forward.

With someone in the lead, Luo Ziyuan was soon caught.

Luo Ziyuan was supported by a wave of anger and jealousy before, and now she has been chasing Su Jin for so long. No matter how arrogant she is, it is rare for her to do any hard work. Now that she is caught by someone, she is a little shaky when she vents her anger , her legs were weak, and she didn't fall to the ground because of the support of the two women, one on the left and one on the right, but she didn't forget to hate Su Jin.

Tired and gasping for breath, he still didn't forget to stare at Su Jin and yell at Su Jin viciously, beating and killing him.

With such an expression, coupled with vicious words and a mess all over his body, that appearance looks terrifying and terrifying.

Si Rong, Liao Xiaojie and others who knew the "inside story" couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling, and couldn't help feeling sympathetic and fearful.

Su Jin still had a face of sympathy and pity, shook his head and sighed, with a gesture of compassion, "Miss Luo, why are you doing this? You will really hurt yourself like this! Let people know, isn't it a joke for nothing? ?”

Luo Ziyuan was stunned, he couldn't explain what happened today, and with so many people present, it would definitely spread. She didn't care much if it spread to other people's ears.

But what if it reaches the ears of General Zheng Da? What would General Zheng think? Would he also think he was a lunatic?

No, no, absolutely not!

Just thinking about it, Luo Ziyuan fell into extreme anger and fear, and screamed at Su Jin: "Su Shi, I'm going to kill you!"

Now the scene was even more chaotic.

Luo Ziyuan's girl ran over in a hurry, crying loudly, and all the maids screamed and screamed into chaos.

After Madam Si found out, she barely fainted from anger.

Her husband is an official, although she is not afraid of the Luo family, but there is no need to offend the Luo family, right? Qianglong still doesn't fight against local snakes.

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